>tfw 22 years old
>wasted my entire teens being depressed and browsing the internet
>in in 3 years I'll be 25
>in 13 years I'll be 35
Oh god what the fuck have I done, I ruined my life
>tfw 22 years old
>wasted my entire teens being depressed and browsing the internet
>in in 3 years I'll be 25
>in 13 years I'll be 35
Oh god what the fuck have I done, I ruined my life
I'm 25 and it doesn't feel too different to 22
Relax, user. There's plenty of time to change.
Same, except I'm 28. In 12 years I'll be fucking 40. Thank god for video games
I just feel like there is SO much shit others have done and I feel like a blank sheet in life with no experiences
I shouldn't be this way at 22. this is what happens when you're homeschooled, the normal life that is supposed to happen naturally just doesn't because it can't. I wish my parents didn't choose this for me, it's fucked
What do you think you missed out on? I guarantee you could probably do those things now. You are 22, not 40 for fuck sake
at least you made this thread, which has prompted me to close this tab and do some fucking homework.
I'm 21 and feel exactly the same.
Doesn't help it will be getting worse after I graduate and probably become neet.
Guess I'll add the whole 'dont give up u got time life is long' spiel
Theyre probably right though, those who say that. Get help for what is dragging you down and simply soldier on, do something little per day which may make the next day for you slightly easier / better. View life like that, small goals and you'll get there. Don't forget to quit the comfort zone too, but that is part of the do something today which makes tomorrow easier / better part.
With that said, maybe i should take my own advice and do some frigging uni work for once in my life
I could do it now, but it's just the rush feeling like holy fuck I'm getting old and I started so late
As a teen there's a comforting feeling that you're really young and don't have to worry
The best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago. The second best time is now.
the second best time is 9 years and 364 days ago
Same but 21. Hoping to get a job in 2 years in data science and get a hobby to cope.
Nigga just say specifically what it is that you feel you are late on. I just turned 23 and I felt the same when you did when I turned 22 but in the last year, I have accomplished more than what I did in my first 22 years. I began riding horses again, I picked up swing dancing which is something I always wanted to do but was always too scared, I started playing an instrument and I practice a lot, I started lifting and I look and feel better. This is gonna be some pretty normie tier advice, but whatever it is you wanna do, just fucking do it mate.
There is nothing specific, I just feel like my life has been cut horrendously short
Yeah should really be the next possible best time is right now.
Well stop feeling that way, because you still have A LOT of years left. Teen years are generally shit anyway. The only thing you could have possibly missed out on that you will never get back is some high school love fantasy but fuck that. Start living your life user before it is too late
op crying coz his life just started and he realised he wasted a few valueless moments
You're 22 bitch nigga lmao. You're not old. Wait until you're at least in your late 20s to start feeling like it's too late
you totally stole that from the great replacement manifesto fag
be original instead of plagiarizing gibberish this isnt reddit fag
late 20s isn't far off
Maybe my time perception is fucked from being a NEET
Yeah you're right. I'm in my late 20s and still the same as I always was so the fuck do I know
This board is filled with people who post blackpills and think they're smart for not trying. The question is really would you rather be 25/35/whatever age and on a path to improvement or be that age and sitting exactly where you are now?
The time is going to pass whether you do something or not, so why not do something?
People rarely "make it" the way they think they're going to or try to. But if you put in some work, refuse to get complacent, and take opportunities as they come, you're on track for a pretty good life.
But oh god image the fucking pain you will be in when you're 35 and you recall doing nothing since this point. You will actually probably kill yourself so don't continue being this way OP start taking to people immediately and make friends
Get a fucking job then. The neet life may be romanticized online but its fake and bullshit. Don't waste your life as a neet. Stop being scared of the real world. Get out there and do shit, pussy.
18-27 are years in which all women donate their vagina and their submissive nature to chads and upload to cuckvideos
27-30 are golden years as all women begin to notice you regardless of your looks or even money because now you're part of "the old"
30-34 is where you have an actual last chance of losing virginity
35 is where you should kill yourself
not 18-27
It wasn't fear or romanticism that put me here it was apathy
I have been apathetic all my life, even as a kid, when I would play with my brothers and friends I would always have a feeling of "I just want to do nothing right now"
I can't have fun, nothing drives me and I don't care about anything it's always been this way, you don't waste a decade of your life cause you want to, it only happens when your brain is fucked up
i'm 29 and i don't even care. i did briefly but 5-htp fixed that
>start taking to people immediately and make friends
Lol, if only it was that easy. (I'm not OP)
>image the fucking pain you will be in when you're 35 and you recall doing nothing since this point.
>mfw i'm 36 khv.
>been a NEET since 23
I don't need to imagine. I've pissed away more than a decade of my life on escapism instead of trying.
The worst thing is that i actually had friends and even some female interest during my teens but i was too much of a coward to act on it and my friends drifted away since i barely kept in contact and never had anything to talk about (due to never actually doing anything). I'm pretty much a textbook failed normie.
I haven't killed myself only because i can still numb myself with drugs and more escapism and because i'm too much of a coward to, but i've pretty much reached the point where my response to learning i'd die tomorrow would be "finally".
It is not too late. Do everything you can.
Thats it??
I was laughing at you guys for 3 years but now I've realized I've justed myself.
I've spent so many days on Yas Forums instead of developing my social life and now I'm a fucking outsider, worse than I was before.
I'm so sad and alone and the worse thing is I resent people. I resent socializing and happiness. I'm so fucked up. I don't know what's wrong with me. I want close friends again and some structure but I also am too anxious to reach out now.
>developing my social life
At least autism gives me the peace of mind there wasn't much to develop in my case.
Im 28, I wasted the last SIX YEARS lmao !!!!!!!
Dude I'm the same, don't like socialising, don't like people, but now adapted to the loneliness and enjoy it.