Urge to rape

Is it normal to get the urge to rape? After I stopped watching porn and jacking off I've been getting these thoughts. Especially when I went to the grocery store today

Is this high test?

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maybe you should jerk off then?

Rape is natural. It's actually proven that women enjoy getting raped.
Raping women should be legal.

only if they hot

maybe you shouldn't jerk off then?

punch things to make it go away.
I once was home and started thinking about this one cute girl I saw while walking in the street and I started having a fit of rage because I kept imagining raping her, I ripped off my shirt and started punching a tree.
I don't do no fap intentionally, I just don't like porn and jerking off takes too much time.

It's ok if she's your gf/wife.

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If by "urge to rape" you mean "desire to have sex", yeah that's normal. If by "urge to rape" you genuinely mean your preferred scenario would be to force these women to have sex with you against their will, then no, that's not normal.

incel freak.
but based and very accurate.

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Women are more likely to orgasm when raped

Here’s a tip when you start dating a girl and are having sex with her tell her you have a rape fantasy and she’ll be all over it. Basically be really aggressive and swear. She’ll fucking love it and from there she’ll let you do anything

Proven in women that are your partner, people need to stop shilling the stranger rape meme

Imagine being so severely mentally deficient you don't understand the difference between women wanting to play out a rape fantasy to which they've consented and actual rape

you have the words urge and desire mixed up

No, I don't. I think OP does. That's my point.

taking anything in this thread seriously
i shiggydy

this board is overrun with literal khv shut-ins that genuinely believe women like being raped. they're not joking

>"no fap is good for you bro"
>this thread

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t. low test

I often take my wife by “force”, just today I chased her around the house naked for a few minutes when she was trying to go lay down for a nap. Pussy was dripping wet by the time I tackled her. Women are such sluts it’s hilarious

stop beliveing in the worst of humans and memes, people are just venting, non of the would even choke theyr gf

none of us have gfs

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>t. low test

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Wanting to rape is as redpilled and based as it gets. Urge to rape is essentially tapping into your primal instincts to breed by any means necessary to secure evropa for aryan children. Ive had my fair share of close encounters but i was able to persuade them into letting me have sex with them. Return to tradition king, unleash the gates of high test and breed.


Women want to get raped by a Chad

No they don't lol

justvisiting normalfags do


how does a wife wanting to have sex with her husband = slut

its a fact that atleast half of women fantasize about rape

it's a fact that you just made that up

>No they don't lol

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You can read the studies on female rape fantasies. They always involve guys that are CHADS

Do women actually like being raped? Ive never touched a girl really and im a freshman in college. Ive had weird dreams where i find a hot girl, pin her down and beat her till where she stops fighting back. Slowly ill caress her warm soft body, kissing her smooth neck and rubby my fingers along her tummy. Then I'll undress her and suck the milk out of her boobs and once theyre all out I'll take her little panties off lick her tight little pussy. She begs me to stop but i keep going further and start sticking stuff inside her. My fingers, then my penis. I slowly thrust into then finally blow my load and pump her full of my warm goey cum and it oozes out all of her holes. After that i leave her there and go on my way. Im scared these dreams arent normal does anyone else experience this?

Kill yourself for taking anything serious here, but rape/forced sex is the second most common fantasy. It involves a stronger male, domination. And being so lusted after that a preferably high status man can't even control himself and is willing to suffer the consequences just for her pussy.

>it's a fact that you just made that up

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Listen dumbfuck, I know that rape kinks are common for women. Even my fucking gf has one. What you don't understand is that choosing to consensually play out a fantasy of rape is not even remotely the fucking same as actual rape, you actual turbovirgin.

key word being "fantasy" you fucking morons

>women wanting sex
that's the most harlot degenerate shit I've ever heard
yeah bro I'm sure women fantasize about virgin basement dwellers
>touch girl at all in any context

>can't even control himself and is willing to suffer the consequences just for her pussy.
Fucking this so much. Theres some women I want rape so much

>Listen dumbfuck, I know that rape kinks are common for women. Even my fucking gf has one. What you don't understand is that choosing to consensually play out a fantasy of rape is not even remotely the fucking same as actual rape, you actual turbovirgin.

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>women don't want to be raped by chad = women fantasise about virgin basement dwellers
your reading comprehension is absolutely abysmal

my favourite part about this post is that you posted a wojak instead of a source

Chad is RAPING girls on a daily basis.

He doesn’t no what CONSENT means.

Girls NEVER report him to the police.

They HATE to admit it but they enjoyed being RAPED by Chad.

While you’re trying to do PUA and reading on how to FLIRT with girls Chad is RAPING religious virgins

>From 1973 through 2008, nine surveys of women's rape fantasies have been published. They show that about four in 10 women admit having them (31 to 57 percent) with a median frequency of about once a month. The actual prevalence of rape fantasies is probably higher because women may not feel comfortable admitting them.

>my favourite part about this post is that you posted a wojak instead of a source

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do you actually think this lol

>Anonymous 04/30/20(Thu)23:03:12 No.55383841▶
> (You)
>>women don't want to be raped by chad = women fantasise about virgin basement dwellers
>your reading comprehension is absolutely abysmal

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Based, no one can refute this.

ITT: 16 year olds that have never touched a woman not understanding the difference between a consensual fantasy and rape

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you should consider killing yourself

>16 year olds that have never touched a woman not understanding the difference between a consensual fantasy and rape

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