
Quiet night in with the gang as the topshaggers go out for 1 last night before lockdown

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Another shit thread starring Nubs

Wish I was going out lid.

What makes nubs think a normal bloke who is probably a chad or at least a deano would want to date the spacker girl who he looks after?

>hostlad seething over a bent microphone
>not even broken, just bent
>something about being 'bent' that really hits his nerves
really makes you think

Anime paedo freaks kill yourselves edition

Why do middle class people swear so much now? It's really irritating
>some waaaahnker in waitrose cut in shitting line for the free coffee so I said to him "fuckity bye, you utter cockwomble!"

Watched the first episodes of Slasher and Dead of Summer. Dont have much to say about them other than not good and the 80s retro thing has been done to death

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Arrrgghh OP. DM be a noncer

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Enjoy the night in with us. Much more fun.

he's been posting that shit for years now. what do we think his life is like?

Same as yours considering you've been around to see it. You nonce

He probably would if he's single.

He's a bit in love with Zeus.


I imagine Nubs has a really hairy fairy. And I like it!

I'm dumb, naive and gullible. I have the audacity to believe I deserve love and connection.

>Normscum's lives completely decimated by the flu

STUPIDLY based, lads.

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Nubs coming here to tell everyone she's female but won't date anyone from here is sick. It's like going to a pack of hungry dogs and telling them you have food, but not for them.

It's pretty sick.

*nubs blowing me unwashed cock under a heating duct behind the Worsley spoons*
>Alri love, lap it all up like a good girl
*pull my cock out of her mouth, turn around and push her head between my arsecheeks*
*feeling some definite resistance*
>Oi darlin, I'm not paying you to be sanitary
*she relents and tongues my unwashed bumhole*
>Get in there nice and deep, find those nuggets
*hear her grossed out whines behind me and chuckle*
*turn around again and bend her over a homeless man's cardboard house*
*push my cock towards her butthole*
*she shrieks*
>Hhaaaaahahaha, lassy you need to realise that I'm way richer than you are, so you better do everything I want or this little pit of pokey fun is gonna turn into a rape-murder
*she lets herself go slack, grips the piping on the wall and grits her teeth with teary eyes*
>That's what I thought you cheap whore

Fuck off to crystal Cafe, you wog socket

She clearly has that horrible female perspective on the world that everyone should orbit her because she's female, hence why she's always posting pictures of her legs and chest here

>I have the audacity to believe I deserve love and connection.
You do, but not with your carer and not with a stranger from the internet.

Don't make fun of jews you'll upset BritNormie.

That feel when
My face when

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You haven't won. They will just have a comfy quarantine with their gf. Meanwhile you will still be a loser that no one likes.

I've been here getting along with people. You spend your time here shitposting and harrassing someone for years to no benefit
You really should kill yourself

itching for a quality radio show lads

>Don't you fucking move, old man
*coughs right in his face*

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gaaaawd daaamn mama look at the distance on hog

10/10 lad you're

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You're mum likes me you dickhead.

*holds up a 9*

I-Is her companion a chad?!

Even here they take away my dreams

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Been thinking of editing this but with the virus

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There's something about women and falling for medical or care professionals. Knew a girl from college who literally asked her gp out and then changed doctors because he tried to gently let her down by saying he can't date patients thinking he would date her if she wasn't his patient when really probably he didn't want to date her because he knows about her extensive medical problems and wants a normal healthy gf.

>I-Is her companion a chad?!
lol he gets pegged and made into a bitchboi

You're a nonce, DM. Why didn't you post the chatlogs?

Rolling a coupla joints lads

Wanna get another drink but scared to go to the kitchen.
My flatmate is in there with her boyfriend and I have been singing along to songs in my bedroom.

I was lying in bed with my imaginary gf last night and she said that she never wants to imagine life without me. Isn't that lovely? I've never felt so warm inside.

Might nip to the petrol station to purchase 4 beers.
Should be quiet with everyone at their local boozers or out on t'town.

Women are naturally whores, simple as


Lucky guy, being pegged is number one on my list of things to do.

I'm going to put a pizza in the oven, roll a spliff and watch blue planet (my favourite).
I hope those who have been mean to me feel a little better.
Sorry to those I've irritated and frustrated tonight. It's never my intention to.


If she can't open jars (but can rock climb!!!!!) her carer might actually be taking her to the toilet and brush her teeth for her, not remotely sexy

Toughest pubs in Britain on in the back. Aaah bliss lads

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>so what do you want your music video to be?
>can we just make it like, me getting fucked by a huge black guy?
>um, we can't show anything explicit
>yeah yeah fine, you can hide the actual penetration, but I really want it to be me getting fucked by a huge black guy
female "people" everyone

Wow you fucking serious lad??? You do drugs? Oh my god you fucking serious???? That is so fucking fascinating! Honestly, I'd love to just spend hours taking DRUGS with you and talking about DRUGS! DAMN that would be so INTERESTING! and COOL!

You need to learn to check the archives lad.
I'm not her but she said about the jars earlier

that why you brown nose her

the pubs are closing, everyone's gonna be buying all the mutlipacks from the corner shops. shit

Wonderful user, really nice and uplifting in this time of national crisis. When did you first imagine you met?

Behringer pedals are so wank lad. Boss all the way.

brown nose who? what are you talking about lad?

And he's still getting more than us

No you don't understand, it's even worse than that. The music video is about her 'abusive' relationship in the past, and him sticking his fingers down her throat is a METAPHOR about how he silenced her. But also, get this, she actually liked the abuse and found it sexy. Fuckin whores

Think I have corona lads

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Pic is related. Not all women are whores.

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Look at that shart fly. Also, thank god for that sheet that caught only half of the excrement that shot out of her shitter.

Got a headache and a slightly raised temperature but too scared to tell mummy in case she gets mad because she needs me to go and do the shopping for her.

Fair enough, I didn't listen to it, just scrubbed through the video.
>black guy
>physically abusive
Nah, you don't say. And she enjoyed it in a perverse way? You DON'T SAY!

Dancing around my room. Knackered after a minute. Fucking hell lads. Need to cut down on the chumba chops

I don't understand your post. That is literally evidence of what I'm saying. She enjoyed getting abused.

speak for yourself incel, he's getting a rubber cock and I get fanny

BritNormie sort of just scuttled off when his radio show tomorrow (the one he said he'd definitely do) was mentioned, didn't he?
Probably getting it all ready. Yeah, that makes sense.

Aye mate I know, I know. I'm just poor and it does the job. One of me mates is a spendthrift and just started playing guitar (and has subsequently given up already) and bought a ds-100. Going to try and get it off him

Fug I used to do that a lot as well. Most mortifying moment was when he sent me a text message at 2am asking me to stop. Oops. Now I live alone and can do it whenever I want


How do you think the cunt in this video sees the world?

Maybe the real radioshow is the friends we make along the way.

Glad you asked! It's actually kind of a cute story, though that's probably just me. So, I was in Waterstones just having a browse because I was in town, and was looking at 'Adults in the Room' by Yanis Varoufakis. It was the only copy in the shop and she was also looking for it, she looked sad so I said that I wasn't planning to buy it, I was just interested in it. She was nice enough to have a little chat with me and it turned out we both went to the same University though in different years. I just kind of blurted out that we could maybe get a coffee in the coffee bit upstairs and she said sure. We had a good long chat and exchanged numbers, started dating and it went from there. Usually i'm really shy, but she was just so easy to talk to and I can really be myself with her, I don't have to pretend to be really outgoing and cocky or anything. Plus she loves making sourdough bread, and it's delicious!

I had an actual girl say that to me and when I broke up with her it was heartbreaking because of how she begged and cried.
Wish I hadn't, we could have had a nice life together but she was a single mother so she had to go.

Fucking kill yourself you tripshit normscum. this isn't facebook. Fuck off.

my frens dont dab we just vos- *cough*

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Not touched whiskey in my life except when I was a retard teen and had a sip of whatever my mother had. Maybe had some on a night out or w/e but I've always wanted to give it a go as it seems like a different experience.

Normally I stick to either vodka+soft drink as that allows for different flavour+strength combinations and gets me pissed quick or sometimes cider as it goes well with a microwave curry. I got some toffee flavoured vodka at christmas and maybe it was just the christmas spirit taking over, but it was a really nice experience to drink it straight and enjoy something that wasn't bottom-shelf filth. I'd like to replicate that with whiskey - not necessarily having it straight as I know it can go well with coke and other things

Anyway - entry level whiskeys for me to try? Expensive shit would be wasted on me, but I want to dip my toes in.

Why even fucking bother? Whiskey is just unpleasant to drink and expensive as hell. What positive effects do you imagine you'll receive from starting to drink it?

Don't listen to the other cuck. Go for Johnny Walker Black Label