Do any of you guys have hemorrhoids...

Do any of you guys have hemorrhoids? I have such bad hemorrhoids right now that every shit I take is accompanied by blood and I can't even sit down right now. My ass fucking hurt and I'm seriously uncomfortable. My Preparation H isn't doing SHIT.

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I had a strangulated one a little bit ago, prep H just dried out the skin so badly it cracked and bled worse than the actual hemorrhoid. .

How'd you get them


I have one right now. Its not as bad as yours though op, im sorry.

I did until I had it surgically removed.

i have internal ones but they act up rarely

sit in a hot bath and get a witch hazel applicant cream
if its really bad get a donut ring to sit on
eat fiber

Had an external one. Am happy it didn't hurt vut sitting down in classes felt like i shit myself . Wiping my ass and shaving dick+balls+ass was awkward. But it went away in like 2 weeks

Yeah mine blow up every now and then, feels like grapes stuck to my ass.
I know the agony your going through but you'll get through it, you're looking at atleast a week before you can sit without discomfort.
Don't be afraid to shit, just do it with minimal straining and jump into the shower/bath and clean it with warm water.

How do I avoid getting hemorrhoids at all costs?

I'm lucky that I only have painless ones. Every other week though, I bleed like crazy, the water becomes red. Usually happens only when I strain.

had hemorrhoids for a while, that sucked. Like a good 3 weeks or so. Almost went to the doctor because It was a bloody mess each time. Ended up changing my diet so it came out easier and it eventually went away.

hey op, whats your diet like? do you eat a lot of meat? do you eat fiber? do you eat vegetables or fruits or grains? do you just eat junk food?

>Have hemorrhoids for like 3 years that I just tried to ignore
>Shit out a fuckton of blood one day and actually go to the doctor about it
>Change my diet but it doesn't do a fucking thing
>Eventually find out through experimentation that it was mostly just because I've been shitting wrong my entire life

So you're supposed to take your time with it and just let it slide out gracefully, not try to strain and launch it out of your ass like a rocket

Who knew?

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Everyone, user. Everyone knew.

meat eaters have to strain much more when they take shits, because they are chronically constipated. they eat very little fiber, which causes constipation. and when you strain a lot during your bowl movements, it can cause hemorrhoids

also how you sit also affects your chances for getting hemorrhoids. the best way to take a shit is squatting. either squatting standing up or sitting down. kinda like how little kids squad to pee. when you sit on the toilet, you cause uneven pressure, which, along side being chronically constipated, increases hemorrhoids risk. groups of people who eat a predominantly whole foods vegan diet have no constipation and dramatically less hemorrhoids

personally ive been squatting over the toilet whenever i take a shit for over a decade, i just find it more comfortable. i only ever sit down to take a shit if i have severe stomach pain

meat eaters have chronic constipation

how posture during bowl movements affects hemorrhoids

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>mfw meat eaters are so fucking constipated that they have to strain super hard to shit
>mfw meat eaters strain so hard they develop painful ass bubbles that bleed
>mfw meat eaters bleed out their ass and have to go to the doctor for their butthurt because they eat so little fiber

and who said vegans were butthurt?


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better pooping habits (don't strain/push the poop out, basically like avoid getting constipated)
eat fiber rich stuff like fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, nuts, beans etc
drink lots of water
don't sit too much

and just a casual graph showing vegans have the largest stool size. they also have the highest bowl movement frequency. basically we shit larger shits and we shit more often than you. and it just passes out, virtually no straining

literally it just comes out, effortlessly. when i ate meat, i had regular constipation

enjoy the butthurt, meat eaters

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l'm a vegetarian.

i really have to wonder just how fucking constipated are keto people or carnivore people. there are people who eat like 2 pounds of bacon a day, nothing but steak and butter, etc

i can only imagine just how chronically constipated they are. im not aware of any studies that measured the bowl movement frequency or constipation rates of people on these diets, but i can only imagine its even worse than the average person. and i do believe constipation is literally the single most common health issue people go to the doctor for, if not in the top 3

i guess now i understand why meat eaters are always butthurt at vegans

milk causes constipation too

vegetarians piss me off, they literally support the dairy industry MORE than meat eaters, and the lives of dairy cows are significantly worse than the average beef cow, because the cow has to get repeatedly impregnated and have her females babies taken, and her male babies killed

and vegetarians have smaller stool size compared to vegans, and less frequent bowl movements. enjoy actively eating foods which cause constipation and hemorrhoids

feels good sitting on this lowest-constipation-rate high horse, LOL


k bud, have fun being chronically constipated and developing hemorrhoids. i shit once to twice a day, and i dont strain and it just comes out

vegetarians have higher constipated rates, higher hemorrhoid rates and lower stool size and less frequent bowl movement frequency than vegans

when you're telling the doctor about your butthurt issues, just remember, i will be smugly chuckling at you

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I just got my 1st at 29. It's been going away though since I'm on an extended fast. Partly ketosis and partly because I'm not shitting much or often obviously.
Shitting so much blood was pretty scary though. Then you feel that itchy lump...

what kinds of foods did you eat before you got your hemorrhoid?

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I only use almond milk.

This bathing helps tremendously.
You could try Epsom salts too.

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Absolutely trash really. While I do buy healthy foods, I never cook because endless depression. So yeah I eat raw fruits/veg but then I'm eating fast food/junk food once a day as well. Took a decade to slowly creep up to 50lbs overweight and get my first asshole lump.

You just btfo'd yourself by exposing your own illiteracy

do you eat cheese, by any chance?
do you eat processed foods, by any chance?

wat foods do u eat

i feel as if you're conveniently omitting whats your diet like and only revealing parts of it that are convenient for you, if youre even saying the truth

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