Do you really need a relationship, robot?

Do you really need a relationship, robot?

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nah not really, no

even if I needed one I don't deserve one. with the way people treat each other anyway. does anyone need a relationship?

Not yet, but one day I will. When my I grasp control over my life, when I have a house, car and the like, when I can provide for the right good woman, then yes. I will need a relationship then.

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no not really, as someone with a gf and newborn baby, all relationships get old.. Just live and have fun until you die.

Probably not but spending years alone and isolated makes me do some desperate things.

I have ended up in a relationship before just from a girl talking to me. I grab whatever I can get and hold on for dear life even if the person is obviously crazy

i guess if i could steal a car and get far enough away from everyone then i wouldnt need anything and could die in peace

Like arthur morgan did, fuck everyone fuck dutch just live life, and fuck mary i always turned down that bitch.

Need is a strong word, so no. You don't.

Imo people can "function" without a SO, sure. But it is pretty empty and pointless emotionally, just functioning and maintenance. You need to be the type of guy who makes his own goals up to even try. An 'autist' in the view of the more animalistic people, someone who can live in and find satisfaction in his work on self-decided project and goals.
And you'll likely still feel pretty empty and listless whenever you managed to reach one of those goals. It seems like an ashen "Right, I did that too, how nice...and now?" feeling, like when you finished a good book and wish it had not ended.
Turns out that way for me at least

Satisfied and happy about things I can only feel with a girl, with having someone in my life to do all that shit for, with making her smile, with totally wowing her with something she thought impossible.
But eh, talking only for myself here. ymmv.

Romantic? No. Enough people are breeding to keep humanity going, and romantic relationships are hard to maintain if you genuinely don't feel like it'll improve your situation it most likely won't.

Friendship? Yes. You need someone to care about just so you can strengthen yourself vicariously through them. Find someone on your wavelength so you can properly socratically converse with them and exchange attributes to each other. Even if it's a roommate, a co-worker who just likes the same shows as you, whatever.

I don't want to operate alone. I want someone I can rely on when I short-circuit.

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Do any of the normal people in relationships really need their relationships?

No, I'm schizoid desu.

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Someone with a strong enough mind should be able to live isolated but realistically It'd be nice if most people could find a partner who wants to be with them and have kids rather than spending eternity racking up their body count

It's something we crave naturally. If I can get something at least half convincing from a girlfriend robot (Like "beep boop" robot, not "I cut myself") then I'll be fine.

The so called normals are mostly less capable to bear any isolation. Current events should show that off nicely.

the lack of physical contact for my entire life sure hurts, but whenever I talk to anyone who I like romantically, so much dopamine and body sweat is released I quickly wish the sugar high would end and I can go back to the calmness I felt before hand. this process takes only 10 minutes.

I cannot imagine doing this dopamine rush sober for longer than 2 days in person, which was my previous record before I had to force the last victim to send me home. yes, sex was implied to have been what should have happened.

I am genuinely satisfied with just forcing myself to get romantically attached to a random eceleb and enjoying that 1-8 hour dopamine rush that is a stream then feeling that fucking 5 month long nightmare that was mutual romantic feelings and this person's attempts to gently coerce me into the idea of sex with them.

attractive spergy no ready for relationship he got brain disease dopamine flood brain too much and get the 10 soda in 30 minute gut rot shit diarrhea and consume large amounts of alcohol to cope with idea of sex

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See an escort dude Oregon

Makes me a bit envious.
To me it sounds like if you guys can simply fake just enough social theater to not stand out too much despite your disinterest, you must be set for a comfy life without ever needing someone else in it.
Correct me if I get this all wrong and it is a personal hell.

cant, sexual trauma. that's why they were trying to gently coerce me into the idea of sex. it's also half the reason I panic so much

>TFW you will never cum inside a mare pussy while looking down upon the unspoiled American plains

Feels bad man.

Need is a funny concept
I want one tho

fucking same bro I get so skittish and wired around women it's insane. sometimes I think it's good that I'll probably be a virgin forever, sex with a woman probably make me have a mental breakdown or something

>cannot imagine doing this dopamine rush sober for longer than 2 days
it'll get down to normal levels with time.

how about some therapy then

>can simply fake just enough social theater to not stand out too much despite your disinterest
Not me personally, I'm autistic as hell and find it difficult to act normal. Not full-blown spaghetti o, but I'm pretty sure I always come across as weird.

Also for me if I'm being more in-depth I don't know if it's schizoid or AVPD, I couldn't form relationships if I wanted to because of autism and anxieties, general roboticisms. So I think it's less that I'm disinterested in relationships just because I'm not, more that it's because I know relationship are too much work and hassle for someone like me that I've grown to feel that they're not worth it.

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>more that it's because I know relationship are too much work and hassle for someone like me that I've grown to feel that they're not worth it.
This resonates with me currently, though I'm still unsure if it was real disinterest or just the fact I was too busy dealing with my shit life when younger to care about relationships. But yeah, as things stand now it's simply too much effort for the possible reward. The math doesn't add up, too much to catch up with.

How old are you, user? Not the guy you're replying to by the way.

While I do naturally want to be with a woman, I simply must go against that nature because it would only get in the way of the Lord's purpose for my life.

I'm 22, I have to think about it for a second because the years just melt together now ahah.

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I see. I'm 28 but I've never had a proper friend ever before and my relationship with my family has always been extremely distant, thus today the very concept of relationship is simply alien to me. Like, why the hell would I want to be with someone again? how does that even work? It just feels like there's an unbridgeable gap, a thick glass between others and me.

So do your anxieties stem from failed relationships or rather from lack thereof? How was your relationship with your family? Do you ever worry you could lose your mind down the road if you follow this path? And by path I mean having literally nobody besides perhaps parents being aware of your existence, not having even online "friends". Wanting to play it safe in case something bad happens, rather than a real desire for relationships.

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>Finally get gf
>she's very needy
>always sends me dumb snapchats
>gets mad if I don't text her every day (it is a lockdown I guess)
>convos aren't very interesting
>she types like black twitter
>can't stop finding flaws in her and wishing I was alone

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