user, you're just not chad enough for her. Yours is one of the hundreds of mails she's received since she made her mail address public
Finish another day of wagecucking at a potato factory
That's a trap. Not even any feet pics, not worth it
Idgaf, if she doesn't reply I move on, but don't you think its strange she has all the options but lives in a crack house?
>come home from another day of wagecucking
>spend hours talking out loud to nobody, fantasising that I'm married to my e-waifu and telling her about my day
OP how long are you gunna go to prison when you get arrested for murder and or molesting someone? Youre too far gone boyo its over
Im still pacing around the room, too scared to hit send on my email to marky
send it dummy, she either friends you or not
There's nothing to be scared of user.
There kind of is. If she doesnt respond or shows no interest in being my friend, then my life will cease to be worth living. Every breath I have taken has led to this one crucial moment in which my life rests in her hands
youll regret it. i granentee it.