>finish another day of wagecucking at a potato factory
>boot up PC and fap to marky
this is my daily ritual. I can't get enough of this semen demon bros.
>finish another day of wagecucking at a potato factory
>boot up PC and fap to marky
this is my daily ritual. I can't get enough of this semen demon bros.
>wake up
>boot up PC and fap to audrey
this is my daily ritual. I can't get enough of this fat bitch bros
fap to a whore who will never love you
makes me barf when I see this kind of shoes on a w***n
Is this girl even legal? If so, are there at least nudes of her?
>wake up
>boot up my phone and fap to kasper
this is my daily ritual. I can't get enough of this cute mouse.
>finish another day of wagecucking
>boot up PC and fap to traps
this is my daily ritual. I can't get enough of this amore
That's not what a trap is you fucking retard
What happened to the light fixture?
>wake up
>boot up my macbook and fap to katie
this is my daily ritual. I can't get enough of this sjw cunt
You will always be a pathetic lonely coomer unless you make a change starting right now.
Thank you user for opening and keeping marky threads alive. There may be many people selfposting to follow agendas in these threads but the thought of it doesn't make them any less comfy uwu
she lives in a crack-house by the looks of it...
Who tf is that clairo looking normie ass bitch?
can you not read user? its katie...
>he doesnt know katie
Marky stop living in a crack house and be my neet pet desu
She moved out with another junkie some months ago, idk who does she live with now though
>another junkie
Why was that? What happened to her art? Seems completely unresponsive and sad in email.
Marky knows how perfect she is and doesn't want to dress well to draw unwanted attention, that's why she wears fucking jelly sandals with ugly ass boot cut jeans and buys shit like a denim waistcoat
user, you're just not chad enough for her. Yours is one of the hundreds of mails she's received since she made her mail address public
That's a trap. Not even any feet pics, not worth it
Idgaf, if she doesn't reply I move on, but don't you think its strange she has all the options but lives in a crack house?
>come home from another day of wagecucking
>spend hours talking out loud to nobody, fantasising that I'm married to my e-waifu and telling her about my day
OP how long are you gunna go to prison when you get arrested for murder and or molesting someone? Youre too far gone boyo its over
Im still pacing around the room, too scared to hit send on my email to marky
send it dummy, she either friends you or not
There's nothing to be scared of user.
There kind of is. If she doesnt respond or shows no interest in being my friend, then my life will cease to be worth living. Every breath I have taken has led to this one crucial moment in which my life rests in her hands
youll regret it. i granentee it.
Have you talked to her in her stream, or are you a complete stranger to her?
No we arent strangers, we used to have nice conversations. I was in her discord server for a while too, but her mods were super protective and kicked me out. I gave up after that
Imagine trying to flex about talking to some vapid roastie. Fucking her like I have is a task that's far out of your reach. Why don't you just find a good woman and build yourself up like a real man?
If you two already know each other there's no reason to be nervous right?
Dafuq is a potato factory???
Whats up with the Markyposters these days? I prefer the Ciaraposters.
We should help each other with our marky letters. Maybe we could get a tinder chad in here to advise us and review our letters before we send
If you have to chad post to get her attention as just a friend then she's too basic, it's why I say don't sweat low or no replies
I sent her an e-mail once and she never responded so fuck this woman.
Just add her on steam, much easier to start a conversation.
I asked if she wanted to get some games or art together on email but I don't think she was up for it
Why neet fems so down? I feel bad for em
She responded you? what did she said?
these can't be a dude, c'mon now.
these can
no idea
Not gonna gossip, it is what it is, she seems nice though
Hey markyfags, should I e-mail her with this message?
I laughed desu so yes do it
Thanks, user. I just sent, hope she likes it too.
You dont have to be specific, but why do people say she is so down ? Like does she flat out say , she hates life and wants to die? Or is it more the tone of her message?
>"but doctor i am haisel"
what did he mean by this?
I changed to female pronouns before sending.
kind of both, but she doesn't mention suicide, all she says is that everything bores her
Seems low energy, depressed but i'm just assuming shit
wowe she looks like a big girle
i don't get the joke ._. is it meta humor?
It must be shit to have most of your life broadcasted on here with all your local contact being orbits that leak your life constantly but youre too anhedonic to care anymore
Never watched/read Watchmen? That's the Pagliacci joke. He's a clown that makes everyone laughs but deep down he's depressed and it can be seen in parallel to marky's streams that may help some people not to feel so lonely(like me) and deep down she's depressed too. And if it's not clear yet, think about this: "The clown makes everyone laugh, but who makes the clown laugh?"
>Marky will never hiki with you, expenses paid.
>You'll never nurture her hobbies and purpose back and cook for her.
>You'll never help her quit her orbit addiction.
Oh ok it was more straightforward than i thought. Yeah i bought the comic but i have yet to read it, i knew about the "who watches the watchmen" slogan
why not make it happen? originally
she stremin bois
>It could happen but shes unresponsive on email
Sorry Marky.
What did you say? might have said something wrong