Nice Guy/Friendzone Thread

>Yep. My anecdotal evidence as a woman backs this up. I always went for "bad boys" and had respectful and relatively healthy relationships. I left my last "bad boy" because things weren't working, and leapt into a relationship with the opposite - a clean cut, seems totally normal, my parents will like him, wholesome type. Cue abuse for 11 years.

>I've got to agree. A guy I dated a few years ago was a "nice guy". But as soon as we got into a relationship he started ignoring me. I honestly felt like a trophy, because when we did talk, he was always bragging about me to his friends, showing pictures, etc. He'd FaceTime me while he was out with friends to "prove I was real". Gross.

>My husband has that total bad boy look. He's covered in tattoos neck to feet, annoyingly handsome, he's a smooth talker. And an actual genuinely sweet, good man.

>So, I can also confirm that "bad boys" are actually better than "nice guys".

>A girl from my hometown went off to college. She started dating the guy that everyone loved, including her parents. She broke it off with him after several months. One day she found all of her tires were slashed. They knew he did it but her and her parents didn't want to make trouble for him. Four months later, she was on the way to work but never arrived. At 19 she was murdered by the nice guy that no one wanted to get into trouble. He's now serving life in prison.

Why are you so butthurt that women want "bad boys" over "nice guys" when it's obvious that it's better for them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>leaves "bad" boy quickly
>stays with abuser for 11 years
She stayed because of the abuse. The nice guy was the real bad boy here.

So you went for a nice guy and left a bad guy. I don't see how that goes against what we claim.

Because Robots are retarded.

It is for the best for women to go for someone who isn't desperate, because those people are desperate for a reason

Because people have a disconnect between what they think is nice and what is really nice. "Nice guys" are usually boring people that have "being nice" as their only personality trait (i.e. they're boring), and to top it off, they're rarely even nice. You know how every conversation with a "nice guy" turns into them calling the girl a bitch and a whore for rejecting them? How is that nice? It's just people that think that acting nice will get them sex (which is usually painfully transparent to girls) vs people that have their own life, do their own thing and see girls as actual people.

What is your definition of being "actually nice", when someone stabs you in the back, leaning into the blade and saying thanks?

yeah somebody rejecting you at any stage before you enter an actual relationship for any reason is not a "stab in the back", sorry

How do I not be boring? Being consistently funny and entertaining is hard especially when the other party doesn't give me much to work with. How are normies always called smart and funny? And how do they stay on for so long?

Speak about Yourself, be normal, poke fun at some things. You can even try joking about her, just make it obvious it's not mean-spirited. If You ran out of things to say about Your life ask about hers. Have a genuine conversation.

ive become completely immoralized trying to date and give a shit about women. everythings a game and its like i cant just be a genuine person and relax.

why do love so brutal? why are women so mean? i know that i would just get emotionally wrecked by a girl if i ever got close enough to one.

I don't know why "nice guy" has such a negative connotation. It makes no sense to me at all.

Because it refers to people who believe that they need to show girls that they're nice a couple of times to get sex from them, and usually get angry afterwards when that (shockingly) doesn't work out. Nice people are lovely, "nice guys" are the worst.

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>everythings a game and its like i cant just be a genuine person and relax
This peeves me the most. There's nothing genuine about romantic relationships or love. When you are making friends, your personality matters so much. Yet, when you're trying to court a woman, it's all about how physically attractive you are and how well you can pretend to have character traits that women deem manly. You need to read books about female psychology to even hope for maintaining a marriage and averting divorce.
Best of all, women worry about none of this. They get to relax completely and be themselves without having to censor their personalities or hide their interests to find a partner. They can just completely let go and allow themselves to be loved and cared for.
Opting out of it all is a completely rational and sane response, to be honest.

thats a bit long but it explains it perfectly. feminist women online complained about nice guys and it eventually became a huge meme all over the internet to do it.

>nice guys

Are typically bad beause its a clear indication that the 'nice guy' doesnt understand the world. Think autism or just plain dumb

Firstly, theyre too feminised. They think women want a man thats loyal like a dog, plays nintendo switch and consumes onions milk. They dont understand social conventions so they assume they want chivalry. Someone whos really suave but also bids to do anything their woman wants them to. They have no spine, no aggression, no drive, nothing. All they can offer is to do all their bidding. Which is the complete opposite of what a man should represent.

Why can't women understand that relationships and emotions and partnerships are a thing, and view everything in either getting/giving material shit, or getting/giving sex?

I appreciate how you expressed this. I believe the distinction boils down to whether or not you're a good man versus a "nice guy." I personally don't mind "nice guys" (I mean, I wouldn't hang with them) seeing as they make dating a breeze for those of us that are genuinely good men.

>They dont understand social conventions so they assume they want chivalry. Someone whos really suave but also bids to do anything their woman wants them to.
That sounds like an admirable guy to me, I'd date him if I was a chick, sounds like a straight up romance novel character, what's wrong with women that they don't like that?

Case in point. Women dont want a wet noodle boyfriend that does everything the woman asks. Its the opposite of masculinity. It shows they have no drive, no spine, no autonomy, they dont and wont stick up for themselves. They likely wont stick up for the girl if a mugger appears on the street. Limp dick boyfriend

>That sounds like an admirable guy to me
You're looking at this from the perspective of a man, so of course you think you'd date him as a woman. Put yourself in the shoes of a woman and it sounds completely repulsive. You can find those traits in anyone more attractive than what was being described.

Guy wants to have sex with a girl, oh no what a nightmare.

I fail to see the problem. Women who refuse to sleep with me are worthless trash and therefore deserve death because I can't get access to the only valuable thing they have.

>t. user that lacks the ability to introspect and realize that he comes across just like this guy
Good luck, my man.

If you could access it that easily it wouldn't be valuable, retard.

Why do women pretend this isn't a thing? It's irritating.

Sure, you can act like a man instead. It's better for your mental health than being a sissy nice boy. But a woman will almost always have a better choice. It's a matter of time before she finds someone "manner" than you. It's a needlessly excruciating competition and you can't relax for one second, lest she accuses you of not exciting her anymore and leaves you for the next best thing. It's exhausting. There's a reason so many men are opting to sit at home and jerk off instead of chasing women.

Because you don't have to be their friend? It's not that serious. If you wanted a relationship / fuck buddy and it didn't pull through, why pretend to be their friend and linger around after they made themselves clear?
>there are better options, therefore you shouldn't even try

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seems nice guys are actual bad boys here
r9k should drown in pussy

It doesn't play out like that at all though. I went on a date with a girl from a club I go to, she said it wasn't working and said we should be friends instead, I declined and everyone started treating me like I'm an asshole. Apparently if a woman doesn't want to fuck you but wants to be your friend you're obligated to accept.

Who cares what anyone else thinks? Tell them to cry harder. I personally just ghost and go completely radio silent. They don't even deserve my dismissal.

greentext it you faggot. that's what happens when you meet girls from clubs.

probably this. I literally have no personality. I'm bland and can't speak in conversations... how do I fix this?

There is no point in interacting with women if they don't put out. Men are more interesting to talk to and are more funny, women are worthless besides their vagina so if she doesn't let me in, she is worthless and therefore deserves to die. Guys like that dude in op's story are heroes who understood the truth.

So first. That pic is totally most guys' MO. I really thought a woman was writing that because men act like that to women in love with them all the time.

As for the chick you're describing, she sounds like a lunatic. What happened to people dating "normal" guys? Why are you acting like only bad or nice guys exist?

They do understand relationships, they have no issue with most guys and most relationships. It's "nice guys" that can't understand that you don't just act nice a few times to get sex out, and that relationships boil down to more than just sex for some gestures.

Yeah honestly they're a good laugh. Like, if a friend of mine was a "nice guy", I'd try to get him to cut that shit out and get his shit together, but all in all it's a topic to think about. It's like watching people falling over, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone specific but man isn't it hilarious to watch.

Guy doesn't treat a woman as a person and instead thinks she'll dispense sex if she says the right words. You wouldn't like it if a girl saw you as nothing but an ATM machine if she says the right things to you.
>inb4 that's how all women see things
That's projecting, just because you see women that way doesn't mean they see the world in the same way.

I care. It's an absolutely ridiculous notion that you have to accept every woman as a friend lest you get labelled an asshole, especially women who've just rejected you.
It's not that kind of club, it's an archery club.
>be me, regular at the club
>new girl starts showing up every so often
>has no idea what she's doing
>looks distressed so I offer to help her
>seems grateful
>she starts asking me to help pretty frequently
>talk whenever we're at the club
>she asks if I want to hang out sometime, calls it a date
>think the date went pretty well
>get a text saying we should just be friends and she "didn't feel it"
>kinda hurt but whatever
>talk to her less frequently, don't reply to some of her texts because I know it won't go anywhere
>she keeps asking for help with stupid shit, tell her she can ask one of the other guys
>everyone starts treating me coldly and start getting weird comments from people
>tfw I just wanted to practice
I really don't get it. They're all fucking amateurs there anyway.

this is my fetish theres nothing hotter than friendzoning

why is there always some faggot in all of these threads that cant acknowledge that women can behave like shitty people, and places all of the responsibility on men to just sit there and take it and to rise above it.

why dont you go spend your energy telling women something instead?

Get some interests to become less boring. Even if they're niche, being passionate about something is better than having nothing at all. However, it's even better if you can get some common interests, i.e. movies, music, games.

Practice talking to people to getting better at talking. I personally got a job as a bartender where I had to make small talk with the customers, and after a year of working there I could hold a conversation with pretty much anyone. It's a learnable skill, you feel like a proper autist at the start when you're practicing talking and it's clearly not going great.

>I keep having dysfunctional relationships. Must be the fault of my various ex-boyfriends, not me, the only constant in all these stories

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hypocrite are you not for doing the same thing you preach against? Don't you realize that your disdain of women is also caused by your own actions? Don't you realize you're the only constant in all of your stories?

Women can detect misogyny over posts on the internet but can't detect when Chad is about to knock them the fuck out for the third time this month.

>Put yourself in the shoes of a woman and it sounds completely repulsive.
Why, are women crazy?

Meh, caring that much is too much energy for me.
>It's an absolutely ridiculous notion that you have to accept every woman as a friend lest you get labelled an asshole, especially women who've just rejected you.
People will find anything to be offended about. People only do this because you care. If you didn't care, they wouldn't even bother trying to shame you for it.
I never said women can't behave like shitty people. People are just shit in general for the most part. The difference here is that I'm not going to put myself in a position for them to treat me like shit. This is no different than getting upset that a dog bit you because you were running around with peanut butter on your hands.

>over the internet
>implying you're not absolutely insufferable IRL

I have more female than male friends.

They find men attractive, not guys that behave like women.

>People only do this because you care
And how do you suppose they know I care? I just go to the club, do my thing, and then leave. I'm not doing anything differently.

I found these 2 pics one right after the other last night.

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>They're all fucking amateurs there anyway.
And you're not? user they're treating you like that because you were friendly to her beforehand.

>My husband has that total bad boy look. He's covered in tattoos neck to feet, annoyingly handsome, he's a smooth talker. And an actual genuinely sweet, good man.
what the fuck was the point of this post? it's 2019+1, tattoos don't mean anything

I changed the sizing

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What are you even trying to say with that, user?

Women are scumbags.

women are not dogs. like no, they SHOULD behave better, they SHOULD be held to a standard.

you have a double standard. youre more than willing to act as though men should behave better, but think women are as helpless to their instincts as dogs.

Well if they stopped the bitching and generally just stopped being a cunt. He might not have needed to discipline her then

No I'm a registered professional. I'm not unfriendly to her now, we're still amiable I'm just not as invested in her as I was before, not in small part because she rejected me. I don't understand why it's anyone's business. I don't owe her my time, nor does she owe me hers.

What about that picture makes you say that?

Stop pretending you don't get it.

>They do understand relationships, they have no issue with most guys and most relationships. It's "nice guys" that can't understand that you don't just act nice a few times to get sex out, and that relationships boil down to more than just sex for some gestures.
What else does a woman require in a relationship? Remember, you said that they don't like guys who care too much about what they want so... ? Apart from spending time with each other and doing things together and having sex, what else is there, if you discount emotions which you said don't exist and should be discarded (if a man has them at least)?

>The difference here is that I'm not going to put myself in a position for them to treat me like shit.
So you're never going to fall in love ever? Sounds like you're an edgy teen.'s literally cheaper to fly out to tokyo and get an escort off of line. they're more attractive, too. who do this chicks think they are?

oh. yeah the "nice guy aka school shooter vibe" means that the guy was gender nonconforming.

he doesn't live up to the standards of hetero-normative hegemonic masculinity.

basically, she's sexist and supports patriarchy. mass shootings are actually a rebellion against patriarchy. welcome to hard left feminism.

Which character does a man have to roleplay for a woman to find him attractive? Remember, you said that they don't like men who are supplicating and submissive so... why does a man have to roleplay Christian Grey again? You said women liked natural alphas who don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks. This is a bit confusing. Are you saying that women only like guys who roleplay the exact guy they like but never acknowledge they're having to roleplay him in order for them to be attracted and instead brainwash themselves into thinking that this is what they really wanted in the first place?

This post right here only difference is looks basically just LOOK like a bad boy

act like sam hyde

I genuinely don't know what the point you're trying to make is. Can you spell out exactly what your issue with that picture is?

>what does a woman want in a relationship?
Depends on the woman. However, as a general rule of thumb, it's the attitude that "oh I'll just get her what she wants and she'll sleep with me" that turns people off. Besides, if you keep putting people on a pedestal, they have no option but to look down. Treat them as your equal, understand what kind of person she is and explain the kind of person you are, then you can enter an equal relationship and not just you chasing her?
When did I say that emotions should exist? Ofc they should, emotions are an important part of a relationship. And yeah, if you break it down, all relationships are ultimately "moving muscles and saying words". But similarly, all sport is just "moving muscles", but if you move the muscles in the wrong way, you're not going to win. We're working with several levels of abstraction here, and generalising until both things sound the same doesn't mean they are.