How does Yas Forums like to cook their steak?

how does Yas Forums like to cook their steak?

you DO cook steak, right?

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Reverse sear or you're a queer.

>tfw well-done with katsup
fite me

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reverse searing is honestly a crutch for cooklets


Yeah, but a totally not gay and hetero crutch.

Based. Dumb pretentious bloodsucker faggots with their rare steak.

Color is nice. Very thin grey layer. Probably should have spent 30 seconds finishing it up on end to render the fat cap a bit better. But what is that teriyaki bullshit you've slathered it in and ruined the crust? Just grab a bottle of A1 if you're going to be a faggot.

Right, he should have gone with Terry Ho s Yum Yum Sauce

i've got a ribeye in the freezer right now that i was planning on marinating tonight and cooking tomorrow. probably going w/ a garlic/butter/pepper/lemon/basil marinade, rare, with some pasta

medium rare for me. im gonna start doing rare for kicks

I don't have the means to cook steak, but when I'm ordering some, I like it rare.

If so, don't order expensive meat, well done makes everything taste the same.

No, I eat it raw.

there's no sauce. it was seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper.

USDA Prime NY Strip

Attached: Attach65509_20200302_001915.jpg (768x1024, 138.78K)

That's one tasty looking meatloaf.

Here is the best method:
>build a thicc maple wood fire
>wait for it to burn completely down to coals
>but before it starts to ash over
>throw the steak directly on it
>wait one minute
>flip steak
>wait one minute
>remove steak
>brush off coals/soot/ash
>allow steak to rest for a couple minutes

>Seasoned with salt, pepper, and fresh garlic.
>Leave it on the counter until it reaches room temp.
>Cook in a small amount of olive oil at medium-high heat in a cast-iron skillet until slightly blackened.
>Lower to medium to medium-low heat.
>I usually cook it medium to medium well.
>Serve with pasta.

My gf decided to marinate it in vinegar and worcestershire and leave out the garlic. It turned out great. I'd suggest my way, but some may like the marinated version better.

>>I usually cook it medium to medium well.

Medium rare is too difficult to chew. Medium is a nice texture for me. It gives a taste of the blood, while not relying on that alone for flavor. It will let you actually taste the seasoning. A good amount of the fat usually remains, so if you like fat there ya go.

Medium well still has some juice to it, while not being visually bloody. Good for people that are afraid of blood, like my gf.

>medium well
>gf posting on r9k
I hate so many of the things that you choose to be.

I like mine medium, a good amount of pink but no red
usually just pan fry them, I add some butter, garlic and herbs after I flip it, and baste the steak regularly. while it's resting, I make a simple pan sauce by deglazing the pan with red wine and/or beef stock

oh and I season with salt, black pepper, and a little cayenne

medium well with shitty steak, just salt and pepper

Nice steak medium rare, leaning towards rare, still just salt and pepper

debate me faggots

>you DO cook steak, right?
No. I'm a vegetarian. Haha.

i dont eat steak because im a morally superior vegan who doesnt pay for animals to be tortured, enslaved and killed for my taste pleasure

Attached: baby cow curbstomp (1).webm (640x360, 1.73M)

>potato overcooked
>plating is shit
this is a disingenuous post and i bet you can't even make risotto

Sure lemme just get my maplewood fire going rq. Fucking retard.

The fuck are you on about? "Plating" is fine and only pedantic faggots care about that. Potato looks fine too the fuck you smoking, boy? And what do you mean by a "disingenuous post"? I don't think you even know what that word means considering it's a buzzword nowadays and you yoinked it from reddit or tumblr trannies. That's 3 strikes you're fucking out, son.

I wanted you to be the cooking user that bait was intended for but this is a much better outcome, thanks user.
This was a bait for a poster thats been around a while and I thought maybe you were them. You're not, but this is better probably.

that's just straight animal abuse. Does not happen at the majority of farms. Those people can go to jail for that.

>merely pretending
Not him, but you can do better than bait people on a chinese car-crashing board.

>you're enjoying a thing wrong, stop that

you're a pretty big faggot bud.

thanks for the (You) chief.

Are you talking about that retard Risotto tripfag that used to post here?

yes that user. i enjoyed triggering him and it was always fun to find him in random threads and use his trigger words to set him off talking about rice.

thats literally par for the course. we literally breed these animals, enslave them their entire life, kidnap and kill their children so they will produce milk, and the second they stop high volume milk production we kill them at a fraction of their natural lifespan. delude yourself harder that the video i linked is "abnormal"

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Why is the pepper so coarse in the OP image? Seems gross desu.
But I cook mine rare.
At least you don't have to buy expensive cuts of meat to enjoy it. You do you user.
Reverse searing is the ideal way to cook steak.

Lmfao fuck that dude. I actually haven't seen him around here in a long time, though, 2bh.

maybe he finally took my advice and stayed on /ck/ where they can call him out on his shit more frequently than i could.

I know for a fact that you've never worked on a farm. Your opinion is meaningless and you are changing nobody's mind. Thanks for giving me ammo for the rekt threads over on Yas Forums though.

>I know for a fact that you've never worked on a farm

i dont need to have worked in a farm to understand the horrors of the animal slavery industry, you FUCKING RETARD. why are meat eaters so fucking stupid, especially the ones who claim they worked with these animals

they always say the dumbest shit, like
>"oh i love my animals, its why i rape, kill their kid, castrate them, and send them to the slaughterhouse for money at a fraction of their natural life"

how big of a delusional moron can you possibly be. fucking dumbass. seriously, you're fucking STUPID you, you fucking retard

heres pictures of unborn baby cows ripped out of a pregnant cow's belly as it was in the slaughterhouse. this is where your milk and steak come from. all dairy cows who stop preak milk production go to the slaughterhouse, and peak milk production is like 1 or 2 years or something like that

Attached: this is common in the dairy industry.jpg (1920x1080, 214.31K)

You wouldn't know what it's like to work in a garage if you haven't before.
Have you ever talked to a professional chef about food?
Yea, you likely don't know shit about planes unless you're a pilot or at least in training to become one.
>internet education

I hope those fetuses weren't wasted. I'm sure they'd be delicious veal.

i like mine quite rare. ive had better steaks cooked since but this is the one pic i have saved

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You still do. Veganism is just an argument of harm reduction not harm erasure.

i eat it raw cooking it makes it impossible to eat literally takes me over an hour to eat just one cooked stake and its a shit ton of work too tastes better raw anyway.

>seasoned with salt and pepper

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You are a small child. Want some mc nuggets with that?

theirs no blood in any meat not even raw unless you've killed the animal yourself and didn't drain the blood you're a retard.
as a side note blood is extremely healthy and full of nutrients like heme iron personally i drink goats blood sometimes.

I dont cook steak much mainly cause I prefer it to be on the grill and we never have propane for it
But I cook burgers about medium rare or medium well
I make the pan as hot as it can get so the burger gets a bit burnt on the outside and then lower the temp to about medium to cook it through

What's the juice then when a steak isnt cooked all the way? Not a vegetarian faggot just a retard here

Not him but your potatos seem maybe a tad over cooked. But perfectly acceptable. I just want to know what the fuck you did to that broccoli? Is that the steam in a bag shit?

i always grill it even in the winter. turn one side of grill as hot as it can get, turn on other side like halfway. season steak with olive oil salt and pepper, burn it on the hot side of grill for a 3-4 mins each side, then move it over to the low side of the grill and cook it until it gets to 135 inside and then take it out and let it sit for 4 mins

Myglobin. I believe its a byproduct of hemoglonin breaking down. Think of it as protien juices.

Interesting, thanks for the answer user, very helpful

guess what bitch?
i don't give a fuck
that's right I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!
iv'e personally bought my own animals (mostly goats) so that i can kill and butcher them myself all it takes is one good throat slitting and you get delicious nutritious meat to eat and blood to drink.

All animals are walking food including humans and humans always have and always will eat animals because we are carnivores and animals are what carnivores eat if you don't like it then kill yourself.
I'm done with appeasing you cunts your mentally i'll and completely disconnected from nature suck my cock fag.

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Covered in salt, ground mixed pepper, garlic granules and smoked paprika. If I'm not bored I'll spread a mix of mustard and mayo on top. Also, I like it cooked well done
Come at me

Are you talking about that tripfag that would get btfo constantly in his own threads? Lol I thought I got rid of him by tripfagging in his threads saying I was a chef and gave him so much shit. He would squirm so hard. Then I would make threads like his and give people cooking advice(from google lol) just to make him seethe some more. He finally said he was sick of me and went to cooking school or something, who cares. No more shitty threads from him. Those were the days.
Ur still a fag tho

Best way I find to cook a steak is all about preparation and have found that prepping steak by the Chaplin method is by far superior and will turn cheaper cuts like rump on par with the tenderness of fillet if patient enough.
Simply tenderise your steak, and then cut third deep grid formations along each surface about a pinkie nail in diameter. With finely cut shallots brush the steak all over and into the ridges with the shallots then wrap in cling film leaving sit for say 45 mins.
Once that's done remove all the shallots and go about cooking however you want, yet my favourite is cooked in a sauce specifically a dianne esque style with mushrooms, champagne, dijon mustard, congac , cream and parsley to finish.

Finally someone Who isnt retarded

thanks user, i remember you too from those threads, we were on the same page there. i was the one constantly using his favorite words against him, disingenuous, phony, etc
>Ur still a fag tho
no u, fren.