I lost my virginity through rape AMA

Attached: suffer.jpg (600x800, 137.42K)

Why do you choose to 'count it', I guess?
Also, source for img, please

Have you had sex since the incident or has it put you off the idea?

Are you going to answer questions or will it be the same as last time?

I mean I feel like I have to count it. My hymen broke, I remember it, etc. Just because I didn't want it doesn't mean that it didn't happen to me.
And, sorry, but I don't know the image source I found it here one day.

I haven't. I'd like to but I'm afraid that it'll throw me into a panic attack or something

How are you?
Apparently this isn't original but I have nothing else to ask

Okay, I guess? I just try not to think about it too much

Who long ago and how old were you?

That's good to hear. Obviously it's not healthy to completely bottle everything up, but it's good if you don't beat yourself up over it. Hope you can move past it completely someday, at any rate.

So, fucked up as it is, I guess I have to ask, looking back, do you feel like it was 'preventable'?
Like, how do you keep getting up each day and go through it, would you consider yourself 'over it'? Do you consider it to be a big deal in your development or just like a hollow matter of fact?

It was 2 years ago, I was 18

That's not nice, how were you associated with the individual who did it?

I was on a walk in the woods with my bf at the time and two mutual friends, My bf and the other friend left me and the guy without telling us they were leaving. Once he realized we were alone he did what he did. I like to think I'm over it, but sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night crying and that's what's on my mind.

He was a friend, I was stupid and I trusted him.

Hold on that's fucked, what happened afterwards? Like, did bf notice anything off or what? That's fucking sketchy of them.

And what happened to him? You aren't going to say you just let him go.

He got away with it, I have no evidence

And your boyfriend didn't beat the shit out of him? What a faggot.

He didn't say he noticed anything, but I sometimes think they planned it

Honestly it kind of sounds like they did though that's a whole other can of worms to prod into I guess.
I'm really sorry that happened to you, not just like a generic I'm Sorry but like GENUINELY sorry that it happened under such fucked up circumstances, like, you literally did nothing wrong and got potentially set up and that is fucking absolute garbage.
Karma is bullshit but I absolutely hope that was the worst thing you'll ever have to go through and that the piece of shit eventually gets what's coming his way, and the rest of them if they indeed planned it.


Thanks user, not even the two people I told irl were as kind as you are now. Thank you; I really needed that

Are you still in touch with the guy?
Are you still together with the bf?
The whole purpose of being together with someone is to have someone on your side even when nobody else is. I wouldn't want to be together with someone, who doesn't trust me - how could i truts them if thats the case?

I cut contact will the friend immediately after, and broke up with my boyfriend within the week once the thought that they had planned became all consuming.

What happened to the rapist?

How are you coping with it? Has it made your life goals change and life satisfaction decrease?

I hope you didn't actually rape some poor soul because someone on here told you to

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I don't know, I cut contact and it's not like I could go after him in court due to the lack of evidence

to fuck with them then, don't waste any brain cells on them, they aren't in your life anymore

jfc you people are truly autistic and lack reading comprehension
not op
but like
scroll up dumbass

I'm less ambitious, more depressed, and less confidant that I will get married one day. It kinda fucked me up

So what do you want in life? Are you still going to be able to acheive your goals.

Just here to send you support. It's really something that shouldn't be even possible. I hope you'll go through it, and maybe find someone that genuinely love you.

I didn't really have a plan back then I was just excited about every thing, Now though I'm planing to be an elementary school teacher

Thank you user, that actually means a lot.

This is original

That sounds nice, have you tried having any form of relationship since then? I'm assuming you have friends at least.