I fell for the incel self defeatist all women are sluts with a 1000 body count meme for 2 whole years. Fuck my life

I fell for the incel self defeatist all women are sluts with a 1000 body count meme for 2 whole years. Fuck my life.

Attached: 1583173086160.jpg (1256x1611, 216.62K)

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At least you got out of that now brother
I know your future will be better now
What made you realize that it wasnt true

>What made you realize that it wasnt true
I'm not incel but in my experience it is. Disrespect women currency.

>all women are sluts
>implying they aren't

Go deeper

Op answer me

>i believe beliefs that are detrimental to my happiness and potential success
lol don't

>I fell for the incel self defeatist all women are sluts with a 1000 body count meme
You know that's mostly a normie meme. Incels don't think like that.
t. incel who loves all women

incels btfo'd women are smart and sexy lmao they don't need you in any facet of life.
take the sex doll pill

>no they're definitely not whores
>can I get my good boy points now?

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