What's stopping you from ending it all?

What's stopping you from ending it all?

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got to see him live a couple years ago. was the most fun i've had in years

Not having the will I suppose. I've tried many time in the past but always stop at the last second. I hope I just get run over, killed on a night walk or something like that.

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Too lazy to kms. Just drifting through life.

I don't really know. Right now it most likely is the fact that my mother is still alive and I don't want her to believe that it's her fault or something. I'm also trying to get my driver's license (at age 26, pathetic) and buy myself a cool looking old car, like an 80s rx-7, maybe mustering up the courage to put myself into a tree, making it look like an accident. I don't really know, I know nothing.
Damn, remember watching that movie ages ago, maybe I should check it out again.

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mommy would be sad. desk bakersfield

Mom still alive. Probably survival instinct programming.

I don't have a gun and don't know how to get one in my country. Too much of a coward for other methods

i hid a big lockable box with 1600$ of dildos in it in a place where it would be difficult to retrieve, and if i killed myself my family would find it. i refer to it as "the anchor".

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Nothing. Waiting for the impulse to make good on it. Method ready, affairs done, organ donation registered, letter of inventory and will done, everything sold off and accounts closed and all bridges burned. I am ready to die.

idk, personally I'm done, there's nothing I really want or can look forward to. I'm just gonna stick around for as long as some people need me but if I die tomorrow, who cares? There's nothing in this world that could really convince that I should devote my time time and energy towards it so why not try out another state of being

the fear of actually killing myself since i don't have a gun (if I had one many other people would be dead too) and I guess my dog

im waiting to see eva 3.0+1.0, after that it's fair game

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10 years ago i've moved from a eastern europe country to a western world, i've earned my financial status by giving up my sexual/relationship status since.

while i watched my friends get married, i became a workaholic and a souless person.

I made my parents happy and proud, and untill they live, i shall lie to them that i am a happy man. by the time i'll torn 45-50 they will be gone - and then i'll kill myself

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my dad would be traumatized, and after seeing what his siblings suicide did to him and my grandma, I can't bring myself to do that to them.

My mom spends money on my education and I can't waste it all away. She's the only important factor in my life right now so I wouldn't want to force her to waste even more money.

My girlfriend. She's one of the few people that make me happy, I'd most likely kill myself if we ever split

My mother has already had a painful life, I don't want to make it any worse for her.

My hatred for every faggot who fucked up my life that would still be alive if I did die. I'm not giving any of them the satisfaction of my end.

Curiosity, also I don't feel like it.
There's always new vidya and animu to consoom and new hentai to coom.

I through ups and downs. When mother died I really hit a down. But I can't let my sister hurt.

to stubborn to give up and die, too lazy and traumatized to actually put in some effort

the corona virus has given me hope that normies will be quarantined and will slowly go insane. it is the best thing that has ever happened in my life.

I just hope it will turn out good, which I do since 5 years and nothing happened

i enjoy my hobbies, so i have no reason to end it.

I've a younger sister, and she's just such a fuckin' sweetheart, I love her to death. I just couldn't bear doing this to her, traumatising her for life. Maybe when she's older and understands more I'll be able to off myself...

A man of taste I see. Hopefully soon man.

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I feel the same way. She got mad and just started bullying me tonight, which has got me feeling a special kinda way.

I am a huge coward.

mom would be sad,also God gives me hope.

Nothing I can think of would ever touch close to my hatred to mention. I hope some faggot that dislikes me mentions some horrible situation they got into sexual acts with others and maybe the lube they used haunts them because of the brand name.

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Having faith

nothing. not much longer for me

I just want to see the world burn.
If i can get in another good relationship but with a girl on my wavelength, ill probably wont. Also as an only child dont wanna make parents sad.

Dont count on it, my friend

the belief that it'll get better, plus im simply not brave enough

The possibility of falling madly in love with somebody. the problem is, I already did, and she left me. I still love her. I haven't seen her in almost a year. she was the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I want her back. I'd do anything to have her back.

Deep in my chest I have this feeling. It's a feeling I've always had. It's the feeling that no matter how bad it is now, there's always an opportunity for things to get better, or for myself to find a way out of bad situations. However, with each year I grow older the more bitter I become and the feeling is less and less pronounced. At this point I just wish I could give up, but I can't. Why is it that everything time I fall down my body has to pick itself back up?

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suicide is for pussies. if you want to leave, do it. but you are giving up everything you could have won. typical pussymove.

Terrified of ending up a vegetable and im terrified of hell actually existing. Theres nothing in my life that actually makes it worth living but at least I can still enjoy the simple pleasures of eating and running and seeing. Ending up as a vegetable, a soul inside a husk that serves as a prison. Also my entire life has been just miserable, if I killed myself and hell was real and i had to spend eternity there being as miserable as I am on Earth. Nah man thats some horseshit.

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my mom and oldest brother would be sad. my pets too, i think. i also work a lot and pay a lot of my family's bills, so they'd be fucked and i don't want to do that to them.

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I need to clean my room first
It's really messy it would take at least a couple of hours
Also, I want the weather to be just right.

eminem is a liberal cuck under the control of the jewish elite.

This but 2 lockboxes of penthouse magazines.

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I'm a fool who thinks that I can still achieve my dreams. But, at this point, I'm ready. To drop the bullshit, drop all of the self defeatist robot stuff, and actually follow through. Last Sunday I had a moment where, after failing what I wanted to succeed at, I realized it didn't matter; rather than chase my true desire, I was following after normalfag horseshit. I'm not meant to be "normal", I never was going to, but I finally had a moment of clarity. This is it, i'm putting all my eggs in one basket, and i'm going after my dream.

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cry more trumptard.

My Mom, I don't wan't her to feel sad, I feel like she's the only person that really loves me.I"m also her only child and she's to old to have any more children, she'd probably turn into a cat lady.

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I feel like maybe life will change. I know this is a naive and childish dream to have, but I keep waking up each day thinking "ok maybe today will be different" but it just never happens...

as of right now, the economic crash. I've been dirt fucking poor all my life and I just dumped all my savings into bitcoin while it was at $3000. I figure if I'm gonna kill myself I might as well see if life with disposable income is any better first.

because I don't really care enough and I'm too stubborn
if I have to go then it won't be unless I get to watch the rest of the world come with me

I know what is coming and I know it will be great

>while it was at $3000
Holy fucking shit I cant believe it went that low, wew those are good news, I was going to dump my savings on it around December

Kill your self twice. As in shoot yourself whilst you got a rope around your neck or some shit

Defiance I guess, or that it's just my nature to keep living even if I think there's no point to it

Work. My job is the only place where I feel like I'm actually useful in life.

honestly at this point nothing but i don't have a gun and with everything being closed i don't really have a choice but to live until the corona virus shit is over. i mean can i overdose on seroquel???

Bannerlord and Cyberpunk 2077

Thinking of going to uni if Corona gets fixed

I want to see what this world has to offer. I want to experience love and sorrow. Climb to the highest peaks and reach the lowest lows.
For me, its life. I refuse to let it slip through. To turn myself into an empty carcass.
It worked in the past. It will again.
I havent found a better reason as of nos.

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The world post 2020, will be an ending of the story of the culture wars so far.

The world has become more serious.

Marvel has dropped a new set of heroes, Snowflake and Safespace. Everyone is ironic, no one is clutching to their ideologies, we're all more human after the war.

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