Got a headache and a slightly raised temperature but too scared to tell mummy in case she gets mad because she needs me to go and do the shopping for her.
Fair enough, I didn't listen to it, just scrubbed through the video.
>black guy
>physically abusive
Nah, you don't say. And she enjoyed it in a perverse way? You DON'T SAY!
Dancing around my room. Knackered after a minute. Fucking hell lads. Need to cut down on the chumba chops
I don't understand your post. That is literally evidence of what I'm saying. She enjoyed getting abused.
speak for yourself incel, he's getting a rubber cock and I get fanny
BritNormie sort of just scuttled off when his radio show tomorrow (the one he said he'd definitely do) was mentioned, didn't he?
Probably getting it all ready. Yeah, that makes sense.
Aye mate I know, I know. I'm just poor and it does the job. One of me mates is a spendthrift and just started playing guitar (and has subsequently given up already) and bought a ds-100. Going to try and get it off him
Fug I used to do that a lot as well. Most mortifying moment was when he sent me a text message at 2am asking me to stop. Oops. Now I live alone and can do it whenever I want
How do you think the cunt in this video sees the world?
Maybe the real radioshow is the friends we make along the way.