How can incels cope?

I got more of the intimacy he's talking about with my girlfriend in my mid-20s than I ever did in my teen years. Teenagers are too young to appreciate things like that.

>posting anime

How does it feel being lower than literal shit?

Attached: weebs utterly btfo in a single screenshot.png (1806x787, 418.26K)

This image and your opinion(truth) on animefags is based but your coping isn't.

you're right bro, I was wrong my bad

I stopped caring about that stuff as soon as I started being able to get regular sex at age 28

Why do incels bitch and whine about something that's not hard to attain? They're like fat people making excuses for being overweight.

>you put your arm around her and tell her youll watch out for her

Attached: 1579972037727.jpg (618x597, 144.1K)

all of that can be replicated through out life, i don't get what his point is. i dated as a teen, had a bad break up, only started dating when i was 25 and had a very similar experience, the only big difference is that instead of sneaking out of her house because i wasn't supposed to be there i just fucking walked out like normal, and before you say "ye but that could be fun" it fucking ain't, try and explain strangers what the fuck you doing in a tiny apartment building where everyone knows each other without giving up what you were actually doing in there, not to mention running up the stairs because her parents for some god awful reason decided to take the stairs for once in their life. 1 thing that was dope was just sititng in class holding hands and sitting really near each other, and that was only fun because i was basically cuddling with her for 6 hours, which you can't really do once you get a job

also this, a lot of teenagers don't have the emotional stability/growth to apreciate the little moments and just want to hump 24/7

>Implying being filled with teenage hormones and intense emotions while fucking all day is worse than mediocre adult relationships

it unironically is once you consider those intense emotions include the bad ones, such as jealousy, resentment, etc. the worst i've ever felt was dating as a teen due to the teen drama bullshit i had to put up with, most of which is gone in adulthood where you can apreciate stability (as long as you don't pick a chick with bpd).

unless you hit the jackpot and find someone with a huge amount of emotional maturity at 18 (which i'd bet my life savings on that you won't) your dating life is gonna be a fucking toxic mess