Powerlifters look fucking disgusting

Powerlifters look fucking disgusting

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nothing looks as sexy as a proper twink. if you can pull off the twink look you're better off not lifting or doing much of anything aside from effortlessly soaking up metric shit-tons of pussy and/or dick.

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It's all about the face anyway

yeah hence, "proper" twink, and "if you can pull off the twink look".

I always wondered what it would feel like after watching american pie. Pies are bad fleshlights.

I'm actually not a nazi. I just use a few racist phrases here and there to avoid a thousand jew meme responses in every argument.

humans are an INT/DEX/END build that spec'd out of a scavenger class to a support role for animals.

What is the perfect twin height? I'm 6ft 6

>taller than 99%
pick one (1) and only one (1)

they arent suposed to look good they just need to be strong

Being pale when you’re cut sucks it’ makes u look sickly like u got cancer get a tan you’ll look more cut

A lot of people i know stalk my information. Like ill bump into them and our convos get personal. I am pretty open about it but then they blurt it out to others or the other day a person actually tracked someone and messaged them to confirm what i said.

Really fucking creepy, are there a lot of people out there like this or am i being paranoid?

What can I pull off then? :(

I'm gonna fall for the fat gripz meme
Yes I'm going to spend 30€ on two pieces of foam
During quarantine I've been forced to lift whatever I could find here in the countryside instead of going to the gym and I must say that odd object lifting is really fun so I want to keep that going

I hate niggers,jews,trannies,jannies,women,fat people,spics,muts,pajeets,etc.

Stay in your basement and never go out

fuck off ect.


that guy said he hated ect's, so I figured that's what triggered you.

I miss my ex so goddamn much even though she did fucking terrible things I can't get her off my mind and every other woman I meet falls no where close in comparison to her. She was the only person that could make me laugh and the only person that genuinely made me happy but I know I can't have that again and it makes me want to die. I lift for the hope of one day being able to live a life without this misery

it totally depends on the subject matter and circumstances. it's normal for people to talk about their mutual acquaintances, but also some people do be creepin'.

Discord is fucking gay.

lift and bulk
being tall is no excuse to be (borderline) underweight

Bodybuilding is a symptom of mental illness.

Just wrap hand towrls around where you grip. Tape them to keep them together.

If you have bad cardio, you’re not only wrong to call yourself Yas Forums, you’re actually pathetic.

Strengh without endurance is just as pathetic endurance without strengh


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So basically these make you grip a wider tube than the usual bar, which makes you use more/different muscles and make exercises more efficient ?
Sounds good
But i bet Yas Forums made fun of it and turned it into a meme ?

It's a bad thing to earnestly hate women or black people and the fact that so many people on this board seem to is disappointing.

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