Licks your ear midset

>licks your ear midset
>drinks water then licks your croch while benching
>tries to hump you while doing Diddlys and squats
H-home gym master race!....

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Dogs suck dick, home gyms are great what’s your point?

Just wanted an excuse to post my buds on here and talk about the dogs of Yas Forums

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id report you to the cops just so they stop by and shoot your dog on a no knock

they get angry when i get on the pull up bar

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Been trying to teach my buds that weight time is dangerous to them but it just gets them more exited. Also cute pups user

cute doggies

what breed are they? can't keep em out of the weight room?

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>not bringing your dog to the gym

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Based Akita bro. They’re akitas user and are sweet as can be

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Not me or my dog, but they seem like a nice breed


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Enjoy that toxoplasmosis user in a couple of years when you announce your gay I’ll be there with open arms as long as you’ve gone bear mode that is

Arent cats for twinks and women older than 30 years?

Cats are fucking faggots

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I like his stories but this is kinda cringe desu
Dogs are a lot more useful than cats

Daily reminder disliking dogs is the number one indicator of being a minority and to me you’re also not human. They’ve evolved alongside us to be our companions for millions of years and if you don’t see that you have too much monkey dna.

>housing a feeding someone who wants nothing to do with you nor any sense of loyalty
um, is this what cuckoldry looks like?

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>gets eaten by his 10 cats

>have a dog
>the dog is your servant
>have a cat
>you are the cat’s servant
wow I can’t believe which option the first ever spergmaster picked

best running buddy :)

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what was his cat’s name again?

Cute user what’s his name?

God why do catfags talk like such faggots. My aunt is a wiccan cat lady and talks about her cats like that.

Alright is no one going to point out that this is a legit pic of Henry Cavill with a picture of his dog that you actually can't find anywhere else. Cavill wtf are you doing this late at night.

Its from his instagram

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Anons what’s your buds names? This guys name is lobo and his little brown friend is cookie. Also a reminder that neutering is literally killing your dogs will to live can’t stress that enough

Whoops forgot pic

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>neutering is literally killing your dogs will to live
Redpill me on this
How else do you stop your dog from fucking everything?

Haven’t had an issue with mine. We let the two of em inside and leave em both outside when they’ve had enough. They don’t fuck becuase it’s not the time of year but despite that the only time my big lad ever humped somthing was into his first year where he came on my leg super quick. Hasn’t done it since but idk could be doing it somewhere else maybe just doesent like it who knows.
But ya dood go listen to joe Rohan talk about dog nutering it’s really informative to those who are uninformed. No balls equals no testosterone which equals wanting to die

>Dogs suck dick
specially when you put peanut butter on it.

Well thats fucking depressing since I'm pretty sure a majority of dogs get neutered