And how thick does the rope have to be. I have one but it isn't thick at all, I thought it would still do the job,I have no idea desu.
How hard is it to hang yourself with someone in your home
You just have to have a big jump height if you're not fat to build enough momentum to snap neck. There's probably better ways to kys.
Rope thickens dosent matter much just make the knot sturdy
Also do it in the woods or some place quite night is also a good time as most people are asleep
Don't have one ,it's probably hard to get one here
That sounds complicated. Anything I can do in my closet to help?
My closet when nobody is home or everyone is asleep is good enough?
People don't enter my room for hours at a time so idk how much noise hanging makes. But I could potentially do it while they're awake and I'm sure they won't come upstairs
At most 15 minutes if you realy fuck up you will struggle for life 45 min
The noise is on you if you kick around or fight for your life you arent ready for it and will make noise
Also live stream it my nigga
"Hey your family member killed himself while sickos masturbated on the internet" that won't happen
Am I sure to kick around? I thought you pass out fairly quickly
user don't do this, im struggling too and I have had thoughts about it recently, but its not worth it. Depression is illogical and the idea of killing yourself is stupid once you remove that cloud of sadness over you. Find meaning in something greater than yourself. My meaning was Jesus Christ, for I know no matter how much pain I will bear, he will carry the cross for me, and I will never truly be alone. Repenting of your sins and putting trust in God is one of the greatest euphoria's you can experience. God bless you OP and I hope you find peace in life.
Thanks but I think it's a better idea to do it in my case
Then tell me why
Not op, but I wish I could delude myself into believing there was a god. Being religious sounds like a ticket away from the shadows but what's the point if it seems fake and lame to me?
Yes, you will, just as if you were drowning.
It's not like in movies where you spend 30 seconds and leave a pretty corpse.
Neither of these memes are true.
Shit.................................. I was really planning on doing it in the comfort of my home. Guess I have to wait until I'm alone then.....which is harder in this covid time
Look, you have given up on life, so why not indulge? Clearly the mold you are in is making you miserable.
How about trying something different like drinking an entire bottle of vodka? Maybe just for the hell of it, throw away anything in your home that even mildly annoys you from dirty clothes to dishes to old furniture.
Go out and pass out in the woods. You gave up on life, so not like you have anything to lose. At least you don't need to look at your miserable apartment anymore.
Quit your job, punch a policeman,nbuild a killdozer. Lot of things you can do when personal safety is not an issue that are all better than necking yourself.
Even smashing your windows is better use of your time than hanging yourself.
I prefer to leave in dignity desu. Surviving while worsening your life conditions would be a stupid thing to do.
Yea, that isn't a good idea if you actually care about leaving your possessions behind or minimizing trouble to your family.
Dying inside a home, especially suicide, that drives down property values. Also, depending how long you have been baking there, majority of your property may need to be thrown away because they're health and safety risk.
I m assuming you live like a troll because you're suicidial, which means most of your possessions will likely be worth less than the cost of actually storing them.
There's little fit for selling in a bachelor pad someone hung themselves.
If you wanna minimize problems to your family, you would need to convert all physical possessions to money before kicking the bucket and leaving your apartment in a tidy state.
>Dying inside a home, especially suicide, that drives down property values.
How Jewish do you have to be to mention this?
Dying at your own home alone by your own hand is hardly what I would call a dignified end.
On the contrary, it speaks of deep seated shame and lack of pride or convictions. Nobody says that the woman whose son killed himself in a bachelor pad died in a dignified manner.
If it takes time for people to find you, chances are you have already loosened your bowels and your parents have to make a choice if they pay someone to clean the crusted shit off you so they can bury you or if they should cremate you.
If you wanna die with dignity it actually takes effort to do so to not make your death the shame of your family.
Hey, old people do think about shit like this when they're about to die. My grandmother put a lot of effort to get her affairs in order before she passed away.
It's a respectable thing to do.
Way I see it, you can either:
>Cling on to your pride and dignity, meaning you need to write up a will, sort put your belongings, ready them for your heir when you pass away and pay for your own fineral arrangements.
>Cast away any false notions of pride and dignity and burn through the remainder of your life as hard and fast as possible
Or you can just delude yourself into thinking that committing a suicide quietly in your room isn't really weak and plebeian end. If you're going to die, at least make sure you punch at least one guy who deserves it or something so you can at least say you did something during your life.
I think stepping out of balcony would be much easier if you live in a tall building or something, have been having thoughts like this too recently so I'd just go on top of block of flats and do it or somehow do enough damage to occiput to pass out and die
Only thing of value I have is a 2000$ computer I built in December.
I live that my parents place. Don't think my dad will stay in this country after I die. Well he might ,no idea
Already emptied my bowels and the only thing I ate these past 48 hours was a bag of popcorn
Just because I'm dying now doesn't mean my life was trash empty and meaningless from start to finish.shit happens along the road
There's nobody I want to punch, I'd preferably leave without trouble
Lol imagine those people who think about creating chaos before suicide and end up staying alive in the end. They're now in a worse position than they started in
Ehhhhh, not down for a scary death like jumping or drowning.
Maybe put 1-2 plastic bags over my head then put the noose around my neck.
My issue is that my dad bought the house 3 years ago. Idk why he bought it desu if he doesn't plan on staying in North America and working himself to death has a 80k/year job that he really dislikes because of the way he's treated
Or maybe he stays because they pay him 80k a year? That's good enough money that you would expect fair bit of stress from it.
Have you asked him if he has any future plans for his life? I mean if he doesn't have debts, he could go for an early retirement and live a stress free life, provided his son doesn't off himself in the lamest way mankind has devised.
He started working in this country about 15-20 years ago, he wouldn't get shit in retirement
I'm 25, no assets except my computer
Everyone makes these suggestions in these threads all the time, and it's always retarded. If you have lost the will to live, why in the fuck you be interested in going through with the annoyance and discomfort of any of this YOLO bullshit? Dumb fucking normalniggers
You made sense until the last sentence
FYI, if you place a plastic bag around your head you will throw up inside of it. It will create a vacuum effect with the vomit. Your last memories will be of vomit in your nose, mouth and throat. This will burn and will get stuck down your airway. Causing convulsions as your body desperately tries to remove it from your airway. It is a dirty and smelly way to die.