Is bulimia ok in moderation?

Work bought pizza for everyone at the end of the day, and I didn't want to be an autist and refuse it. I had like 1 slice and my friends pressured me into having another one. I ended up making an excuse about having to leave early and quickly went to the bathroom and vomited up the pizza I just ate. No one saw me so it's ok.

Should I have just refused? It was a kind gesture from work and I felt compelled to eat some but I don't normally succumb to peer pressure, I'm also down to 96.5lbs so I'm pretty happy with my diet so far too and I'm not about to set my progress back.
Aiming to cut to 90lbs at 5'2" then put muscle on.

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>eats one slice of pizza
>immediately vomits
>goal weight is heavily underweight and excessively low
>says its "in moderation"
user please seek help for your ED

furthermore there is literally no point in dropping weight down to 90, you should focus on gaining weight and start lifting now

Sad if true. No it isnt ok at all. You would rather force yourself to vomit rather than just be honest and say you're not hungry. Actually superbly beta and bluepilled.

>this is what user thinks is wrong with the post

I had 2 slices, and I'm only supposed to be having

female? put on some muscle and then cut. much better than having to eat under 1000 calories a day you fucking crazy person. please seek help for eating disroder.

Under 1k is ridiculously low.
Same goes for 90 lbs.

Get help for your body image issues before it develops into a full blown eating disorder.

My GF used to have Bulimia and it's hell.

cut what bodyfat tf if your already 96lbs you cant have that much bodyfat
being severly underweight is detrimental to building muscle and gainz
you can be toned without doing this crazy ED dieting shit
you can also always just cut once you put on the muscle, so you dont become sickly anemic and burn through any existing muscle you already had

little bit of bulimia?
what's next OP, a little bit of cutting your thighs?
little bit of drinking in the morning?
get fucking real

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My mother was bulimic. Let me tell you user, that shit is literal fucking hell and it is also extremely addictive. Stop while you still can

I just do it for cheat food it's kinda gross and I don't like throwing up but I generally try to avoid situations where there's pressure to eat bad food.
I can still build muscle in a deficit if it's noob gains. I have a kettlebell shipping so I can do more glute exercises

Guys I don't think I have an eating disorder.

>Guys I don't think I have an eating disorder.
says literally everyone with an eating disorder
if you have the symptoms, you have the disorder
quit being a fucking retard

bruh i had an ED you literally never think you have an ED
>i can still build muscle in a deficit
yeah but your literally gonna just burn through your already existing muscle, any gains you get are gonna be extremely slow
your also fucking up your hormones and increasing estrogen and cortisol, this will just lead to less muscle mass and more fat storage in the long run
eat and lift user, try and gain weight

You can’t build muscle if you have such low body fat. Your body will want to eat its own muscle to lower the bmr

this too, muscles consume more calories then fat and your body thinks food is extremely hard to come by

So you are doing the things that a person with the ED does, but you don't have an ED somehow?

Purging is just vomiting, vomiting sometimes is okay. Vomiting all the time fucks up your body.

>Is bulimia ok in moderation?

No. Your stomach acid will fuck with your throat and teeth. Have fun with your corpse breath.

Also just start lifting now, you retard. Muscle weighs more than fat. Putting on muscle will make you gain weight and that weight will be muscle. But since you're insisting on going full Auschwitz-mode, you won't build muscle anyway since your body'll be a bit busy trying not to starve to death.

Also your coworkers know your anorexic. You're not fooling anyone.

making yourself vomit is literally never ok purging isnt ok
stop encouraging terrible behaviors

Ok ok guys you're right. I came here asking for advice and you gave it.
I'm not gonna blame anyone but myself here but all these /fph/ threads and ones about women hitting the wall has got me scared. I don't eat very much compared to some girls and I've always been

You are fucking underweight as it is, and you want to cut, and you do it by throwing up? Take your bait back to you know where.

if anything, bulimia ages you
you never see those chicks with mustaches and chipmunk cheeks, scarred hands and wasted teeth from making themselves puke?
You and I know what health is. Stay healthy and you'll age as well as you can.

>Also your coworkers know your anorexic. You're not fooling anyone.
This. Why do you think they pressured you to eat you retard?

PLEASE post body

There you go

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god women are dumb LMAO

dont start forcing yourself to vomit, that will eventually lead to you getting compulsions to keep on doing it. also eatting a slice of pizza or anything else unhealthy wont do you any harm at all. you seem to have some body dysmorphia or something, i would go to a shrink if i were you

Eat a fucking big mac right now or you're never going to make it

You will destroy your teeth.

God bless and good luck