Just failed my third suicide attempt this morning epic style

Now what the fuck am I suppose to do

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I guess it is just not meant to be

How did you fail at suicide?

I took a fuck ton of pills and I went to sleep and my body just puked them out

this. just try life again, you can be an hero later if you want you can also try again, but ill do it with you desu

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I'll try and then nothing will get better even though I'm fucking trying to improve my life

user dont die
you can cope with vidya or anime
or become based

Why did you try to kill yourself? Maybe you should try do something more constructive with your time.

start watching tons of videos about the impending end of the world and get really into prepping, evangelical preaching and guns, it's the only path forward user

I've lost passion for vidya and anime. I just play some game I hate or just stare at my computer with a head ache

If you're truly suicidal and nothing else is working, you can at least starve to death eventually. Eating food is a decision to sustain yourself.

Women, politics and my immediate future.

Sounds too painful and the people I live with would notice

you could always just take revenge, you only get one life

Those are just things you keep using as a distraction. Your real problem is that you're not willing to put in the effort to improve your life. You just need to take responsibility for yourself.

Keep on trying! Never give up!

you're a little bitch then who just wants attention. fuck off to a womens board like /adv/

I'm legit fucking trying to. I work out. I eat healthy. No drugs. I tried going to uni but I had to leave even though I had good marks. I try and approach women online/job/bars/ and I've sent out a ton of resumes


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How did you try to kys before this?

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1st time was gonna hang myself
2nd I tried gassing myself in my car
3rd time was pills

take the hint and keep living

How'd those attempts fail you?

God you must be absolutely useless

1. The rope was super fucking shabby and I managed to rip through it with my nails when I started to choke
2. Someone walked in and thought It was an accident woke me up
3. Puked

quantum immunity.

I'm good at cooking :x

Genuinely you didnt fail shit, your tried to overdose on tic tacs and then came here to fucking winge about it

If you actually were going to kill yourself you would bang yourself because its a no fail option

People who
>slit wrists
>drink bleach

Etc are just doing it for more and more attention. You are never going to kill yourself now fuck off

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>people who cant get a gun
>people who want to die painlessly
>people who are only suicidal most of the time, not all the time
>people who are scared of death but dont like living
hurr durr all attention whores

I meant to put hang not bang you fucking tard

Obviously you're not supposed to die yet, faggot.

>scared of death
You arent suicidal
>sometimes want to die
Again you arent suicidal
>cant get a gun
SeeActually brainiet iq, sage and fuck this shitty thread you probably have 1000 followers on Instagram and listen to shitty music and pretend your suicidal, well we know the last parts true

>wants to kill himself
>cares about legal ramifications of obtaining a gun illegally

There's plenty of 100% suicide methods if you actually tried using your brain to actually kill yourself, but you're just larping and you're interested in being poetic and cool like some tumblr hoe

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> Attempted suicide and failed
> Is able to be here writing this

If you used a method so weak to survive and not be all fucked up you were doomed to fail since the beginning.

Dont reply to this thread

Op is a confirmed faggot and probably a female trying to overdose on tic tacs


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use an actual lethal method, nigger.

Add me on discord because I want to talk with someone who is suicidal a1#9591

The world is pretty damn cool user, it's kept me going.
You could learn a lot in math, physics, chemistry, programming, whatever you want (doesn't have to be remotely technical), and if you're like me it'll really boost your self worth.
You're still here by some miracle, you can try and take some time to learn some cool and useful things. I get that it feels pointless, and honestly what isn't, but you can have fun with the little things if you give yourself time to warm up to them. I've got some pretty bad OCD to fight constantly, and no drugs or alcohol can make it go away, but there's something about bettering yourself that seems to make that worth it. There really doesn't even need to be a meaning to anything when it's all said and done, just figure out what's enjoyable and maximize your time with it. A lot of life is gonna hurt, but it can be a hell of a ride.