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I cannot stop cooming. I am addicted to porn and I am okay with that. It is not like I'll be spreading my shitty genes anywhere anyway. Is there any other bad effects except for mild brainfog?

My only problem with self improvement fags is the 'just start lifting bro, go to the gym bro' instead of showing people how to deal with their mental problem and social life in general.
I also hate how they imply that could be a shredded gigachad without mentioning there's no fucking way you can get there naturally and you need to juice the shit out of body to get there.

People that havent goen to the gym dont realise the wealth of benefits. anti-improovers think its just

>life and turn into a steroid gym rat

In reality getting better looking is just one benefit. Not even the main one>

>gym improves posture
>posture more important than what people think
>makes people have higher self esteem
>changes how people percieve you
>it improves mental health
>improves energy
>aka reduces depression

Mental health is the main benefit of weights and cardio. For reference the NHS recommends 30 mins cardio a day plus 3 days of weight training per week. And thats for standard health.

the 'just lift bro' people are always annoying, i don't think they realize just how grating they are because they are so immersed in the that obnoxious gym and fitness culture. they are all the proof i need that going down that route does not interest me at all, i have zero interest turning into one of those fake frat bros lol.
all they do is talk down to everyone, because that is what the culture does, they play this game where they talk down to you and then try to convince you the only way forward is by listening to them. they're extremely creepy people

No gym for your face
All cope.

>lists a bunch of awesome benefits
>still posts here multiple times a day

Ah yes sorry I forgot to add "COPE"

You got any more material lad? you seem like a fine anti-improober. Gimme some more comments on how youd react to someone telling you to be active, sleep better, eat better, get therapy etc etc

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when i grow up i want to self improve as much as you, and end up right back here making bait comics for (You)'s lmao

In more fit than you
No ones buying this redpill self-improvement shit anymore. Heres another one for your meme. Chads are born, not made.

Any more? getting some good additions here

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>depression and anxiety through the roof they can't even go out grocery shopping
>"just go to the gym bro, benefits and gains bro"
I'm not sure if you're trying to get people to self improve or flat out never thing of a gym again. If the gym fixed all of these problems you mentioned then you never really had these problems and you were just a spoiled cunt who didn't go outside much. Stop acting like muh self improvement is a magical recipe that'll fix everything and turn you into a gigachad.

So you need to be a chad to be happy? Interesting. I've already covered that though in the

>not a model so gave up on life.

Any more material?

I used to have anxiety so bad that I had panic attacks in the shop when waiting in line. i had to turn around if I saww anyone at the ATM outside

Guess what? I stopped drinking, started exercising, ate better, quit drugs, quit gaming. And now im doing a lot better. after less than 100 days

that has absolutely no relevance to what i just wrote lmao. also i make music. you...pick things up hahahah what kind of hobby is that

Go to grad school. You wont regret it.

I forgot to attach my image

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Im fit.
I get good sleep.
I dont watch porn (lol at watching chad cum in chicks)
Wheres my gf?

Exercising and weight training isnt supposed to be a hobby. Its essential for normal bodily functioning. Health professionals recommend 30 mins of cardio minimum a day as well as weight training 3 days. Thats minimum for base health.

the anti-improover is typically someone who is in denial that life can get better if they put the work in, it sounds like youre not an anti-improover so youre void from the image

i can tell you don't have anything other than lifting, you sound like a zombie parrot bro

Someone said lfiting was a hobby, I simply told them its not a hobby but a requirement for living healthily. Its not rocket science yet most anti improovers see 'exercise' and assume it means steroids and lifting really heavy weights with the LADS

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if i lifted and ended up like you i would commit suicide by hanging myself on a power rack

thats a wrap. Remember this is for people that are failed normies and no mental illness

Theres a lot of people where employing a complete life overhaul wont fix their issues. But you better believe it will for millions of people.

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see you in a couple years when you become a failed self help guru

You might be right user. After ive accumulated more cash im going back to uni to do psychology and a masters. Specifically studying young people and how internet porn, gaming, addiction, alcohol, lack of delayed gratification tasks as a child and such warps future productivity and happiness. Maybe itll draw blanks. Maybe it wont. Its my life passion though. I want to get to the root of it. How much is genetic, how much is environmental, how much is self-inflicted etc

Also how much of it is caused by trauma and things people are unwilling to talk about. Or things that are very sensitive. I.e. someone may be gender dysphoric but will tell people theyre depressed. Etc. So a doctor may be trying to treat something thats completely different to what the patient is outwardly expressing. I wonder how common that is.

if you ever do get a goilfrend youll have the insatiable desires to rape her throat and sodomize her and pee on her and watch her do these things with other men

lmao this dude really wants to be some self help motivator like tony robbins. psychotic

i'd be more inclined to believe you if incel forums weren't filled to the brim with gymcels.

>muh anarchy

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You know the best motivators will be ones whos been to the bottom and back to the top. Tony boi isnt some superhuman. he was a man who believed. A true IMPROOVER!!

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Tony robbins was a giga chad and self improvement will not guarantee a girlfriend even if you got one you will not know if she will cuck you with a taller man/ more attractive man or not

i dont know if this is a troll or you're serious at this point

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its ok to have career goals user, no need to be shocked. Is doing a thesis on how modern technology is wrecking todays youth really that mindblowing to you? You are oozing anti-improover vibes

Im going to change the wojack then give up on this, any suggestions? the current one is too harsh.

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g2g now. Keep on improoving fellas i believe in you

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>10 posters
>37 posts
your thread was a failure just like your life LOL

Last one I promise, im out

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What you call one of these, but they fully admit that it's all their fault, yet they continue to spiral down and continue to refuse to improve, and their explanation is "it takes too much effort and I'm a lazy sack of shit"

Depression. Theres a lot of crossovers on not wanting to improve and being depressed. Tbh its probably depression that causes one to be in denial that life can improve

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I fucking hate you. You sound so lame man just do a fucking push-up


im gonna improve now!! here i come gym!


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Life wise, and you sound like a woman.
>t. fell for the lifting meme when I was 20 for a whole year

every time i do a curl while looking at myself in the mirror i get orgasmic pleasure

What if someone thinks that things could improve if they actually put effort in, but they know that they will never put effort in and it will only keep getting worse forever, and they blame themselves yet refuse to put in effort?

Well if you know things will get better if you put effort in.. why not just.... put in effort? It can staret as simple as cleaning your bedroom, even a bit of it. Is it self flagellation because you think youre not worthy of being happy?

user listen fuck the gym get a kettle bell 20 pounds ten pushups and ten sit ups a night look up kettle bell work outs do two sets of ten every other day you need a rest day go for walks at night try and stay off your phone and the internet shave shower get a hair cut buy cologne go for a run drink water look up coke Robinson hes funny and fit love him try his dopamine fast self improvement doesnt start in the gym it starts with you lastly look up David goggins joe rogan youtube watch the one with the grey shirt listen to his story its you guys in this thread its us Im bad too but I know what needs to be done we are the problem

fucking inspiration my motivation is rock hard right now bro

Try this one on for size big boy. It'll make you blow your load. A hardback edition of David Goggins CANT HURT ME. The improovers life blood. Did you blow your load?

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i read his book, i was basically cumming every single page it was so intense

I cried my eyes out this guy has it worse then anyone in this thread and hes black hell always be the other as he calls it Also phone posting isnt stopping me from helping you guys

I got it on my bookshelf im going to read it soon. AAAHH AHHHH IM IMPROOVING

It didnt make me improve but it made me really open my eyes at what needs to be done. He does ultra running and says we have more in the tank then we think. I stopped half way into the book went for a 13 mile run off the couch 4 hours it took me three days to recover I was shocked and brought to tears user

yea and now he has to spend 2-3 hours every day stretching because he destroyed his body and he'll be a cripple soon

Sounds good. Im always convinced my body is about to fall apart like im a thin twig or something. Like sometimes ill put off doing streuous exercise thinking im weak as fuck. I forget we're very robust

Guys you know the stretching is after three tries at navy seals training army ranger school Two Delta force selection tries Hundreds of hours and miles of ultra marathrons before you overtrain you have to overtrain guys Also what I can tell already is we all clicked on this thread for a reason and Idk how many posters are replying but it sounds like we all want convincing and to improve we wouldnt be in this thread right take the next step Im trying to my story is just as sad

Self improvement is masterbation. Now self destruction, that's another story

cringe. i can do 100 push ups and im still nogf.

At the end of that year, you could probably bench, what 155 lbs?

Welcome now improve

I just shocked these anons with this post improving is the answer not staying comfortable