This is my first or second time on r9k

This is my first or second time on r9k.

Would you anons be interested in my story of how I fell for a 10/10 prostitute? I did a little preview on Yas Forums which was then moved to /bant/ and then deleted, not sure why.

Someone on Yas Forums told me to post it on /s/ instead but I feel like I relate more to you robots than the coomers on /s/. I also want to post it where it'll get more eyes.

Pic related. It's her. No make up at all.

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How good is the story? If its you just orbiting her and she screwing you over then nobody cares, she played you and spent all your money on drugs

She is hot but user falling for a literal whore is really stupid. if you are the type of person that gets attached to women you only fuck a hooker once or twice and then find a different one.

shes hot. go on OP.

I mean it might not be a good story, but I'll be bumping the thread with pics of her so at least it'll give some people a reason to tune in. I just want to get the story off my chest.

I have maybe 40 gigs of decent footage of her in action.

Also I'm retarded. How do I hide the automatic gifs that play on the top of this board?

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Shit, go ahead. I'll read it

I know falling for a whore is stupid. Yes, I should have seen different women but most of the girls on the hooker site I used were solid 4-6/10's.

This chick let me creampie and record all our sessions for the same price as the other girls did for none of the extras. I couldn't stop.

Yeah, I will. But is this thread a lot slower than /s/? Anyway to tell?

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post vid


She is pretty fucking hot so I can see why you would keep fucking her but user come on you can not actually love a whore. She is not going to stop being a whore for you and she will only want your money if things ever did progress. But she looks like a great fuck

This. I want the vid. Also whores like like THAT? I want her.

Don't know how to post webms or gifs but I have some nice screenshots.

>that albinoe sheboon mognoloid

Upload it to

Is OP kill?

Nah I'm still here. At work so I'll be posting sporadically. Is r9k a pretty slow board?

She has blue eyes. Doesn't qualify as white to you?

Whores do not typically look like this. From my two years of regularly seeing hookers, I've seen drug addicts, fat chicks and legit 4/10's. This was a rare find and I lost her because my emotions got the best of me.

It's been almost 90 days since I last saw her and it still eats away at me inside.

It wasn't love I guess. I don't know how it feels like to fall in love with a girl, but this is definitely the closest I've ever got.

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It can be pretty sliw yeah. You can usually keep a conversation with one person if you want

Thanks, I'll keep an eye on this thread and if it seems like people aren't interested, I'll probably post my story on /s/. I can tell already no one gives a shit about my story and only wants to see the vids which I can understand, but I still want it out there.

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ill read the story if you keep posting pics

Thats not even close to 10/10 OP, but you do you my man.

the board can be pretty slow but it is not as bad as others. If you are used to Yas Forums then it will seem really slow to you. I do not blame you too much for liking this whore though she is a beautiful girl I have only met a few really hot chicks that are hookers that are down to film so it is a nice little find. Still do not get emotionally attached user. Whores wind up dead or disappear and all sorts of shit it is best just to use them and not be attached.

I'm honestly interested. If you do switch boards, at least link it in this thread

Just post the fucking story retard

I will. Thank you for showing some interest. I am literally unable to cope with the fact that this girl exists and I can't have her. Therapy didn't help. I'm afraid I'll fall into hard drugs to escape this.

Maybe not to you, but she has a decent size following on Instagram that might agree with me.

Yeah, I think you were the guy on Yas Forums who gave me some kind words. I wish it was just easy to not get emotionally attached. Much easier said than done.

Her body wasn't really my type. I like petite girls the best. But her face. And her eyes. My brain would just shut off when I looked into her eyes.

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Relax man. It's a really long story and I haven't written it out yet. I'm at work. I just wanted to gauge interest and the general activity of this board before I took the time to write it out.

Sorry user that was not me I have not been on Yas Forums in a few days I get too burnt out on it sometimes I like to chill with the robots even though they can be kinda lame. I am willing to hear your story.

>making a literal hoore your oneitis
come on, man.

Funny right? If someone would have told me they fell for a hooker one year ago, I would have said the exact same thing.

Thanks and nice repeating integers. I can write a book on my feelings for this girl so it'll take a while but I will probably post it in a few hours if I get some downtime.

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telll storyy

Cope harder virgin.

You have some pretty fancy integers yourself fren. Well I will be around I am sure I will see the story when it is posted.

Is it weird that I'm uncomfortable with my dick being on some site for the rest of eternity?

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Not really, but at least no one would know it's (you)r dick

post the bloody story man

I'll have it posted in a couple hours.

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Yet you would post nudes of someone else, despite it being an e-thot.

Really says something about you.

dude this story gets posted again and again and probably by different people so that they can live vicariously through the OP of the original story. Here is the run down of what he'll probably say
>Start fucking same hooker
>We talk about things and she's really cool
> Fall in love with hooker
> making some good money (by my countries standards) so decide to ask her to move in with me
>Look at her apartment. Even tho she's making 200-300 dollars a fuck she still lives in a shitty place and is a complete slob
>Tell her i want to lay down some rules and we draw up a contract sort of
>i've accepted i'm a dumb cuck
> She moves in but is still a complete slob so i send her back to her apartment (she still has a lease so it's cool) and we stay in contact
>We still talk and i still pay her to fuck. It doesnt matter that she fucks other people b/c i know she loves me deep down and i want to ask her to move in again
>(some weird twist on the story) She finds someone else who will cuck for her and she moves in with him and i'm sad. Rip

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Also forgot to mention
>Yeah we blaze good weed and watch movies and shieeeeeet too so i feel super attatched

She posts nude pictures of herself on hooker websites. Here's one.

Nah, it's not like that. Sounds like a fun adventure though.

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whats her rate?
how do u estimate have u spent on her altogether?

How tall are you? origimhw

So, OP, are you going to post a video or two of the action ore we only going to get blueballed with shitty screenshots that show nothing?

320/hr. Most girls would charge 100/200 extra for no condom vaginal sex but I was her regular so she didn't.

Maybe 5 grand.

5'8. What's origimhw?

I may post a video if I figure out how to do it. My computer skills are boomer-esque even tho I'm mid 20's.

If you google "file converter" you can find websites that let you turn videos into webms/soundless webms. From there you just have to get it under the size limit

Thanks and I know many are gonna tell me to frig off at this point but I didn't intend for this to be a porn thread like in /gif/. Just to get my experience off my chest and talk to some robots.

The only reason I'm posting pics is so you guys can get a sense of what I'm dealing with.

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Here's my story. Nothing very interesting happens so if you're expecting some real exciting stuff, sorry to disappoint.

>be 22, friendless, socially stunted, hobbyless virgin with some disposable income
>decide I don't want to die a virgin so join a prostitution site
>see 20+ different girls ranging from drugheads with dirty nails and strong body odor, fat chicks, and instagram models and pornstars
>start seeing pic related
>first I just keep going since she's affordable and pretty, 320 for an hour of video and she let me finish inside her with no condom
>somewhere along the way I become convinced that not only is she the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, not only the most beautiful girl in the world, but the most beautiful girl to ever exist (autistic, I know)
>become absolutely obsessed
>usually into really vanilla stuff (just good ol' fashion blowjobs are extremely hot to me)
>but with her I literally did the SNIFF meme smelling her asshole
>since in my mind she's absolutely perfect, I fantasize about doing weird shit like licking her armpits, her bellybutton, nostrils, ears
>time is no longer measured in seconds, minutes, or hours but days since I last see her
>see her every chance I get
>do well hiding my autism and feelings for her since all she does during my sessions is have sex and then go on her phone
>go in, exchange pleasantries, I get washed, have sex, then leave

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>hey guys, sex! did you know that sex!
no one cares FAGGOT

>That pigskin, receding hairline, blonde crackhead molerat



>obsession gets deeper every time I see her
>feels like I'm losing my mind
>get into absolute hysterics when she posts her availability on the hooker website or she texts me (shaking, heart palpitations, etc)
>literally don't know what to do about the fact that the most beautiful girl to ever exist is available to me if I just pay her a certain amount
>if someone asked me to choose between 5 billion dollars and me not knowing she existed and becoming a homeless paraplegic with AIDS but with her to reciprocate my feelings toward her, I would have chosen option B without hesitation
>one day she texts me saying she really needs help (in the hooker world, this always means money)
>I offer her 400 for 2 hours, expecting some negotiation for more money
>she agrees instantly and thanks me profusely
>she asks me to send her 200 in advance
>no problem, I send it over
>get to the hotel where's she's staying at
>she looks at me with those blue doe eyes and thanks me
>something in me breaks
>I don't know how it feels like to fall in love with a girl but this came close
>feel an emotion I've never felt before like my heart was literally melting (in a good way)
>can't keep my dick hard for 2 hours so we chat a little
>this is the first time that she opens up a little to me and I open a little to her as well
>time gets close so I finish and leave
>feeling like I'm on cloud 9 not because I ever thought she was interested in me but because I thought she could trust me and I trust her
>as I'm walking to the parking lot, I get 6 consecutive texts from her absolutely freaking out about me shorting her 200

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keep going...

hey Yas Forums bro, I was in your thread the other day.

trust me, you're not the only guy who falls head over heels for some hot girl who gives you attention. My advice, go to /soc/ and start talking to people. any sort of interaction will help you gain confidence in yourself, and self confidence makes you seem more attractive. plus you don't have to pay girls on /soc/ to send you nudes or hook up lol. any and all interaction is a learning opportunity. you just might meet a nice girl who actually likes you.

Faggot, I want the videos and you telling the story as narration.

Keep goin', we're interested in videos and the story.

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>I screenshot the text where she agreed to 400 for 2 hours
>still flipping out, she makes some BS excuse why she meant 600
>feel lost, confused, betrayed
>fine, have it your way, I send her the extra 200 via Venmo and to never contact me again
>she asks why, and why I looked through her purse (forgot to mention I looked through her purse to see her ID, idk why, but something possessed me to do it)
>I tell her the truth, that I've become attached to her, hoping that she feels an ounce of pity for me
>she doesn't even respond
>the next days of my life are unironically the hardest days of my life
>be in absolute misery, no appetite at all, getting the worst sleep I've ever gotten, everything looks dreary and pointless
>on top of that I have an annoying itch on my dick
>a week or so after, I see her spamming her availability on the website
>meanwhile I'm sitting here mentally and emotionally destroyed and the "itch" on my dick soon turned into infected, puss-filled sores on my groin
>text her asking whether she uses the money she makes from this to care for her dying brother with cancer so I don't spread info that will damage her business
>she has no idea what I'm talking about so I explain to her to give me a sob story so I don't reveal information to the hooker site that will lose her clients
>she sends me pic related

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Lmao that user cucked the shit out of himself. He was such a fucking sperg that he kicked her out within like a few weeks when she really did not do shit. It was so funny to see him cuck himself into oblivion by trying to avoid being cucked.

I mean, I didn't really need to read that to understand that she's fucked in the head, but yeah. sorry bro, only Jesus can save people like that. you learned a hard lesson.

>the "itch" on my dick soon turned into infected, puss-filled sores on my groin


Dude what kind of a fucking idiot fucks a hooker without a condom? If she does it with you she does it with the 80 other dicks she has had in her that week


That's rough man. Just realise that these people literally are only out for themselves. I'm sorry. Take some time for yourself, user.

you'll forget her evetually.

>somewhere along the way I become convinced that not only is she the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, not only the most beautiful girl in the world, but the most beautiful girl to ever exist (autistic, I know)
Sorry to hijack your hooker thread, but does anybody know how to cure this? I guess it's called oneitis or putting her on a pedestal?

I have it really bad for a girl at work. Really fucking bad. I think she is the most beautiful girl in the entire world for the entire history of the world. She is perfect in every way possible, a goddess. I love every single attribute about her.

I never found things like earlobes or fingers or elbows hot before, but with her, an ankle drives me wild. Crawling over 5 miles of broken glass to hear her fart through a walkie talkie? I unironically would, no joke.

I think about her all the time. I can't work any more, I just sit there thinking about her. Looking at her whenever I can. When she talks to me or smiles at me or even looks at me I feel alive. I feel such warmth in my heart and like I want to hold her in my arms so bad, not sex, just need to be next to her.

When she leaves work for the day I feel like I've been punched in the stomach. I can't stand not to be near her. Other women don't exist to me any more. I don't have any interest in porn. My mind just keeps going back to her whatever I'm doing.

It's so fucking dumb, I don't understand how/why feelings like this are possible. I never felt them before but it sucks. I can't stand it.

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How does one broach the topic of bareback with an escort? Should I do it on the first appointment or should I wait for the second/third? How much on top of the base rate should I offer?

pretty much everyone suffers from this at some point. you can either ask her out or move on to other women. eventually the infatuation will go away though. it does really suck though, I feel ya.

How long does it take to go away?


Cunt if she will let you go bareback then she will let everyone go bareback, don't fucking do it unless you are ok with your dick falling off

>stew over things for a few days
>these itchy painful sores are not getting any better
>can hardly walk, move, work
>limp to a nearby urgent care
>the doc looks at it, cringes, and puts me on an IV
>he writes me 3 prescriptions saying that I'm infected and to come back the next day for more IV
>ask him what it is, he tells me it's likely genital herpes
>been lifting consistently for 2 years but for the first time I have to take a couple weeks off because of this
>on more meds than I've ever been on in my life
>oh well at least pain is better than feeling nothing at all
>a few days later confusion and grief turns into regret and remorse, want her back
>message her through the hooker site a conciliatory message and a half-apology and other autistic ramblings, spend 30 minutes to an hour composing the message and making sure I come off sane
>hit send, "this user has blocked you"
>fly off the handle, scorched earth time
>text my "friend" from this hooker site who's a trusted member to help me spread the word that she's HSV 2 positive
>word gets back to her what I'm doing
>she sends me a bunch of nasty texts claiming that she couldn't be the one that gave it to me since her tests came back clean even though she was the only one I was seeing

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mine lasted maybe 3 or 4 years. I distinctly remember seeing her one day and all of a sudden the feelings were gone. I fucking celebrated lmao.