Deep down you know you would beat your gf if you had one

Deep down you know you would beat your gf if you had one

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id kys before i refuse to turn into my dad

Why would the hell would I?

Fuck, also this. Ive seen it with my mother, I rather die than become that

bold of you to assume i haven't

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of course i would, why wouldn't i? i have so much pent up anger in me.

>Deep down you know you would beat your gf if you had one
yea I probably would I'm pretty sadistic and I would enjoy seeing her cry.
Fuck bros why am I like this?

No, I'm the 'pack your shit and get the fuck out' type of guy.

>Deep down you know you would beat your gf if you had one.
if by beat you mean beat the pussi up then yes, otherwise come on...

Is this coming from a female perspective? Or a psycho perspective? Either way you need a reality check, there are plenty of men who would resist beating their partner even if the opportunity was available.

You gotta tenderize the meat.

i know this is true. thats why ill never be able to have a gf or be happy.

i would if i were drunk probably, but i'd go up to her and say i'm sorry and cry all over her, i'd then kiss her all over and tell her how much i love her, and how much she means to me.

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Are you Ben Affleck?

I want to beat and slap my girl around but not too much so i don't hurt her emotionally. I wish she was more masochistic, but it is what it is. I'm not gonna hurt her feelings.

Only if she had a ryona fetish, which would be great but highly improbable

yeah but this is Yas Forums we are talking about here

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look how they massacred my boy
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Im not sure If i would beat her.
But I would deffinetly beat you if I had the chance

>Deep down you know you would beat your gf if you had one
>Deep down
Nah, I've always been pretty open about it.
Bitch crosses me, she gets pummelled.

>i refuse to turn into my dad
I bet your mom had nothing to do with it, the fucking whore.

If anything id let her beat me...

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Women need to be hit on occasion to be kept in line

If by "beat" you mean have my pelvis broken, then yes.

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I'm not that good a chess player; she might beat me.

If you mean beat her up, that's preposterous!

I know I am not in control of myself. I would never allow myself to hurt you physically. I am prone to other things, but I don't think this one is around anymore.

I'd rape her but not beat her.

I wouldn't do either. I am not slave anymore. :p

I've had a gf and i never had even the slightest bit of desire to hit her

Rape doesn't exist in a relationship

ya it does not sure if bait but I don't want you to think its okay

What do you mean deep down? This line of thinking for me is surface level im well aware that I would beat,abuse,singe,light on fire,tar and feather slice her heart out and fuck her into a vat of boiling water :)

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probably, i like to think I'm quite a nice person but I've definitely got an abusive streak in me, so it's probably for the best ive never had or never will have one