You finally get a gf but she wants you to make her breakfast in bed at least once a month

you finally get a gf but she wants you to make her breakfast in bed at least once a month
what do you make her

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Toasts with butter, coffee and a piece of fruit.
At least thats the usual thing I do for myself.

Tell her to fuck off because is dont make compromises, not even for relationships.

i'd make my bf breakfast in bed once a week desu.

>t. tranny

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I make her some fresh cummies with my morning wood. If that's not good enough she can carry her ass to the kitchen.


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Toast, cereal, and a big cock.

il make breakfast multiple times a week but eating in bed would just make a mess
why was this meme started, eating in bed sucks
i like sitting at my table and looking out the window while i wake up with breakfast

WTF she needs toilet paper for?
Is she going to SHIT?!

eggs bacon hashbrowns and a creampie

I think I make pretty good bacon and egg sandwiches, so probably that and maybe a hashbrown patty. I hope she likes coffee!

I love making women cry. It's so satisfying when you find the right thing to say. It feels good to uncover their insecurities and punish them like they do to men.

ooook edgy mcedginess

You seem like a big and strong man

crispy bacon
toast with strawberry jam
scrambled eggs

and juice or milk

Based morning sex chad
I personally do fried egg/poached egg, wheat toast, potatoes obrien, and sausage two ways. First way is spicy breakfast sausage and second is potentially forced insertion but white girls like rape sausage

I've made women cry without really intending to before. It's a weird but powerful feel.

A bowl of eggs. Just. Eggs.

You are not Chad so your opinion is worthless anyway.

>he makes eggs

I need a bf who hates eggs as much as I do.

>oh here honey I made you some delicious unfertilized chicken ovums that a bird shat out

Fucking disgusting, how do people eat that shit.

Sorry user, but there is such a high correlation between being an anime girl poster and being a tranny, that people just treat it like is the same.

Scrambled eggs and baked beans on buttered toast, cause its easy to make, tastes good, filling, nutritious. Also orange juice. Maybe I'd add some bacon once in awhile or sausage

A knuckle sandwich if she doesnt get her lazy ass in the kitchen and make my breakfast.

i'm not an anime girl poster. i only have a few like that :)
but i am a tranny tho.
i just want a bf so i can cook and clean for him, give him blowies when he gets home from a stressful day at work and cuddle while watching netflix in bed.

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I make her a box with my dick in it.

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I give her warm, crunchy bread. It's what I eat for breakfast.

Sounds wholesome. I wish I could find a cute trap bf because girls are smelly. But I'm not gay and most traps arent feminine enough for me to treat like a girl

i'm going to throw a fruit salad at your face SLUT

I say fuck first then start cooking
When I wake up the first thing I notice is my raging boner the second thing is how hungry I am
Any girl who doesn't enjoy being woken up by my dick doesn't deserve my eggs and bacon anyway

What i would make myself. Toast, eggs, oatmeal, and black tea. Maybe fruit

yeah i don't pass yet, and i just look androgynous - leaning male. hoping i can start passing soon, then hopefully acquire bf.