What's the point of dating women when they have practically endless amount of options because of social media and online dating and e-prostitution? You are never in her top 100 choices. You have to sell all your dignity if you date a woman. You have to compete with a hundred other dudes and she probably has all those top Brads as back up men. She could replace you within a second. So I ask what's the point of trying? I mean if you have any morals or dignity or something then why would you even try? You mean nothing to them
What's the point of dating women when they have practically endless amount of options because of social media and...
Why do you think so many guys are going MGTOW or just giving up and becoming wizards? Dating is only worth it when you're attractive or get lucky.
See, I always read shit like this but my experiences don't match. I have friends, cousins, and old acquaintances that have (seemingly) perfectly healthy relationships. Some are fat, manlets, and balding. Their gfs aren't 10/10 but they look fine.
I think maybe you're just rationalizing being lazy
just become gay and get topped
>tfw no one post green man, only sad joji
Men are not going MGTOW and most of the so called MGTOWs are simps in denial and/or disguise. Women have unlimited options on Tinder and social media. They can make six figures posting pictures. What's the point? The amount of simps and orbiters makes dating impossible. Every woman has their own fan base.
Speak for yourself, m8y
>Men are not going MGTOW
what lol
Explain Tinder and onlyfans if men are all MGTOW
Of course not all men, really its just a vocal minority, we still have plenty of simps and cucks. I'm just saying some men see the bullshit and gave up ages ago.
You're projecting mens' desires onto women. Most women end up getting attached to one guy and lose interest in most of their options.
Plus, there's the whole well known concept that women only find a very small % of men to be attractive.
Women don't think the same way and haven't been raised to act the same way, even in the age of e-thottery.
>Of course not all men, really its just a vocal minority, we still have plenty of simps and cucks. I'm just saying some men see the bullshit and gave up ages ago.
Exactly, and the fact that only a small minority of men are paypigs and cucks, the vast majority of women can't actually make serious money off of OnlyFans or ho it up constantly on Tinder.
Maybe 1% of women over all, like the top 5-10% on something like OF, make any serious amount of money. 90% of women never even bother, and 90% of those that try embarass themselves and still don't make any money.
Women who make money off of simps are about as common as men being Chads. It's really not an option for most women. Most girls just settle down with some normie at around age 22. People on Yas Forums just are in denial and assume that the reason they didn't get chosen by a girl at a young age is because women are all whores, not because they're poorly socialized and those girls can sense their abusive attitude very easily.
I have seen pics from Onlyfans and the women there aren't models. They don't even post full nudes and some of them are post-wall fatties making income there. If 25-35 year old women can make a living posting pictures then I don't even think about dating.
>Women who make money off of simps are about as common as men being Chads.
I disagree with this point, the average woman can derive much more value from their sexual value than the average man. You're leaving out the fact that men are still expected to carry 90% of the load of relationships.
All that you have stated has little evidence aside from internet hearsay. The reality is that the internet distorts you view of legitimate relationships and in turn riles one into a frenzy of delusion, not too different from one who watches a single news channel and takes it as fact. The reality is, there are many kinds of women, some fit your description, but the majority do not depending on where you look.
I don't know why people deny the sexual power of woman, its like saying men aren't really physically stronger than woman.
This. People often look the level of emotional influence women have over men. Women are better manipulators, and in turn men are physically stronger.
Yeah both sexes have strengths and weaknesses, and when it comes to sexual market value, woman take the cake. Vagina is so valuable, prostitution is a viable path for just about any woman under 50, while male prostitutes are typically gay or giga chads. I mean you literally have no value as a male sex act unless you have a big dick or give up your asshole to faggots.
Considering men are typically better at physically building and navigating the world, what is wrong with that?
Nothing at all. People go on and on about how woman have it easier, but I'd still rather be a man. Having low expectations and being viewed as fuckmeat by 90% of men isn't really worth it. I just dislike how people deny the power woman have over men when it comes to sex.
I agree, society devalues women to such a point that they are actively trying to be men now. A lot of us take manhood for granted, and this is how it turns out.
>society devalues women to such a point that they are actively trying to be men now.
Women devalued themselves. That's what feminism is. Right to work means double the amount of work force. Now women have to work because they cucked wages. Being a mother does not produce value in terms of money because men can't finance an entire family anymore.
There isn't a point. The value of any one man has been reduced to effectively zero.
Weird how women can sense abusive attitudes but we also need to set up shelters for them because they keep getting into abusive relationships.
Wasn't so much women as men if you think about it. Women may have pushed feminism, but ultimately it was man's decision to give the right to work. In a similar sense, can a women devalue herself if she is influenced by a man, and the society that molds her attitude? Feminism may have sought to make women independent, but men still excel in the leadership category.
>feminism is men's choice
yeah, else?
I mean that feminism's primary influences were women, but they also needed men for it to happen. The floodgates had to be open by men because women didn't have the right's they have now at the time. I'm not well read on how much influence men had on the movement as a whole, but you can be certain their were men involved in it's propagation. The end responsibility for it would fall to men as they were the keepers of the gate on right's at the time, unless women would have staged a sizeable revolution against society and took their freedom.
A women's is guided by her emotions, and her emotions can be exploited. Write a whole how to on how to do this, and you can imagine there's abuse since the one pulling the strings in that case would be a man that can provide for himself.
Stop basing man's value on sex, this is why men are becoming more effeminate and like women, while men are becoming more like men to fill in the blank.
*While women are becoming more like men*
Women are not a videogame where the goal is to top the rankings. They are just awesome and making them happy makes you happy, so it's a noble goal to pursue
Because they're fucking lucky and were involved with people close to them, had lives, people know they existed and decided to fuck with them.
Some of us robots were zeroes forever. We didn't even get a second look. Tinder is a death sentence for us and so is anything else it will just mentally torture your ass until you are reduced to failure. Nobody fucking cares.
i'm a woman and there literally isn't a point. as far as i can see, women just kinda manipulate men - myself included. oops!
You aren't a zero until you choose to be a zero. You based your expectations off of those of a women, you are not entitled to the same support women are as you are wired to be more capable on your own. Women are wired to function in a society, what are the odds of you running into a genuine female hermit as opposed to a male hermit.
Tinder is a delusion that paints a false picture. Relationships do not work like tinder, and if you would actually try to learn how to form a relationship, you will begin to realize this.
Whether this poster is a women, or not, women do need more attention than men, as they are wired to communication and navigating society. Also keep in mind that this poster is baiting you for replies, as evidenced by reinforcing the weak argument of the OP built on emotion.