If you'd date a non-virgin, you're a cuck.
If you'd date a non-virgin, you're a cuck
Man, at my age I really have no other option.
If I'm never going to have my own family, I might as well just kill myself now.
>tfw took a fat robots girl's virginity
>she took mine
>I fucked it up by being autistic and being barely 18 at time time and she 22/23
She said when I got older I'd get it. I get it but only because I understand her mindset now and not because of a maturity gap or something.
>tfw going to die a virgin
hahah im good
yeah that shit is for fucking cucks. I know Chads who enjoy cuming in girls faces. would you want that to be your future wife?
Some people can be cucks and happy
i dont really care about that
if she is willing to have a family with me and shares my values i wouldnt care about her background
>kiss her
>remember that she had another man's semen in her mouth
>be okay with this
hes the cuck for having a wonderful woman in his life and just leaving her
I dont know any Chad who ended up marrying a virgin. I guess Chad is a cuck too then. Or maybe he just doesnt care about comparisons because he is extremely confident?
if youre over 23 and you refuse to date non virgins your age you are either a chad or a bitter virgin dicklet who is afraid to be compared and found lacking. chances are its the latter
based and heartwarming
Yes call me a cuck while Im having sex and youre consciously barring yourself from sex for whatever autistic reason it may be good lord the irony
How the hell do you find virgin women who are over 21? I doubt they even exist outside of the extremely religious. (And I don't want to convert to a religion I don't believe in just to get laid.)
guess I'm a cuck kek.
Shell always unfavorably compare you to all the miles of donkey dick she took and prolly made you wait a month before shed even suck yours
Want a nonvirgin femanon to bully me desu
Cool she can think what she wants dont care I dont feel insecure about my dick at all and I still get laid at the end of the and 2 thats just false but you're free to continue making assumptions
EXCEPT if your dick is bigger than her Ex's dick, then you're not cucked
>I want a virgin girl even though I've jerked off to thousands of hours of porn!
Shut the fuck up, idiot.
I date non virgins and don't care. Now marrying a non virgin is cucked.
>at ANY age I really have no other option
FTFY, welcome to the shithole we live in unless you're 12 or so and into life time relationships lmao
I get sloppy seconds (more like 13ths) but at least my dick is bigger haha. Not coping haha.
The most legal way I can imagine you finding a pool of virgin girls to choose from is by hanging outside your local high school.
Maximum normalshit cope achieved.
Imagine pretending you're in control and actually enjoying the fact that your gf sucked other people's dicks and had their cum in her.
LMAO, definitely not even slightly bitter about it lads haha trust me
>meet 3 almost perfect fembots
>all non-virgins
>have to drop all of them
Send them to me. I won't mind
Unfortunately the older you get the more impossible this becomes. By late 20's and early 30's there are no virgin women. Just single mothers.
Raising another mans child is absolutely fucking disgraceful.
Who the fuck is taking all these women's virginity?
This whole ideology of "no girls a virgin anymore so I didn't want a gf anyway" is a cope for not being able to date anyone which on top of itself is a cope because you're too scared and insecure of a girl comparing you to someone else and leaving you... you sound so in control....
Or I have something called standards and you don't cause you're a spineless cuck.
Amazing mental gymnastics though.
You already know the answer user\
>so I didn't want a gf anyways
Nobody's saying that you retard. Having a gf would be great, marrying a girl that some other guy has already fucked is a terrible thing.
I think they still want girlfriends, just not one that's already been used up.
Imagine typing all that just to convince yourself you're fine with sloppy seconds lmao... you sound so smart...
The mental gymnastics is thinking somehow im coping when I'm happily having sex every night and dont give a shit about your cuck way of thinking while youre here seething over people having sex please explain to me again what is there for me to cope over
>If I'm never going to have my own family, I might as well just kill myself now.
Once I hit 30 things rapidly felt more meaningless. It's our biological imperative, there's a reason men who have no chance of matingnaturally gravitate to war.
>typing all that
That's some 3rd grade attention span do you have adhd
Ok so the most desirable men in the world including movie stars and royalty are all cucks. Got it.
>dude let me just make a scenario where you cope on top of coping on top of coping
>fuck off with your reasonable approach to the situation
you're so retarded
Imagine being such an insecure beta cuck
I'll agree with you on that but retards who bar themselves entirely from having fun or can't and turn it around to "I didn't want one anyway" are something else but I mean they're the ones self inflicting their suffering not me based retards giving us more women to play with
>about your cuck way of thinking
except being happy in a relationship where the woman sucked other dudes and had their cum in her IS a cuck way of thinking. every time you say something you just further prove how deluded you really are
>fuck off with your reasonable approach to the situation
>makes a post which strays even further away from the original point
>bar themselves entirely from having fun
What does this mean, sleeping around? Personally I find the idea of having sex outside of a relationship very unappealing, and I find the idea of having a relationship with a woman when I have no intention of staying with her long term to be dishonest and immoral. So if I can't find someone I'd be happy spending my life with then I'm not having sex.
>nooo you can't just be happy you have to be constantly paranoid about the cum boogeyman
Okay you got me I'm delusional
Date a non-virgin = okay
Marry non-virgin = cuck
Your first reply was just a big strawman and you still didn't get it. Go be a retarded cuck somewhere else now.
Ok incel lmao
I guess the majority of wealthy chad celebrities are all cucks.
>constantly paranoid
You literally don't understand what these words mean, proving my point that you are deluded, retarded or probably both.
What's paranoia have to do with you knowing that your gf fucked and sucked other dudes and you being fine with it? It's already confirmed by you, you're trying so hard to avoid accepting that you're a cuck it's hilarious really.
Imagine basing your values around what wealthy degenerate celebrities do. Lmao, are you 14?
Imagine being so jelly and insecure that you care if someone has had past relationships.
ever since I realised my penis is kind of good in size I stopped caring so much about having a pure gf. i think a lot of this stuff comes from an insecurity around not being good at sex and being able to keep someone happy, and if you lose that insecurity you'll be able to accept having a gf that has shared the experience with other people.
reminder that you aren't going to be compared in the moment to other guys. when you eat strawberry ice cream are you thinking and remembering in vivid detail how chocolate ice cream tastes? even if you acknowledge that the chocolate tastes better that's only a memory, you can't recall that sensation anymore and it doesn't get in the way of your current enjoyment of your strawberry ice cream.
fellas even if you're not chocolate ice cream you're still gonna be vry yummy and ur gf will still want to lick you up and swallow your cream.
Please explain to me how I'm a cuck when you're so deathly scared of cum that you refuse to have sex with a non virgin to avoid a single molecule of cum coming in contact with your dick
Let's say if you dropped your phone in mud or something would you then just consider the phone wasted and throw it away? If you were to clean the mud off would you constantly have it in the back of your mind youre touching where that stain of mud once was and breakdown and cry in disgust?
I don't really care about other experience
Especially if I had experience
But I care about the intimacy
I only want sex and intimacy with my future wife
And any girl who doesn't share the same value shouldn't be dating me in the first place
now this is a good freaking post
>I get it but only because I understand her mindset now and not because of a maturity gap or something.
you're so full of shit what the fuck do you think maturity is dumbass?
If you're gonna compare people to objects at least do it properly. Yes, I'd rather have a new car than a shitty second hand car for the same price. But you're not even getting second hand are you? Who knows how many dudes have been inside your gf before she met you? You just don't know, fuck off cuck enjoy your used up slut and STD's.
No it comes from the fact that you're disgusted over your partner being intimate with other people before you making you nr. 2/3/14 or whatever for her.
>my PP big therefore sloppy seconds good
Ultra cuck mode achieved
why would I care if I've already had sex with another girl????
as an autistic fembot, i can safely say all girls have had nsa casual sex before settling down with a boyfriend, the "quality" of the girl is irrelevant. the only girls who "remain pure" are those with extreme religious beliefs and those who were molested as children.
you guys are delusional.
Well there was that literal Chad who got gunned down by his own incel son. Maybe if Chad actually had to bother using his brain for once in his life instead of coasting by with his looks he would've found a quality mother for his kids.
cope, most chads are smarter than you
wrong, cuckold
Oh our mistake. We didn't realize you speak for all women.
>remain pure
>molested as children
pick one
thats the point, nobody is pure. your ideal waifu doesn't exist.
>We didn't realize you speak for all women.
common mistake
Personally it has nothing to do with penis size.
I just don't want to kiss a woman and remind myself that men came in that mouth, it's a no no i don't fucking care if it's in the past either. A dirty mouth is always a dirty mouth, i hate the idea of going with sex merely for lust and would rather seek more intimacy, I'm still on a very religious-like purity path and if i don't find a girl that fits the criteria then alright, unless if i become a degenerate like the majority then i'll have no excuses not to accept those women.