Vegan question thread

do you think animals have moral status?

what do you think about philosophical veganism?

do you think the way we treat cows pigs and chickens in industrial farms is morally acceptable?

what would be stopping you from agreeing with it or adopting a vegan diet?

do you think adopting a vegan diet is an effective way to reduce animal suffering?

do you think its hypocritical to care about ethics for yourself or for other humans, yet disregard ethical issues for animals?

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I'm fucking tired of your vegan posting

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ah, so you think the endless threads of gays, trannies, orbiters, race baiters and girlfriend threads are better?

are you saying my threads reduce the quality of Yas Forums?

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is it ok that humans eat animals: yes
is it ok how we treat them: no

we should only be allowed to eat animals we killed personally, if you want to eat animals you didn't kill yourself it should be fucking expensive as hell
the main problem though isn't us eating animals though, its overpopulation: if we were only 100000 humans on earth things would be better for all.

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take your shitty philosophy one step further and admit that all living beings are inherently selfish by necessity and thrive at the expense of other living beings

It's not about board quality, you're just a broken record

>take your shitty philosophy one step further and admit that all living beings are inherently selfish by necessity and thrive at the expense of other living beings

does that morally justify doing anything we want to then?

is it morally acceptable to rape and kill children because we thrive at the expense of others?

is it morally acceptable to enslave other people because we can benefit at their expense?

how am i any different than most of r9k? you know there are over 1000 gay general thread in this cesspool. and you havent adressed any of the questions i asked in this thread, why is that?

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>we should only be allowed to eat animals we killed personally

so is it okay for me to kill dogs and eat a tiny bit of it, and throw the rest out, if i killed it myself? lets just say i only like eating dog tongue, and i throw the rest out, does that make it okay?

is it okay to kill chimpanzees and gorillas if i only eat 1 of their fingers and throw the rest out?

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it means that to live is immoral

so you are appealing to futility?

you are basically saying, "since by the act of being alive, some squirl had to get its home cut down for the hospital i was born in, so its futile to try to be immoral, so we can be as immoral as we want?"

would you people torturing and killing dogs or children on that argument?

>is it okay to kill chimpanzees and gorillas if i only eat 1 of their fingers and throw the rest out?

I wouldn't mind. Go to Detroit if you really want some monkey meat.

no, i'm saying that it's impossible to have a perfectly moral existence and that veganism is a necessary evil (as close to you can get to perfect while still being alive)

would you be okay to kill humans for meat?

if not, whats the difference between humans and animals that makes it okay to kill animals for meat, but not humans?

> and that veganism is a necessary evil (as close to you can get to perfect while still being alive)

okay, so i assume you mean that veganism is morally superior to eating meat by saying this

do you care about acting moral in your own life? does it bother you being hypocritical, or are you indifferent about it?

whats stopping you from adopting a vegan diet?

what do you think about the health aspect of a vegan diet? do you think eating meat/dairy/eggs is healthy?

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i am a vegan but i wish i could live a morally perfect life
people eat too much meat which has negative health effects but meat on occasion isn't unhealthy
there is a difference between killing humans and animals and it's that humans are more conscious of their suffering than animals are, but veganism is morally superior to both options because plants are less conscious of their suffering than both
please stop double linebreaking it makes you look bad

>ah, so you think the endless threads of gays, trannies, orbiters, race baiters and girlfriend threads are better?

Yes because some of them are at least somewhat enjoyable

>you havent adressed any of the questions
Ugh fine

>do you think animals have moral status?
obviously their status is relative, not a question of whether the posses one or not
>what do you think about philosophical veganism?
Eccentricity is common among philosophers
>do you think the way we treat cows pigs and chickens in industrial farms is morally acceptable?
Sure, with exceptions
>what would be stopping you from agreeing with it or adopting a vegan diet?
I prefer eating anything I feel like eating
>do you think adopting a vegan diet is an effective way to reduce animal suffering?
>do you think its hypocritical to care about ethics for yourself or for other humans, yet disregard ethical issues for animals?

>and it's that humans are more conscious of their suffering than animals are

how can you reasonably say this? how can you say that animals are LESS concious of their suffering, when they are concious? what metric are you using to measure this? seriously, i dont know how you came to this conclusion

what do you think about this evidence that i just provided showing that animals are just as sentient and conscious than humans?

i just dont understand how you can reasonably say that animals are LESS conscious than humans. they are less intelligent for sure, but not less conscious. intelligence doesn't equal sentience or consciousness. smarter people are not more conscious than dumber people. doctors are not more conscious than people who didnt graduate high school

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>obviously their status is relative, not a question of whether the posses one or not

so what it that determines moral status? what is it that gives a living being moral status? which animals have moral status in your opinion, and why? do dogs? do pigs? do cows?

>do you think the way we treat cows pigs and chickens in industrial farms is morally acceptable?
>Sure, with exceptions

if we treated dogs or human beings in the same way, would that be morally acceptable?

>do you think its hypocritical to care about ethics for yourself or for other humans, yet disregard ethical issues for animals?

do you think its hypocritical to torture animals for sadistic pleasure? like kicking dogs for fun, or slowly torturing them to death, for fun

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i meant conscious as an adjective, in that they aren't as aware of what their pain means in the grand scheme of things (and the futility of it) as a human being is
the less intelligent something is, the less fear they're capable of feeling, because fear requires intelligence to function, and fear ties in with pain to make it all the more worse

not that animals can't feel fear, but that humans can feel much more fear than an animal can, so when considering those two options, eating the animal would be more morally correct than eating the human
but plants feel less fear than both, so it is more morally correct to be a vegan than to eat either

>so what it that determines moral status?
It's an artificial construct, it's given based on one level of agency I suppose

>if we treated human beings in the same way, would that be morally acceptable
No, with exceptions

>do you think its hypocritical to torture animals for sadistic pleasure? like kicking dogs for fun, or slowly torturing them to death, for fun
It wouldn't be hypocritical if the sadist was also a masochist
I think equating all agriculture with torture is disingenuous

>...the pains of life are made much worse for man by the fact that death is something very real to him. The brute flies from death instinctively without really knowing what it is, and therefore without ever contemplating it in the way natural to a man, who has this prospect always before his eyes.
t. schopenhauer

no, if you kill an animal every part should be used. it should be so precious / expensive that you don't want to throw out any part of it. eating animals should be hard and it should be work.
(like it was in the past when hunters hunted animals)

The only reason to go vegan that I respect is to reduce pollution. Just like Monika. I would go vegan myself if I was living alone and had any access to meat alternatives.

Its hypocritical to say you value animals and then the best you can do for them is join a fad diet for middle aged housewives.

Passively protesting unethical factory farming is cute, but I guarantee that your motivation is not to save animals but to hurt humans. Every single one of your threads is an ego trip focused on people. If an animal was dying next to you, you would post online about how you didnt eat it instead of saving jt

people latch onto these things to give purpose to their lives, not to hurt other people

I don't care, meat tastes good, women pretend to care to make themselves look wholesome, men pretend to care in order to fuck the women who need their men to conform to their pretend values

On the off chance a man has developed veganism of his own accord due to moral precepts of his own machination, this is due to a compensation for some other failing in life, a need for intellectual superiority over people who can't be bothered to weigh themselves down with a self-righteous rule

You know, I've come to the conclusion that I agree with vegans on almost every point of importance.
Are animal Products bad for your health? Probably.
Is torturing and killing animals for their products morally deplorable? Almost certainly.
Is the animal Industry horrible for the environment? You betcha.
But the thing is, I kinda don't really care all that much. While I do have some concern for the environment, morality and my health, it's not enough to offset the pleasure and convenience of using animal products. I mean these are all great arguments, but I just don't give enough of a fuck to go vegan.

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Yes I am a animal rights activist. I would say more but Yas Forums has a history of obsessive internet people who start smear campaigns

>do you think animals have moral status?
>what do you think about philosophical veganism?
stupid. A human lives, animals have to die for that, no matter if you eat them or not. Most time eating them is more humane than let's say.. wearing cotton, more animals die because of that and in a much more cruel way.
>do you think the way we treat cows pigs and chickens in industrial farms is morally acceptable?
Optimally there should be less meat consumption, so that every animal we eat can roam free while alive and enjoy it's existence.
>what would be stopping you from agreeing with it or adopting a vegan diet?
I'll never be vegan. I'm a human. I live so other species have to die on mass. I use an iphone, I enjoy travel, there's some cotton in my shirts I wear, etc. etc. all contributing much more to cruel animal death than I could ever cause by eating meat.
>do you think adopting a vegan diet is an effective way to reduce animal suffering?
No. See reasons above. I know of one effective way though.. kys.
>do you think its hypocritical to care about ethics for yourself or for other humans, yet disregard ethical issues for animals?
There are ethical issues with being a human. Get over it. Don't pretend like you are not human. Of course we would care more about us, our fellow humans, than animals, cause we are the most dangerous unethical species on the planet. You existing on this planet, means, others have to suffer and die, especially if living in a first world country as a human. Grow up.

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>do you think animals have moral status?
I think moral are only a luxury that the strong can afford. Literally a social construct. No one is entitled to live. Life is nothing but a struggle.
We live in overly peaceful times nowadays but in troubling times, not even humans have moral status.
>what do you think about philosophical veganism?
>do you think the way we treat cows pigs and chickens in industrial farms is morally acceptable?
As I said, morals are relative.
Personally I despise the modern industry and frown upon the needless suffering given in the pursuit of money.
But only thinking of animals is hypocrite. How many vegans have clothes from big brand or smartphone? They were also made by the suffering of others.
>what would be stopping you from agreeing with it or adopting a vegan diet?
Vegan diet? Nothing.
Since I already disagree with it I only go and take my meat from a local butcher who get his animals from a farmer I know (and I buy my milk and eggs directly from him). I have seen the conditions of life of the animals there and it was quite nice.
>do you think adopting a vegan diet is an effective way to reduce animal suffering?
You just replace local suffering to faraway suffering.
All the forests getting razed for growing soi and all others vegans products also cause harm.
Finally, the best method is to avoid industrious meat and eat less meat.
>do you think its hypocritical to care about ethics for yourself or for other humans, yet disregard ethical issues for animals?
Not really. It all depends on your mindset.
Of course, if you try to ignore animal suffering while preaching about people, you're a cunt.
I don't care either for most humans and most animals. I have a "not my kin, not my problem" mindset.