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If you'd date a non-virgin, you're a cuck

as an autistic fembot, i can safely say all girls have had nsa casual sex before settling down with a boyfriend, the "quality" of the girl is irrelevant. the only girls who "remain pure" are those with extreme religious beliefs and those who were molested as children.
you guys are delusional.

Well there was that literal Chad who got gunned down by his own incel son. Maybe if Chad actually had to bother using his brain for once in his life instead of coasting by with his looks he would've found a quality mother for his kids.

cope, most chads are smarter than you

wrong, cuckold

Oh our mistake. We didn't realize you speak for all women.

>remain pure
>molested as children
pick one

thats the point, nobody is pure. your ideal waifu doesn't exist.

>We didn't realize you speak for all women.
common mistake

Personally it has nothing to do with penis size.
I just don't want to kiss a woman and remind myself that men came in that mouth, it's a no no i don't fucking care if it's in the past either. A dirty mouth is always a dirty mouth, i hate the idea of going with sex merely for lust and would rather seek more intimacy, I'm still on a very religious-like purity path and if i don't find a girl that fits the criteria then alright, unless if i become a degenerate like the majority then i'll have no excuses not to accept those women.