Is it normal to feel physically sick from lonliness? how long until im totally numb to it all?

is it normal to feel physically sick from lonliness? how long until im totally numb to it all?

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Some people can stand loneliness before than others, that's all

is it heartbreak ? That is one is normal. I felt super sad when I couldn't be someone who rejected me.

heartbreak but she pretty much unintentionally made all our friends hate me

ive been completely fucked over and nobody to go to

>she pretty much unintentionally made all our friends hate me
green text it

Yeah, loneliness is very bad for you if you cant cope with it. Babies die from being lonely, it causes a bunch of maladaptive behaviors AND shortens your life span physically too, so it is absolutely possible to feel ill from loneliness.
>in fact, this is one thing my doctor has attributed to me feeling under the weather physically despite all the labwork coming in clean

Relatable man, the girl I like fell for my fuckboy friend.

alright here we go

>we hook up after clusterfuck relationship with previous guy we were friends with
>she hates him says how great i am
>have max feels for eachother think this is going to last forever
>while this is happening douchebag faggot ex is stirring shit about me and her with our friends because they still like him
>dont give a shit because we have eachother
>one day shes horny as fuck but im gone for the week
>she cant lie to me
>calls me next day crying saying she cheated on me because shes a whore and couldnt hold it in
>feel shit have a few days silence
>she will probably do it again but shes all i have so i forgive her she keeps apolagising worrying im going to leave her
>she has no idea
>day after we break up kek
>fuck but i guess its for the best


>she immediately goes back to friends who hate us but theyre cool with her
>turns out she went back to douchefaggot ex who "fucked up her life"
>i feel like shit AND have former friends manipulated by faggotdouche harrassing me via discord
>me and her still talk because im so fucking lonely and she is aware about the situation but is such a soulless bitch she acts like an innocent bystander like she has nothing to do with it. doesnt speak to douchefaggot, doesnt question how fucked up this all is
>mfw this is real
>are they even humans?

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Sounds like a shitty group of people tbqh. Fuck em

in retrospect i guess she didnt "make them" hate me but it doesnt change the situation much and what she did is still a disgrace

Took me 27 years of alone life to start feeling numb to it.
Looks like you're a normie though, you have a long road ahead of you.

Fuck, that sucks, user. Hopefully things get better for you. Get some new friends or just acquaintances and remember- never stick your dick in a crazy

Youre a faggot for not leaving the second she fucked another guy
She knows youre a cuck and is using that to her advantage. It will only happen to you for as long you allow it to. Man up and have some respect for yourself and set boundaries that should never be crossed and if they are youll respect yourself enough to walk away. Fucking faggot

based response i wanted to hear

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And user it takes about 3-4 years to become numb to it m 21 and Im
at that stage now
Im not an incel etc but Ive had enough experience with women and friends to know I prefer to be alone maybe sometimes see friends or maybe get laid occasionally I somehow get the drive to pursue it

I spent years alone at lunches, dodging teachers so I dont look like a loner
This is all the way through till I was 18 even though Ive been getting pussy since 16 girls are just scum and will fuck you over no matter what

Ive had two seperate virgins and even 3 roasties they all fuck you over and flirt with so called guy friends
Its shitty bro

Truthful dubs

Truthful dubs about truthful dubs

>dont give a shit because we have eachother
Mistake #1: "yUo ArE nOt WiLlIng To FiGht FoR mE bUt He Iz"
>i forgive her
Mistake #2: Being a cuckfaggot.
>t she went back to douchefaggot ex who "fucked up her life"
Saw this coming when I read the 'didn't give a shit' part.
>me and her still talk because im so fucking lonely
Mistake #3: Desperate mother fuckers are either hated and/or taken advantage of.
>are they even humans?
If you consider normalfags human then yes, if not then no.

I'm not saying it's your fault but it's also your fault for not already knowing what I mentioned above, If you've been here for couple of months then you should already know how holes and normalfags tick.

>27 years

fucking fuck man whats the road like?

Tell her the truth about how you feel you fucking retard

Kill her ex.

Around 23-25. I'm 28 and haven't felt anything for the last two years, even when I get hit on. Completely dead inside.

Tell him to enjoy the taste of your dick in his gf's mouth and get new friends man.

actually the one good thing that came out of all this

>my dick is 2 inches more confirmed

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your words are wise user but when youre on the spot and have to choose risking lonliness for possibly ever vs show you wont tolerate shit in front of nobody

>Hedgehog Dilemma
your friends are shit and so by association so are you
burn your bridges and make new ones or continue paying this price
I have been friendless for 10+ years and would take another 10+ rather than put up with this bullshit but I can understand that not everyone would
Pick your crown up, dust it off and wear it proudly king don't keep simping for these bitches and fuckbois

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I never did but then after a girl came into my life and left abruptly I felt physically sick for months everytime I thought about her

You wont be lonely forever thats just the devil......Ive had the same thought myself but thats weakness trying to hold onto it because you think youre less without it

Its a long road but just make sure you dont lose yourself

I used to feel like this when I was was 15, I would sometimes vomit from how bad I felt, I'd cry a lot. But now it's the opposite. I feel great alone and feel sick when around other people. Human body is an amazing organism to adjust like this.

You're making excuses, user. Go with 's advise and find you new friends, or don't and get used to being alone, because both of these are much better alternatives than sticking with people who treat you like shit.

>You wont be lonely forever
yes he will. some people just weren't mean to be around others.
it's better to get used to it and go over this than to lie to yourself.

whyd you go for your friends girl? You the badguy

You dont know that though, life can change overnight
Its weak to accept defeat, even for you user its never too late to start trying to be happy again and productive. Nothing will come overnight but try every day to be slightly better maybe tidy up eat more food work out

Life changes, but people don't. If someone has antisocial personality, that's just what they are. If you consider that's a loss, then you can never win. But it's not, because it's not a competition, that's just what people are.