Why didn't you join a Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym when you had the chance user?

Why didn't you join a Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym when you had the chance user?

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it's gay shit for kids. there's basically no martial arts gyms for adults, if you didn't start as a child, you're fucked

Can't grapple your way out of a bullet to the brain.

But you can bullet to the brain your way out of a grapple

Because muay thai is superior and I dont want some fag sweating all over me.

I did user, I greatly enjoy it. I'm clearly at a lower level and it is hard to get the reps needed for excellent form. I feel like I settled on mediocrity, but surely with enough practice I will be good enough to compete. I love BJJ!

I mean you could try not being a little faggot about it then maybe you'd be good enough to compete. Don't say I didn't warn you, chump boy

but i do.. it sucks that the 'rona has shut down everything, but at least you can still do all sorts of calisthenics anywhere.
t. fatfuck.
In my gym there's plenty of boomers, infact one of my favorite guys to train with is a guy whos pretty much retired and made all his cash on oil rigs.
good luck in court when you get judged by 12 of ((your peers)) bc you thought drawing was an appropriate response to someone shoving you to initiate a fight. don't get me wrong, i love guns too, but law is a finnicky animal because it all rides on a panel of normies.

>yet another fitness related thread on Yas Forums is about to get archived

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this guy gets it, fuck rolling fags

Because I'd get my shit kicked in

lern to wrassle faggot

if you don't become a novice you'll never become an expert

Too expensive, I took a couple semesters of classes of it at my university and it was very fun, I just do not have the money right now. I will do it once I can afford it, I loved it

>tfw missed my chance to learn jui jitsu

>hugging other men on the ground
Miss me with that gay shit, brah.

I actually bought a punching bag this weem and am I going to teach myself kickboxing, aka the thinking man's martial art.

>Jui-jutsu looks like hugging therefore its gay, so i'm going to just teach myself improper form of basic strikes
real big thinker over here.

Truth. Muay thai and boxing all day. BJJ just sounds so fucking disgusting.

>BJJ just sounds so fucking disgusting.
why? you get other people's sweat on you all the time in muay thai too from clinches so i dont really think thats relevant

Too expensive and I already learned hapkido and judo, which has the same shit plus stand up grappling which I find more useful and fun.
Seriously, they bitch out if you throw them to hard or use slams. What kind of pussy shit is that? One even complained when I used a normal leg lock as a counter to their "spider guard" or whatever. Like dude, you are sticking your leg right in my face. Do you really expect me not to go for a leg lock?
Like they have all these unwritten rules they expect you to go by when you spar with them.
Like I don't expect people to follow Olympic judo rules when we are free sparing. I just expect you to not act like a dick and not to actually intentionally try and hurt anyone.
Had another that almost had a full on bitch fit just because I crossfaced them to take dominant position. Which is a totally normal wrestling move that even little kids in peewee wrestling don't complain about. But this dude took it personal for some reason and tired himself out being a tryhard while I just shifted from pin to pin.

I mean I have also grappled with a lot of really cook bjj players, but some of them are just toxic little bitches with ego problems for no reason who don't even know how to breakfall or handle being thrown.

Maybe he doesn't like peoples ass in his face and the like, which is a common uncomfortable thing that happens.

Why didn't you join a Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym when you had the chance?

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>I learned hapkido
bro I could wake up from a drunken stupor and still beat you to death. Get you and your faggot ass katas back to your fake ass karate movies.

>he hasn't learned striking fundamentals from boxing
>he hasn't expanded on this knowledge by learning muay thai
>he relies on overly acrobatic fighting to do the job of a basic punch

I bet you took capoeira lessons too.

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I want them to teach me the real shit. I doubt they're willing to teach me how to break arms and legs, much less necks. I read they don't even let you do bodyslams in competition. Who wants to waste their time learning armbars and shit? I want to learn offense, not self-defense so that when some normie fucks with me, he'll end up in the hospital crying, with is arms or legs wobbling around like linguini.

>I doubt they're willing to teach me how to break arms and legs
Are you fucking retarded. That's most of the submissions. In almost every gym they will teach you this.
>much less necks
people will teach you neck cranks if you ask a higher belt and you prove you're not an ego filled shit head which you sound like you are
>I read they don't even let you do body slams in competitions
ADCC does body slams and there's competitions that let you do that but it is not the standard rule set. Also if someone body slams you and they're not careful it leaves them open to the person countering, it's a super telegraphed moved.

>I want to learn offense not defense
Again you're retarded

>In almost every gym they will teach you this
Lies. They're always talking all that "we learn 2 fite so we dont have 2 fight, that is le path" bullshit. What is even the point?

>people will teach you neck cranks if you ask a higher belt and you prove you're not an ego filled shit head which you sound like you are
>have to beg to be taught things that are literally what the whole martial art was made for

>Again you're retarded
You're a homo who fell for the retarded peaceful warrior schtick they're constantly peddling so they don't get sued.

they say that so you remember not to be the faggot that starts the fight; sounds like you'd forget as soon as you walk out the door.
>thinking asking == begging
as the other guy said.. you're retarded.
There's plenty of particularly dangerous shit you can learn at a low level, but i reckon you don't have the patience for it anyway

I did. It was alright. Joined a boxing gym and it was 100x better. Nothing has tested and pushed my fitness, strength and conditioning like boxing.

Also, boxing is cheaper and more practical for a street fight where you want to stay on your feet.

I joined a boxing gym, because it's more fun and if you can go pro, more money.

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BJJ is pointless. Imagine if the dude in the lock had a knife in his right hand. The other dude would bleed out in 3 seconds.

>I doubt they're willing to teach me how to break arms and legs
>Who wants to waste their time learning armbars and shit?

What do you think an armbar is? I think this one of those cases of you knowing so little that it is impossible for you to know how little you know.