Letter Thread: Social Distancing Edition

New letter thread, w*men are demons edition. e daters and other losers come here to wallow and write letters no one will read.

Dear Anna,

I'm over you.

This time for real.

Feels good man.

Enjoy your life.

- J

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women arent even demons you absolute queer.


i walked didnt see any crows

Dear -


- Crow-chan

If your name is jodi or alex youre probably mad cute and i appreciate you

Stfu i wasnt talking to no one in particular

Don't be mean to crow-chan. He'll remember... for a very long time.

I too will remember

I thought you and Anna were back together?

Hey World,

Hera and the girls are no more. I have reunited our souls. I don't like who I used to be but I am who I am. Ima do my best to maintain form. I have gained a new level of freedom I did not have before. I very much feel in control.

I guess should say a word about mom. I loved my momma. She watched over me and a couple of you guys. I inherited all her work and effort. Some part of me is the same some is diffrernent. I hope I kinda be as kind and gentle as her. She was super perceptive. I suppose these are my traits now.

That was the last of my missing halves. I can be me again. To a new glorious day world.

-The Great Liz

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>I don't feel like who I used to be but I am who I am

typos sorry

im done caring about anybody or writing letters. people just hurt you and leave. advice for everybody: be alone


You should've told me you don't love me. It was cruel to call up, remind me of your voice and say that wasn't you, why did you sound so gut punched when I said I wished you weren't in the same world as me. I've wondered about that love for years. My delusion about it being you was a relief in a way. I can't hate you, I can't forget you, I can't stop loving you. I wish you'd tell me the truth. I doubt it'd even help. I can't find a shape that works.

I'm a mess.

- A

Just letting you know I have a 6 month old avocado plant. It has notoriety as far as being grown from a seed with roots from the market, incubated in it's own fruit upon cutting. I love my avocado.

>incubated in it's own fruit upon cutting.
What does that mean? It sprouted in the fruit? Why is it notorious?

Yes, in the fruit! I've only been eating guacamole for 27 years and had never seen such a thing!

What name does it have? You DID give it a name, right?

Yeah it's Marty.

That used to be a nickname for me like a decade ago, ahaha. I hope he does his best. Remember you can trim the top leaves on those to get them all fluffy and bushy once it's developing. I have a ginseng tree called Leafet.

That bitch that you wifey, she so trifling.

Lmao, enjoy your fucking job. We could've been posted somewhere foreign on a beach. I would've been loyal to you..unlike that last nigga you picked. Yeah he was rich like a prince, but he picked some thot on ig after he deemed you too much work. No; I won't take you back. Kys lmao. I will continue to take every opportunity to flex my trips to the bahamas in your fucking face as you wallow in student debt. Congrats though, you ruined women for me.

Snake fucker, kick rocks.

damn it hurts, dont it?

It does, it does, forever and ever.

Dear T
I don't know what to say after all the things you have done to me . But being bullied by you had make me realize that deep down you are just a faggot , a poor stupid faggot . Yeah , desu being bullied is kinda suck but it help me to face to truth that i need to be stronger to survive in this shitty world . And your expulsion is the best thing in my life . I hope you like to sleep on the street and eat garbage because no one seemed to want to hire an drop out faggot nowadays . Thx for reading

There there, internet hug, hope my hug reaches you, forever hurting, youre not alone

Nice! Yeah it's almost to it's ability to bush out. I want to give it another couple weeks, but that will really help in this sun if it's not in shade all the time.

>internet hug,

Can I get that upgraded to the *glomps u* =^w^= package?

To Father Thomas,
I have nothing but respect for your dedication and efforts. But you know this. It was good to hear from you.

To Father Peter,
I respect your philosophy more than any other. You gave me hope for the world when I would have turned on it all.

To Father Ciprian,
Yes it was me who bought you and your family lunch at Joe Evans. You have a beautiful family I wish to emulate. See you at church when all of the nonsense blows over.

To Mykelchuk,
I hope you and your wife are doing well. Maybe you're still doing your old rate but I hope you got to do some cool stuff since last we spoke. I know you wanted to be a fighting man and you have the spirit for it.

To Pa,
I'm sorry I'm not the man you wanted your son to be. I don't have wealth or a family or am a master of skills. I've kicked myself around so many times. I'm trying to dedicate myself and grow now. Have things that will establish me. Tell ma to stop trying to get me to come back to Tenneessee. I want to remain here and be independent, or damn me, let Corona take me. Will call soon.

To J,
You've always been there for me. We should play DBD later.

To j,
You've not been there lately you little shit. What excuse do you have? We should also play games later after my work.

To Her,
I wish we could just talk. How many more chances will we have? Here in a few days I may call you about trying to move in if my job is established(which I won't know for a few days) and I can't find a place. I miss you already. I hoped it was you in the last thread that confessed your love for me but I don't think you come here even. Maybe you will see me on my next run? Honk next time. And pick me up. And let me take you out finally. I'm not sure where since everything is shut down but I want to be with you. You can pick me up like your [quote] bitches [unquote].

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Ugh, * Tennessee. What kind of a goon typos his own state?

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Dear Anyone,

Had a dream last night that they made an official Distant Valhalla VN/Anime and I got to watch the non existing trailer. For some reason they now had a robot assistant character similar to that one thing from Apex legends crossed with the boston dynamics uprights. Any dream about a long haired girl in a labcoat is a great dream to me. I deserved that for thinking about timelines before sleep. No more time travel, I'm already exhausted.

A Distant Retard

Also, I should unironically rope myself.

...but h'why shoulda u do dat?

Pasta la vista, baby.

Why do you want to do that? Do you want to talk? Tell me about yourself user.

I like long walks in the cold until my circulatory system shuts down and meat curing salt.

Don't tell them. It's just a couple of spooks with a neural network. Sometimes they probably just have to randomly randomly "don't kill urself lil buddy" so they can feel better about treating us like lab rats while the other spooks make sure we all die alone.

Thanks schizo user. Let's give them a good show.

Paige you unlikeable she-demon I fucking despise you, getting me ostracized has only made my life hell and yet I still somehow feel bad for breaking up with your exploiting ass.

burn in the deepest pit of hell you daddy kink fuckwit


It's not schizophrenia. It's just accumulated PTSD from so many disparate sources that it's hard to pinpoint a cause, so it presents as paranoid schizophrenia.

Eh, are you some targeted individual type?

Lmao-go bakkkkn 2

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I'll have you know the letter thread and /x/ are best buddies.

How'd you end up with access to this phone? I thought I avoided everything that would have left a way for you to do it.

...more schizo posting?

I know I'm a little young and fucked in the head. We could've had a nice civilized friendship.
At least we have our....I can't even say it. I will maintain that I am innocent, I didn't make those posts about you. It was better to think you talked to me out of pity because it got you out of my mind. I would say the world would be a better place, but that would not be true. I for one know my worth quite well.
I'm just glad you didn't block me or say leave me alone. I'm glad you haven't thrown me away. That means you still care.

No. I'm not that other poster either. People are actually just trying to fuck with me.

How is that? What people?

Eat shit& die

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Mainly through here because they know I'm here. Not entirely sure who at this point but there's a few. Before you ask, they had a reason to do so at the start but they're still going with it two years later, so I'm assuming they do it for the sake of doing it.

R pls come and talk and be my frend again i am nothing and u were gave me something but you dissapeared 5 years alone no friends just constant betrayal. Don't trust anyone

You'll never stop us. See me after class.


I still have hope we'll talk again someday. I miss your voice. Stop trap-fapping.


you chose to fuck off no one forced you to
you deserve every bit of suffering that comes your way

>two years
Suspect date. You sure your friends aren't messing with you about messing with you,and the things you know are real you're afraid of?

Dear D

It really hurts. I wish I never got close to you



Hope you're doing alright up there with all the corona shit, I wonder what the you'd think of it all. Make sure you raid miller's munchies and unleash the beast from within.


I'm trillionaire. My spaceship crashed and I landed here. From a galaxy far far away. I came here. Our home called 'zillion'.

Journey through galaxy was long... It took a trillion years!

i was under the effects of extreme mind control and repressed trauma

how else would you explain the things that i did

I know it sounds like typical schizo shit, but they've gone out of their way to make it obvious recently. They usually make it obvious they're still watching a few times a month, so I'm not saying it's gangstalking, but more of a passive fucking with me.

Jokes on (you),

I'm still here!

, Em

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That's a strange justification for getting TOPPED.

Post initial please? I'm intrigued.

No thanks. This is more about if they would answer if I tried to actually talk to them so I'm just going to leave my posts floating here now.

They don't come here to threads like this.

>This is more about if they would answer if I tried to actually talk to them
Your friends? Or the person they routinely masquerade as? I say this because I'm certain I was being mimicked on here.

Am I here now?
Markings in the logbook might say so.
Hasn't checked out,
I thought the sun blinded me, but it didn't.
The photons burned the retinas of the masses
But not mine.
The words aren't right, easy or even left on read.
I don't know.
Not only physical.
It's for the best.
Maybe it's the alchemy.
Just lies again

How about you talk about why you thought you were being mimicked here