How can incels cope?
How can incels cope?
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By not being subhumans? lmao imagine thinking sex/le intimancy is wonderfull and shit. We get more happiness with a day on /tg/ than you subhumans get with a year of sex
i cope by turning my frown upside down
you know thats something i will never regret, even though i was a piece of shit to those girls i will never forget the sweet memories they gave me
damn thats brutal, i already was a hikikomori at 16
>When coping goes outta control
When you spend the entire day trying to suppress every negative thought, it's always interesting to see what finally manages to make the whole thing overflow. Today I guess it was this image. I guess I'm crying now. Wasn't expecting that. This is not my proudest moment.
Oh well.
See? That simple.
That's just apart of the blissfulness of ignorance that no one can ever get back. Incels unfortunately have no choice but to deal with the hard realities of life while a normalfag can live in an ignorant bubble well into adulthood never experiencing anything truly tramatic.
It's ok user it stings deep for me too, not so much because I haven't done it but because I'm so different
I got more of the intimacy he's talking about with my girlfriend in my mid-20s than I ever did in my teen years. Teenagers are too young to appreciate things like that.
>posting anime
How does it feel being lower than literal shit?
This image and your opinion(truth) on animefags is based but your coping isn't.
you're right bro, I was wrong my bad
I stopped caring about that stuff as soon as I started being able to get regular sex at age 28
Why do incels bitch and whine about something that's not hard to attain? They're like fat people making excuses for being overweight.
>you put your arm around her and tell her youll watch out for her
all of that can be replicated through out life, i don't get what his point is. i dated as a teen, had a bad break up, only started dating when i was 25 and had a very similar experience, the only big difference is that instead of sneaking out of her house because i wasn't supposed to be there i just fucking walked out like normal, and before you say "ye but that could be fun" it fucking ain't, try and explain strangers what the fuck you doing in a tiny apartment building where everyone knows each other without giving up what you were actually doing in there, not to mention running up the stairs because her parents for some god awful reason decided to take the stairs for once in their life. 1 thing that was dope was just sititng in class holding hands and sitting really near each other, and that was only fun because i was basically cuddling with her for 6 hours, which you can't really do once you get a job
also this, a lot of teenagers don't have the emotional stability/growth to apreciate the little moments and just want to hump 24/7
>Implying being filled with teenage hormones and intense emotions while fucking all day is worse than mediocre adult relationships
it unironically is once you consider those intense emotions include the bad ones, such as jealousy, resentment, etc. the worst i've ever felt was dating as a teen due to the teen drama bullshit i had to put up with, most of which is gone in adulthood where you can apreciate stability (as long as you don't pick a chick with bpd).
unless you hit the jackpot and find someone with a huge amount of emotional maturity at 18 (which i'd bet my life savings on that you won't) your dating life is gonna be a fucking toxic mess
Well you're obviously a normie so can I just ask why the fuck you even bothering coming here and ruining the board?
it's fun plus i'm autistic enough to feel like i belong here
I'm still mentally a teenager, so I think I'm fine for now.
As someone who got it once and now nothing its not easy to get and incels are right that women's standards are becoming unreasonable.
this is such massive cope. genuinely feel bad for you user
>teenage love is shit because chad told me
>I believe him even though the best sex Ive had is with my 600lb wife
I swear someone like this will start posting in this thread
Desu when you actually live through this stuff, you realize that yeah, it's nice and all, but it's not some transcendental thing that completely defines your existence or anything, it just is, you just enjoy it and then move on. The majority of these relationships don't even last very long. Stop glorifying mundane shit, losers.
This is going on the cringe catalog,and no you dont know teenage love, maybe just maybe you fucked some landwhale when you were 17 or older.
This, I predicted the next post without even knowing
You're an ignorant faggot, you got to experience it so it's just normal for you, you can't see it from any other perspective and realize why those who will never get to experience may feel bad about it, you normalniggers need to kill yourselves
this is not true at all lolll
normie logic doesnt add up, "yeah your first steps arent important bro, you will still be walking more when you develop completely".
>women's standards are becoming unreasonable
true. ik a girl who is a 4/10 at best if you don't look at her during daylight who, according to her, is only interested in people who earn a decent amount of money and are handsome.
i had a long discussion with her, trying to beat around the bush that she seriously needs to lower her standards, but she doesn't care, she wants financial stability first, looks second, personality last. i feel like she only says this because she has never dated and doesn't really know what it means to like someone outside of a crush, and she probably never will with the way she acts
not really mundane, but you're right about them not lasting very long, most are pretty toxic and not worth carrying on simply on the fact both parties are literally children. so i understand their perspective of feeling like they've missed out, but considering how awful a lot of those relationships get it's probably better that they jump into one with a functional adult, at least in the long term
ok retard
Is yes man a simp?
>and realize why those who will never get to experience may feel bad about it
You fags don't "feel bad" about it, you spend day after day crying and whining and fantasizing about it. And yes, it is normal, it is absolutely normal and mundane, it just gets blown out of proportion by your retarded minds.
>didn't take my first step yesterday
>should I take it now?
>nah, better sit on my ass and cry everyday about it for the rest of my life
I'm glad at least you have the honesty to realize you're a baby.
Cope harder.
Keep the thread alive for a moment, I'm making a chad yes man vs virgin muggy meme.
>You fags don't "feel bad" about it, you spend day after day crying and whining and fantasizing about it
That's quite the oxymoron you fucking retard. It's only mundane and normal for you because you're a faggot normalnigger who can't see things from any other perspective besides the one you were programmed with, you goes against your codes and scripts.
please keep it alive! I need to see this!
Why did incels choose not to have teenage love?
kinda fucked up that you don't realize that people are often just stuck in the mud not knowing how to get out, saying "just fucking do it instead of crying" is your way of saying "i don't have a fucking clue what you're going through"
>"y-yeah cope harder incel my wife is definitely not 600lb youre just angry at my superior reasoning"
It must be something about this that breaks your mind. I haven't had sex in 8 years and I don't particularly mind, but maybe I'd be more fucked in the head if I never had intimacy like that during youth.
I didnt make a proper allegory, but its proven teenage love is essential to build a better lovelife during adulthood because you get to make mistakes and get all your bottled up feelings out.
Its as essential as socializing during your early childhood, If you lack these experiences youre marked for life, no matter how many sex or friends you get later.
>It's only mundane and normal for you
No, it's mundane and normal for anyone that isn't a massive fucking retard.
>he one you were programmed with, you goes against your codes and scripts.
lmao! You're the one who desperately covets something he has never ever actually experienced, and you think you're in any position to talk about "scripts"? lmao. You're just blindly following instinct and childish ideas. That's why you're pathetic.
>saying "just fucking do it instead of crying"
"just fucking do it instead of crying" is the only thing to be said. No matter how much mental gymnastics you do, you cannot refute that sitting around doing nothing but crying and fantasizing about things will get you no where and you have to actually do things to get anywhere.
>b-but I feel too sad, I'm le doomer
Well that sucks, and you're probably fucked in the head because no normal person gets crippling depression over such mundane shit, but it doesn't matter, the rules of the world remain the same: crying about it will get you nowhere and will only ever lead to greater dissatisfaction with life.
Considering your only cope is coming up with strawmen, yeah I'd say I do have superior reasoning and overall higher satisfaction with life.
Yeah, it's obvious that getting more experience early on is better, but the fact of the matter is still that you can wallow in self pity over it for the rest of your life or you can try and stumble through and be awkward but maybe get something out of it.
Not being ok with being lonely on your prime doesnt mean you wallow in self pity.
It just opens your eyes to a new meaning in life, one that doesnt require pleasure or external approval, you normies will learn this the hard way when you get older.
>saying cope harder to anything you disagree with
>"Yeah I enjoy life"
jesus fucking christ stop being such a bitch-ass coward cunt
this is beyond pathetic
Moar based pics like this
Ye just proved his point cuckio.
i wasn't even one of the guys he mentioned, just put my two cents into what he said, and point still stands that he clearly has no clue what people go through, and neither do you it seems
BIn Bin
If its so mundane so early in life, why does this child/parent have a fucking fit because the girl didnt want to dance with a boy during a middle school dance? its not like its going to affect their adulthood.
Gotta play it both ways, dances are a little romantic and principal just wanted equality so everybody had a normal chance to have fun at a dance. but then you got mega bitch and her spawn crying to the nation because the spawn's choice should only matter.
I'd love them to enforce a time each time they have a little dance get together where everybody gets a chance. its just mundane and normal shit that everybody should experience?
and its sad, you expect everybody got a fair normal chance, when things like marriage are a fucking sham with no fault divorce. there's an increase of single mothers each decade. more of a chance to be raised by a mother with a personality disorder. which means more of a chance of being so controlled by your mother, you had an extremely sheltered life. but keep on bitching about some people feeling slighted by they couldnt experience more outside of a sheltered shitty life (which sometimes can last into your 20's). like your helping out.... unless its just one big cope for you as you're projecting too damn hard
>Not being ok with being lonely on your prime doesnt mean you wallow in self pity
Indeed it does not, but then you look at posts like and you realize who exactly I am talking about, the kinds of people that "spend the entire day trying to suppress every negative thought". If we take his word, he is crying about it. That's what I'm talking about it. This guy is literally crying about it. And whenever he feels like actually doing something he will probably fill up with those negative thoughts again and hesitate to do anything good because of them. There's no magic solution to whatever mental problem causes that, but it's still a fact that you must overcome those negative thoughts to be able to do something that produces happy thoughts, and sitting around fantasizing about what could have been is not the way to do that.
I see you're still relying on meme images instead of actually coming up with anything, nice programming.
>if you disagree with me that proves me right
you are a special kind of retard for sure
you dont got through anything special. you are not special. your suffering is not special.
you are acting as if you were some blind broke cripple on the street. you are just a loser, thats all. yet you cry like you are some oppressed peepeepoopoo baaaaah.
absolutely pathetic.
Pick was unrelated (obviously)
he said that people just telling him is "nothing" is fucked up, the you proceed to tell him hes pathetic as what he is talking about is nothing.
keep trying normalfag
Yeah, maybe there are smarter things to do than just sob but that doesnt deny the importance of the experiences he never got to live.
"that man already raped you bro just go on with life"
>you dont got through anything special
again i'm not even one of the people he mentioned you fucking spastic, can you learn to read?
>you are acting as if you were some blind broke cripple on the street
there's people who grew in broken households, had shitty parents, were molested, bullied, beaten up non stop, what makes you think those things don't have a massive impact on people making them unable to be functional, only someone with zero empathy would assume those people are crying over nothing
My artistic skills are poor, but I enjoyed making it.
>only someone with zero empathy would assume those people are crying over nothing
I think its more like a lack of simpathy since most people who said this have experienced young love, Its like asking a rich guy to use coupons.
>If its so mundane so early in life, why does this child/parent have a fucking fit because the girl didnt want to dance with a boy during a middle school dance?
Because some people are insane, like you it seems.
>Gotta play it both ways
No, not really. I bet you feel real clever other these mental gymnastics though.
>you expect everybody got a fair normal chance,
No, not really.
>muh mom
Well bro, sorry you have mommy issues, but like I've been saying, you can cry about it for the rest of your life, or you can move on. Your choice.
>maybe there are smarter things to do than just sob but that doesnt deny the importance of the experiences he never got to live.
I know, I get that. I get that every little thing hangs in your mind and haunts you such that you get filled with self doubt or anticipate disappointment or whatever myriad of negative thoughts, but at the end of the day the choice is still the exact same no matter what: Move on or collapse. There is nothing else that can be said, no rationalization or explanation, just deal with the fact that you messed up and move on regardless.