Whenever I reveal online that I'm 30 and I don't have education, job or a gf...

Whenever I reveal online that I'm 30 and I don't have education, job or a gf, people start screaming at me how I'm a loser and how could I have fucked up this bad.
There's this guy in particular, on another website, and he's been arguing with me for months now. I give him a reason why I couldn't perform better in society and he starts smashing my so called "excuses" and tries to draw a connection to mental weakness.
Like wtf man, why does he do this? It's not like he's giving advice, he's just there to enjoy the position of superiority. That's such bullshit.

You do realize this kind of thinking reveals you're 19, right? It's not just immature but it reveals you're under a lot of pressure to perform and you're projecting it on others. I don't have to live up to the expectations you have set for yourself.

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>be 19
>your dad is disappointed in you
>you go online and find someone you can yell at, just like your dad yells at you

Fuck you kids

Kids with too much time on their hands become trolls. Don't get invested in that shit.

what do you do with your time then? i'm not judging im just curious? do you live off of government aid?

>I don't have to live up to the expectations you have set for yourself.
Then why does it bother you when people remind you that you are in fact a colossal waste of space?

I'm studying physics in a university as we speak. I wouldn't say I'm lazing around at home. I just started late and I'm very slow in completing courses.

t. OP

It still doesnt answer the question. If you feel like you dont have to live up to the expectations of others, why does it bother you when people react in a negative way to the fact you are 30 without achieving any major milestones?

but it is our mental weakness, user.
I've come to the same conclusion as him.
t. you might make it then.

>If you feel like you dont have to live up to the expectations of others, why does it bother you when people react in a negative way to the fact you are 30 without achieving any major milestones?

It bothers most people to see others have wrong opinions. In this case wrong means immature mostly.
Like I said before, the idea that life is a speedrun with set milestones at set ages is something a teenager thinks. This idea needs to be corrected for the betterment of our species.

>you are 30 without achieving any major milestones

30 is younger than you kids think. Milestones are subjective. Achieving stuff early on means you just reach the finish line, death, earlier than others.

Man, there are lots of losers out there that don't achieve anything their whole life but they're not bothered by it.
They don't argue with people over it because nobody expects nothing if them.
You are upset because you know you are a capable dude but you didn't achieve anything yet.

Just my theory

Im 19 and in a STEM degree, I moved out in sept 2018 and have been funded on the government. I had a job as a bartender and am currently on furlough pay. I have been going to the gym (jogging and exercising since lockdown) daily since I moved out and Im in great shape, due to these reasons Ive pulled an 18 year old and a 22 year old solid 8/10s since I moved out. the standards aren't what he's set himself, its what society sets you if you expect to be a functioning member of it and reap the benefits of being a functioning member of it. You don't have to get your act together but its only affecting you.

as a 19 year old i get you man life sucks its not fair at all who am i to judge.

I am 28. Here is something for you.

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I'm 20 and until a little while ago I was living in a van. Only reason I stopped was so I could attend college and get my parents off my back. No idea what I'm going to do afterwards.

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19yo is a child in my eyes. You guys know absolutely nothing about life. All I can tell you guys as a 35-year-old is that life is not a race against your friends and definitely not against some random people on Yas Forums.
Graduating from uni, getting married etc. are seen as the ultimate achievements in life at 19, but you'll learn one day that they mean nothing really. When you've hated your wife for 8 years it doesn't really feel like you've reached the highest point of your life. Seeing a job and some skank living with you as victory is a boy's idea of what a man's life is.

t. have lived together with a woman for 8 years and planning on throwing her out so I can enjoy lonely time on the computer and play vidya

Post written by someone under 25.

Ask any 60-year-old and they'd pay millions to be 30 again, receding hairline or not.

nigga i hate women why would i fucking live with one shits so dumb, my best friend just texted me hes marrying a fat thot that broke up our friendship yeah ill go to the wedding yeah ill shake hands yeah ill smile but what a fucking mong.

>I'm 20

Ree why is everyone on the Internet 8-10 years younger than me

Maybe this is why nobody agrees with me in anything.

I'm a 30 year old loser but I'm into it when people degrade me for it.

Imagine thinking that wage cucking means you've improved your life. Pic related is what normies need to do more.

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This is a pretty funny read for me.
>"Or you could be a sad sack of shit. You could have allowed the depression and apathy that took over you at 19 to run amok, never seeking the help you needed"
This is literally exactly what I did. At 19 I started therapy, medication, improved my sleep and diet, started lifting, went to University...etc.

Now I'm a 33 year old NEET virgin. LMAO. Funny how life works. Doesn't always go as planned.

>t. have lived together with a woman for 8 years and planning on throwing her out so I can enjoy lonely time on the computer and play vidya
Hmmm... I thought I was crazy to be dreaming of ending my marriage just to have more alone time. Guess I'm not the only one.

>implying virginity and non-virginity is the only meter for success

Sigh. When will you learn?

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Why do you spend so much time justifying yourself, OP? People are always going to do what they want and that includes some ammount of assholes who like to lecture others to feel better about themselves, so do what you do shamelessly and no need to try to enlighten someone who is clearly not open to change his mind. You know your own struggles, nobody else does and even if it's all excuses, there's no one better placed to know whether it's true or not than you. So if those are, indeed, excuses, you're surely already aware of it.

Thing is you don't have to do anything in life. Even if you're actually a fuck up with tons of issues and 0 life experience at 30, you don't have to succeed if you don't want to, you don't have to win because some people think life is a track where every decade is some checkpoint where you're supposed to have fullfilled objectives. Everything is about what YOU want. If you suffer so much that you can't live with the pain, then yes, it would be advised that you do something about it. If you're at peace with yourself, you don't have to do anything.

Circle of life bro. First you dream of living with a woman, then you dream of living your actual life.
That's why reading posts on Yas Forums is a bit funny to me. I can see everyone is still in stage 1.

I'd take your virginity and I don't even know you but you made me feel sorry enough for you that I would and you remind me of someone else I talk to online and wanna fuck.

>Whenever I reveal online that I'm 30 and I don't have education, job or a gf, people start screaming at me how I'm a loser and how could I have fucked up this bad

I'm in the same situation, and now the government is giving me $788/week for 16 weeks and $188 for 36 weeks beyond that. The net total should be about $19,000.

All for sitting on my ass paying no taxes for the first 30 years of my life, then doing gig work for about a year. I even quit kindergarten.

I've literally never done anything I didn't want to do. I just refused until I was given what I wanted for free. I literally have never submitted to anyone but my own parents. I yell at my bosses at the contract jobs. I tell them to their face that they're using the wrong tool to tighten down store racks and I got away with it.

you are a loser though. you're fucked up and pathetic.

I disagree, I'm a fucking awesome guy. I do rock climbing, study physics and I'm fit as fuck. Do you honestly think your degree and marital status means something? I could've gotten a degree in arts at 20, big fucking deal. Wouldn't change who I am today.

when people find out im poor and dont have a job they bully me too man

>he starts smashing my so called "excuses" and tries to draw a connection to mental weakness.
in a weird way he may have been trying to motivate you to do better. unless you're seriously disabled in some way (in which case you would qualify for SSDI and not be a "real" NEET) you are capable of getting a job and/or an education. you don't have to keep living the way you're living.

and if you don't get SSDI odds are you're depending on another person to live. that puts a shitton of pressure on THEM.

Based. Better late than never. Physics is cool and I actually know one 30 year old physics student myself

To be honest, sitting through some bullshit humanities degree and getting a job in a warehouse isn't really a feat.
Try to quit smoking and drinking, that's something.