Can femanons explain to me why this kind of mentality is so popular with women...

can femanons explain to me why this kind of mentality is so popular with women? i dont understand how you fool yourself into believing something as fucking stupid as this

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you mean when you see a lonely sad cute girl you don't get the urge to take her under your wing?
same shit for women

in real life most of this "i want to fix him" feelings are directed towards violent men, not sad boys. so it isn't a direct relation to what men feel when they want to help a sad girl. girls don't give a fuck about sad boys

well in this case it's directed towards a pathetic sadboy
for the violent dudes they simply want to feel like they tamed them, they want a wild aggressive guy who actually shows them and only them a heart of gold
obviously that's a hollywood fantasy because a violent moron is always a violent moron

>well in this case it's directed towards a pathetic sadboy
sort of but not really, he's violent throughout the whole movie

>Murders multiple people
>"just a pathetic sadboy"
Lmao do you even know anything about the movie?

Hmm Idk how to explain it. I think it's just a feeling of "X guy is abusive and mean except with me bc I'm special" that sounds narcissistic but we all just want to feel significant user

I guess, hits both of those fantasies

only towards the end, he's pitiful throughout most of the movie

that doesn't work because those guys are usually abusive towards the girl who wants to 'fix him' too.

Yes but that's the entire point of wanting to fix them. If they weren't abusive and an asshole there's no point in trying to fix them.

i don't think 'fix' is the right word you're looking for, fix implies you want him to turn into a good boy, but if he's a good boy then there would be no point in you being with him. i think what women really mean when they say they want to fix is a guy is that they want to actually control him. they still want him to be abusive to other people, and they want the guy to be abusive towards her, but in a controlled way.

It's literally the same with white knights who want to fix some whore.

The foids just go into a loop
>I'm special, I'll fix him
>He's abusive towards me
>He just doesn't know how much I love him and how special I am
>He's abusive towards me
>I'm special, I'll fix him

Fucking women just love this shit.
Makes me really sad that I'm an abusive asshole but I'm too shy to act on it in public.

But there's nothing to fix.

I think it's about our nurturing nature and empathy. The reason why we don't do the same for the incels we see on the street is because they don't express their feelings to us so we don't feel as empathetic towards them

and if she does fix him the loop ends and then her pussy stops getting wet and she leaves. women really are ridiculous

Hey if any woman here feels the urge to fix a pathetic sad sack I'm right here.

I'm only 75 percent joking

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Are you good looking and violent? No?
They don't want anything to do with you, much less try to fix you.

my boyfriend isnt violent or abusive but he is mentally ill which I can relate to a lot. I do my best to help and support him. He gets sad and insecure a lot. I just want to make him happy.

They want control over an aggressive man who is capable of controlling other people.

maybe he's sad because his girlfriend sucks

I dated a broken man once. He became happier, confident, and more friendly thanks to my love and care. Then, with my job finished, I lost interest and broke up with him. He broke all over again. Lol.

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example #56553123 for why women are all trash

I don't understand it either. But oddly guys do the same thing, especially on here. I disclose some of my 'dysfunctions' or whatever you want to call it and anons come out of the woodwork saying it's fine and they can help me. It's odd that people do it at all.

no he had a lot of trauma in his life and just needs love and care

these are not the same thing. women mostly have this fixing reaction towards violent aggressive guys, it's not the same for how men react to women who have dysfunctions because it isn't related to violence

Women love a challenge, why do you think so many incels and ugly men manage to get women anyway?

They are awesome angels, giving a chance to dross like us

Oh. I still dunno then.

lmao what level of simp are you on bro?

I always thought life would be better if I was approached by a female and she helped cope with my problems but then I think realistically and realize if that did happen I would just fuck it up

Nope, That's a red flag.

Based and true.

This, OR:
>I'm special, I'll fix him
>He's abusive towards me
>He just doesn't know how much I love him and how special I am
>*the retard falls for it and changes*
>He's not the same guy I fell in love with
>I NEED to cheat or leave
>Oh wow, Look! Another abusive guy!

You either be the abusive faggot you hate or accept this is how they are and learn to cope with it.
t, abusive cyborg