What was the worst thing you have ever done to another person?

What was the worst thing you have ever done to another person?

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verbally abused them

Verbally abuse them how? What did you say?

I beat the shit out of someone and he deserved it.

that is a very cute anime girl .

I was a jerk to my mom
Trying to make a witty comeback I insulted my childhood friend (girl), never spoke to her again
I rejected my cousin after making her fall for me, she developed an inferiority complex and became kind of a whore.
I shot fireworks at a newly moved in classmates house until they moved away, they wrote in the paper that the reason they moved was because they did not feel welcome.
When my grandmother needed emotional support I stonewalled her, same happened with my cousin who broke down crying a few years ago.

I suck.

What did he do to deserve it?

One time I told a guy to go fuck his dead girlfriend. He was making fun of me for listening to the Beatles and was just being obnoxious.

My father, my mother, my roommate, random people online, strangers driving cars, the list goes on
I don't remember what I said exactly, but I yelled, cursed, and cut them down a lot.

A lot of cheating. Seeing two girls at the same time and lying about it. Fucking both of them with no condoms. Hey, at least I would shower in between. Something about dumping my seed into one of them while thinking about how I just dumped my seed into the other a few days ago really got me going. I know I'm a terrible person. I have no impulse control

>I rejected my cousin after making her fall for me
Are you pakistani?

Get the fuck off our board normalscum. R9k is for virgins only!

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I can't really blame him. Women are supposed to be the gatekeepers of sex, but they just throw themselves at guys now. If I had been attractive when I was younger and girls threw themselves at me, I don't know if I'd be able to stop myself.

He's half the reason I'll die a virgin, but I still can't hate him for it. The world doesn't want me, it's not his fault.

Swedish, the old school kind.

we wrestled as kids, come puberty the wrestling changed.

If it helps I used to be chunky and I dressed like an autist. I lost a lot of weight and bought decent clothes. I still am an autist but I focused my autism on social stats and flirting knowledge. And the girls weren't randoms. I had known and dated both of them for a long time. They are both legit in love with me and have both caught me cheating on them but still want to overlook it. I feel like something is wrong in my brain and I'm pretty sure I subconsciously treat women like property bc my mom was very distant and I never got female attention until I was in my late 20s. I also think I have bpd.

I've done plenty of awful things, the majority were mental abuse. Everyone who got it totally deserved it though. I'm not mean enough to be that awful to someone innocent.

What about innocent people who have no idea they've hurt you?

I have litterally not purposely done one thing to harm another person in my life.

None that I know of, but the things people have done with me aren't things innocent people do.

thanks, it's my girlfriend.

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Even worse.

>One time I told a guy to go fuck his dead girlfriend.
What is wrong with this?

Impregnated a Virgin trad gf with a very religious family left two drunken messages on her phone this week and she text me saying she got the messages despite having blocked me on literally everything and that she had written some stuff and wanted my email what can she do with my emails bros Im scared of child support

Tell her to get an abortion or to adopt the child. If she refuses then I guess you're fucked and welcome to the party of being a deadbeat father on child support.

>being a deadbeat father on child support
choose this one

What about accidentally hurting others?

Nice, can I use her?

Na I really liked her but she moved away I dont want child support I want a family
She was sweet then but now she wants my email to send me something she said she wrote I stalked her Instagram and I actually thought she had miscarried because she stopped talking to me after I tried to convince her to move to my city and live with me instead of move back home about a hour away to be with her friends while she was pregnant Is there anything she can do with my email I kind of think sheswanting me to fill out forms to give up the child for adoption but she hasnt said anything like that. I just want to know why she wants an email of all thinngs

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If you want to have a family go for it, but I won't be surprised at all if it doesn't work out and you get a divorce.

Also been trying to post on r9k forever and just realized you cant post here if theres a comma in your text fml I always use them

He hit my best friend out of no where for no reason and a switch just went off in my brain. I unironically wanted to beat him to death but thankfully people stopped me.
I'm over protective but that day showed me how far I'm willing to go for people I care about, It's scares the shit out of me to be honest with you.

I had bought her a engagement ring before she moved to be with her family but I really doubt Ill marry now Im very aware of how fucked men are when they get divorced I probably will just stop responding if I learn she talked to another guy when she left for so long shes probably like 8 months pregnant right now

You're fucked married or not if she doesn't adopt. Being a father on child support isn't life ending though. You're gonna have to learn to work things out with her though if you want to see your child.

Fuck I just realized I dont even know if its a boy or girl

Doesn't matter. You'll love them the same, even if you're a stone-cold psychopath. It's a rough spot to be in, but you'll get through it I'm sure, user.