Why not get a 7 feet tall gf whose tits are so big that they could actually suffocate you?

Why not get a 7 feet tall gf whose tits are so big that they could actually suffocate you?

Attached: gf0rgdqb04u41.png (717x946, 579.91K)

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Someone name some tall female pornstars like this

imagine how long and thicc her fingers are as she tickles your bum during bj

Aren't taller females a bit more moody than shorter ones? /:

Lilith is like 6 feet tall and has ridiculous tits

Attached: lilith.webm (640x466, 190.98K)

Isn't Gianna Michaels like 5'10 or 5'11? /: Very meaty, too.

Had a hearty laugh at that tit cow. I love big tits but those are caricature level large.

No thanks, I prefer short flatties.

She's 5 ft 9 in, not 6 ft

Pretty tallish

>Why not get a 7 feet tall gf
You say this as if the 7 foot tall gf would be willing to date me

Probably because women over like 5'7" are an extreme rarity the further you go up
From my experience, women only want men over 6 foot regardless of height. The women who are taller than all the men may be coerced to settle, but that's still an uphill battle when taller men than you are present. I've seen women refuse perfectly good men because they wanted someone even taller to come along.

I fucking wish, I would be her exclusive 5'5 cuddle pillow.

Oh. Thanks or the response. It's just something I noticed in school years ago. Taller than average females are moody, a bit of a tomboy and kind weird.

Yeah they can be totally fucked in the head as well

Attached: femcel.jpg (2112x1690, 840.16K)

An Amazonian woman is my end goal

Attached: EQzyyfzUwAAHss9.jpg (868x1228, 194.62K)

Wait... Isn't Saitama like 5'9? She looks shorter than him. She's no Amazonian!

I'm trying but they realize I'm 5'7 and would rather me die.

You say that as if it's a bad thing. Besides, short women have problems of their own.
Who's this?

Why whiteknight??? /:

Attached: 4cb12c6a44938c1f4ca715106b644e5f.gif (300x172, 175.61K)

By what metric am I whiteknighting? In my experience, short women are extremely immature and have some weird father-daughter complex. Not that tall women don't, but short women are able to actively engage in it.

You think some short fembot will see this and be your gf.

>shit talk short women
>"you want a short gf"
Are you sure you're a licensed armchair psychologist?

>tfw want a giant gf with the proportions of a shortstack with massive tits n ass
why cant i have it, lads?

Attached: chyna.jpg (750x750, 58.8K)

I have a 5'4'' mega tit gf and nearly choke in her juggs at least twice a week
>have titcow gf
>sleep each night with me being the little spoon
>her tits are on my shoulders or the back of my head
>her tits cover my ears and neck they're so big
>turn around and bury my face in there while alseep
>wake up choking for air because her tits covered my whole mouth and nose cutting off my airway
>do this again every night for 8 years because the mega tits on my face are just worth it
pic related

Attached: IMG_0948.jpg (1062x793, 397.83K)

This girl looks so much like someone I know from my law school and it's kinda fucking with my brain. I can't actually tell if it's her or not.

Attached: 1568038297527.jpg (165x157, 4.36K)

This is her reddit account, if you wanna see some more pics: reddit.com/user/chocoloco24

>Uses green text to try to make a point

Ok short little man

Well, it's not her, which is simultaneously relieving and boring.

Attached: 1544863841832.png (1440x942, 1M)

ah too bad
what's the girl from your law school like then?

Oh, I see. It's not actually a serious reply, it's just a troll. Well ok then.

Attached: image.jpg (1600x1200, 952.94K)

She's pretty strange. I'm almost certain she exists just to be contrarian.

>She's about 5'10'' and around 30 years old
>She dates a guy who is 5'9'' and is 22
> extremely religious
>tomboyish about sports and outdoors stuff, extremely feminine about traditional female roles like being a mother/homemaker/cooking/etc. ("Oh, I can't use a barbecue! I'll just clean the dishes after")
>her parents married young

That's all I really know about her, but she's anomalous to say the least.

Attached: 1582676753559.jpg (236x200, 8.65K)