Is the myth true? Could a vagina be an indicator of how many dudes shes been with?

is the myth true? Could a vagina be an indicator of how many dudes shes been with?

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No, I've been inside some tight hookers before.

thats probably because they arent turned on. Thats usually what tight means. But also vaginas dont just come in one size, its like any body part. dont know why men expect them all to have a deathgrip

Vagina is a fucking muscle.
I'm sure a whore can train her pussy to get a tighter grip.

it's true, having a vagina is a strong sign of having been with dudes

no, but incels will debate this until the world ends

I aht roasties or roasties with vaginoplasty. They should just be killed. Women in general are whores and should be killed.

It's less about being turned on and more about being relaxed. I can barely get a finger in if I'm not calm/in a good mood

Yes it's true, if she has a vagina that means she has fucked at least 1 person.

Obviously you've never tried to fuck a dry pussy. It's literally not happening and I'm not about to be that asshole who tried stroking more than the head in until there's enough juice.

If you've ever fucked an escort you'll know this myth is bullshit. They've taken hundreds of miles of dick... maybe even billions and the decent ones are still tight as fuck

Are we talking about tightness or roast beef?

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There's virgin dudes out there who have a foreskin that looks like a wizards sleeve. Loose pussy lips means nothing

Tightness is just about not being fat. Fat women are loose as shit (disbarring all else being equal, turn on levels /etc).

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Obviously not, I fucked my ex-gf thousands of times. Are you saying it's going to magically be tighter than a womans who has had sex twice with two different guys?
You incels are retarded.

it's more of a general health indicator if anything
what said is somewhat true with kegal exercises since girls can kinda squeeze, similar to how you can twitch/flex your dick if you try
in my somewhat limited experience, a girl that is in shape will usually be significantly tighter than a lazy bum, especially if she does anything that's lower-body intensive like rollerblading

Fuck, that pussy looks visually perfect

I dont know how people can like bush when this exsists.

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Yes and no, a lot of that stuff is genetic, but on the same token all skin will stretch over time if you keep applying greater and greater force to it over time. Now obviously, if she no longer has a hymen then she's extraordinarily likely not a virgin....unless you whatever incidental reason she may have had a fence post or bicycle seat, or some other shit kind of accident when she was a kid.

Now if her pussy is comically loose, that's probably more indicative of having large objects placed inside of it (Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-Batgirl!), but if she's that loose, then there's probably a lot of other guys that have been in her as well.

It should also be stated though, that especially in old age as the pelvic muscles weaken, that vaginal prolapse is also a thing. Although, that's more to do with advanced again than being a whore. A woman with that problem likely hasn't used her pussy in decades anyway.

Kegels and weightlifting, yeah.

I'm just gonna leave these here.

a vagina responds differently to a bf than it does a random chad

Labia are like tree rings user. In other words it is possible for a caliber of man to tell almost exactly how many have been inside a pussy before +/-2 std dev.

What about assholes?
Do gays actually become pooftahs?

Theres pornstars with innies. Take a wild guess...

even little kids have roast beefs so I dont think it happens because of intercourse

The roastie thing is a meme.

It's a genetic lottery; some vagainas are like that.

My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia

Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin

Same as the "uncut dicks smell and taste weird thing

I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells

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How in the actual fuck do you have this information

Ok whatever virgil

Is this pasta
Please let this be pasta

New fag niggers

you are right, but I do have one. and thats pretty much what I actually said. good job
wet = turned on
it still has to "elongate" to accomodate for sex. Yes they can technically be "stretched" but thats from shit like squirting out babies, general ageing, and extreme insertions. Not the normal action of sex.
thats almost exactly the same thing. If you arent relaxed then you wont be turned on therefore you wont be wet or engorged enough to accommodate the penis.

>thats almost exactly the same thing. If you arent relaxed then you wont be turned on therefore you wont be wet or engorged enough to accommodate the penis.
I dunno. I've been very aroused while also being tense/nervous

its the arousal that allows for the process, not simply being relaxed. Like I find even if im happy and just chilling around the house then I still cant get anything more than a tampon in

I suppose that makes sense ye. Can't say I ever really tried putting anything much in when I'm not aroused (nor when I'm aroused really)