Are Cigars and Pipe Smoking Yas Forums?

Are Cigars and Pipe Smoking Yas Forums? They're much less harmful than cigarettes
>you don't inhale the smoke like with cigarettes
>doesn't contain all the other harmful chemicals that cigarettes have, just pure tabacco
>you don't smoke a pack a day, maybe once or twice a week, maybe even less
>takes longer to smoke, can't finish it in less than 5 mins, takes at least half hour so it makes you schedule smoking beforehand and limits how often you can smoke them
>Arnie smokes cigars
They're supposed to be a form of meditation, and an act thats common amongst notable masculine men

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Why are you faggots constantly seeking validation for your actions? If you want to smoke, smoke. Who gives a fuck if something is ‘fit’ or ‘chad’ just live your fucking life bro

>putting long, thick, tube in your mouth for 30mins a day

Pick only one.

enjoying life is Yas Forums, having a cigar once in a while is fine. smoking is obviously bad for you

arnie is 70 but also abused roids retard
smoking destroys your gains but if you cheat with roids it doesnt hurt as bad


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>Is tobacco Yas Forums

Let's examine that
Smoke does enter your body, and nicotine enters the blood and brain
the following occurs
>Tobacco Contact
>Teeth staining
>Blood Pressure increases
>Addiction forms
>Chemical dependance occurs


you might conject that lifting neutralizes the blood pressure, as you'd jave a healthy cardiovascular system
you might say with a good diet, your teeth will be less damaged by acids, poor foods, etc
You might know that nicotine is a cognitive enhancer, so perhaps, if you eat right, and get enough sleep, and workout, and meditate, read, and ignore social media and electronic bullshit, that your baseline cognitive function will increase, so suppose, nicotine super-boosts that.

>are cigars Yas Forums
they are if YOU are Yas Forums
I'd say, if your heart, lungs, veins, family medical hx, comorbidities, and routine are perfect, then go ahead,
but if you don't run a mile everyday, if you don't only cheat meal one meal a week, if you don't workout everyday, if you don't get enough sleep, if you have (2) family members who died of tobacco-related cancers, then,
it's not Yas Forums

if you want to masturbate to stereotypes of powerful men, you should just do that
don't get it mixed up with your efforts to improve your body
coating your alveoli with tar can only hurt them


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As chad as he was in the first half of his life, Arnie is a total pussy of an old man.

Makes me sad.

pure tobacco is still a pesticide, it will also enter your bloodstream and fuck your cardiovascular health. theres nothing healthy about it. also, a prop doesnt make a man masculine

just smoke rarely and it does not matter
i sometimes do it with my friends or dad
dont get addicted and you are fine

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Listen to him, for he speaks the truth.

How so?

>run a mile everyday is fit
Sure thing basedboy


I prefer pipes because I can actually taste the flavor of tobacco which I really can’t with cigars but that’s just my personal opinion. I don’t care if it’s Yas Forums or not, it calms my mind and I use it as a form of relaxation. Also it doesn’t smell bad at all if I smoke indoors.

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You could do something healthy to calm your mind and relax, just saying.

Looks like a ball sack

Pipe smokers live longer than non smokers.

Sure they do

>you don't inhale the smoke
user do you also boil the calories out of your food

I know I can, for example jumping rope works kinda the same way for me. I don’t seek validation from anyone, I do what I want so I am the one responsible for my actions.

You should see a doctor if your ballsack looks like my pipe.

Going to the shop with the boys and having a cigar and whiskey once a month while watching a game was something I always liked forward to. Fuck this covid shit my social gains are atrophying

>you don't inhale the smoke like with cigarettes

Smoking a cigar or a pipe usually doesn’t involve inhaling the smoke in the lungs but obviously if you smoke in a room, you breathe the air mixed with tobacco smoke.

more Yas Forums fags smoke pipe than lay it, that's for sure.

Then what are you doing, just tasting the smoke and spitting it out?