So what's her name and why isn't she your girlfriend?
So what's her name and why isn't she your girlfriend?
Samantha. We were never single at the same time. We came so close to cheating on each other's partners but never went through with it.
This might sound cringe but I don't need a gf because i realized i love myself the girls in my life have been deeply disappointing none of them are real women. I can just fap to porn instead of having sex I'm very much quite liberal but i realize there is a precious value to my self discipline against the not-mes. But the way this plays out is about what i believe and society tries to shape what you believe to get your ego out of the way or to use your ego and you just reach a point where you don't care anymore.
tf coincidence,its literally me right now.
fuck this world
we broke up and i scared her away after trying to get her back
im literally pic in OP
Because she said she dont date white boys ,-,
cracka btfo
>Starting talking to the last girl from my graduating class that has big tits but hasn't gotten fat yet
>She legitimately likes anime and video-games
>Also realize she's a fucking airhead
It's weird, she's cute but her friends confirmed for me that they've had to set her up with dates. And the only people that hit on her are other nerds.
Clare. We dated in high school, I broke up with her before college (unis in different states.) At college she decided to ride the cock carousal. Ugh. Now we're back in our hometown and she's flirting with me again over text. With the current pandemic and the fact that we'll eventually go back to college, I don't think it's a good idea.
What should I do anons?
Her name is T
I was head over heels for her.
I spent almost 2 years getting to know her, getting her to trust me, having her come out of her shell around me to the point where previously talking to her would require a lot of effort, now it was second nature.
She was such a good friend.
I loved her so so much...
She turned me down claiming she didn't want a relationship...At all. Only platonic friendships. I believe this since through her entire life she has never had a boyfriend (Or girlfriend). But still stings...
She no longer speaks to me because I fucked our mutual, fat friend out of depression while they were both spending the night at my place...Oneitus heard us and basically wrote our friendship off right there.
We were in the same high school, that's where I first saw her, without noticing her especially
But 3 years later, we ended up in the same college and she had become just wonderful.
She's a tall, black haired mediterranean girl, she's bright and has a strong sense of humor.
She's quite the clown of her group of friends, and gets loads of attention. We talked a few times, I think she thinks I'm nice and cute yet a bit cringey. Not standing any chance tho, but I've dreamt of her for the past two years.
I'm at 40% of the road to have a good chance but I know I'll never get much farther from here, and it hurts.
Not gonna drop a name but we broke up.
Like 2 years ago actually, plenty of time to move on righ? I'd think so too but my life went down hill after said break-up, now she's off in college hooking up with random dudes while i'm on my 3rd try to enter college, at least the college I want, I could have entered in a lesser known college or some shit like that but i'm a dumbass who expects too much of himself. So yea, life hasn't really allowed me to move foward from it, as a result I think of her every day, she's the only birthday I've memorized, I still remember random facts about her like how she loves cotton candy to the point where I'd run away from her whenever she ate it because her lips would get all sticky, how she is afraid of dogs because she almost got attacked by one when she was young in her own bedroom after a neighbour accidently let her dog just run in. Sounds a bit creepy that I've memorized all this but you gotta understand she was really the 1st person I ever dated like properly, and also the first person that I felt comfortable enough to talk about the time I was molested as a kid, so she was the first person I ever really cared about.
Even if this board is convinced of the opposite, the looks are not the key
to dating and stuff, your mindset and behavior realy is.
She matches with a common type of girl, the "nice queen of nerds"
> smart
> good looking, in good shape
> very openminded
> is usually a leader in her group of friends
> kind hearted
> secretly below zero self confidence
> kinky af
> got a lot of insecurities
Go for it user, Chad will not because he thinks she's weird
>So what's her name and why isn't she your girlfriend?
too far up in my own ass
I'm sure a visit to the doctor could get her out if she's too far up there.
Kim. We almost fucked, but then she realized I'm a robot and now has lost all interest.
He was Justin.
He was my first serious bf. We went for long walks to nowhere almost every day. We broke into the school at night and danced to 80s music in the theatre, we slow danced in the shallows of the river behind my house, he wrote science fiction stories and I drew pictures for them, we explored the woods and the rain drains and the river together, he asked me to marry him on a kayaking trip. We wrote out vows out to each other, he got me a necklace to wear until we were older and he could afford a ring it was an antique key on a simple chain.
He decided he was gay. Dumped me.
He then wore drag off and on for a while.
(Pic related) He now writes erotica.
Max and I don't know
Working theory is that I'm not interesting enough to hold her attention but I really never got an answer
I honestly don't know why
We're still friends she just doesn't like me like she did. Maybe, I'm not being chaddy enough and seemed too needy
sounds cool just be careful moving foward with her if you try to, whenever i thought a girl was nice because she was nerdy and therefore wouldn't act like a dumb bimbo i'd have that come and bite me in the ass, nerdy girls have fucked me up, sometimes if she's single it might be an indication of just a bad personality trait hidden somewhere
I love paul but i hate the fact that she's dating someone else and I wanna stop talking to her
depends on the context of her texts
if she's acting kinda genuine and actually wants to get back into a relationship, scope it out
if she just wants to get together to put another horse on the cock carousal, ditch her immediately
S. Dodged a bullet.
Went to my middle school, we never knew of each other's existence somehow. Met in high school and hit it off. She was cute, probably a 7/10, but her being my first love made me overlook a lot of things due to my overinfatuation. Played vidya with me and actually had a sense of humor. Eventually she started becoming a druggie. Started smoking weed early 10th grade. Her parents were divorced and didn't really care about parenting her so she was just allowed to do it. I don't know if she was this mentally ill all along or if frying her brain from smoking weed multiple times a day brought it out of her, but she was depressed and insecure all of the time. She was super irritable and we would fight about petty bullshit all the time. Led to her breaking up with me after a 2 year relationship. My simp ass practically begged for her back despite how fucked up in the head she was. To any anons reading this, if you are with a girl and realize she is mentally ill, just run far away and as fast as you can. No matter how much you love each other, it won't work out.
There's a lot of reasons. I'm to much of an autistic faggot to actually talk to her.
2. she's still got a thing for her ex
3. even if I talked to her, and even tried asking her out, what the fuck are we going to do these days?
4. I'm afraid of coming off to fast. desu we pretty much just met.
Mei. She's not real.
I would say she's half genuine, at least not just looking for a hookup. She probably wants be back because I'm familiar to her and I always treated her right. But overall, she's always liked the idea of dating me more than the reality itself (boils down to problems each of us have.)
Getting back with Clare wouldn't be bad in the short term but eventually, we'd just go back to uni and it would be the same shit. I'd be lonelier than I am now and I'd be another one on her list. Probably not a good idea. I appreciate the advice user
Because she's a rotten bitch that only cares about herself and the next dude she's fucking.
Sex was outta this world though. I did things with her that I only do with women I love. Sucked her toes, licked her butthole, fingered her ass.
because she is a dumb whore. but i only found that out after she fucked me over.
Her name was Nyomie
She moved schools and I was not able to get her social media or number. She was the first bitch I liked. I could have got her because I was a chad in middle school but I decided it was better to play chest with the bois at lunch. I dont regret it though because she most likely got railed by multiple niggers by now
Hello, Dolly.
i'm not sure i wish i could get an answer
Probably one of my first near girlfriends. As I always was, I was too fucking chickenshit to do anything about the signs I was receiving and thought I would be creepy in doing so. Eventually I realized what I was losing, but I couldn't actually get the sign out or realize if there was still interest, especially because there were dozens of people she was more happy around. What's weird is that she always seemed more bitter towards me after that one particular day. She unironically smiles at nearly everyone excluding me, and will do her best to avoid any eye contact. I remember walking past her in a class and she looked at me as if there was a hole in my head, the type of gawking look that strangers give you if they notice something weird. I was just too autistic at the fucking time to do anything, I was just afraid.
Depressing as hell. This world is fucking ridiculous. Honest to God though, I saw preference switches from multiple different guys, so maybe I dodged a bullet with that one. Still one of the first girls to give me a genuine smile that wasn't an attempt to start a fight or whatever.
Because she wants Andrew. I almost had a meltdown at work because she sat by him instead, ignoring me. She thinks I'm annoying.
She will be.
>unironically Veronica
She was into me at first but I thought she was joking so I started treating her like one of the boys and ended up destroying our relationship
Erika and I've been working on it. We've been chatting every day for almost a month now and we already agreed to go out on a date once the quarantine lifts. She's really cute and lives less than an hour away which is a lot better than the other matches I've had in the past. Today was actually the first day she hasn't messaged me back and it's really stressing me out. I know it's irrational, but I'm afraid of losing this chance because she seems to be everything I've ever wanted.