Incel solution: legalize rape

Incel solution: legalize rape

This way any single whore who goes out and gets drunk alone will get what she deserves. It will heavily discourage slutty dress and behavior.

It will also make women want to find an LTR to protect them. A chad won’t risk protecting a 5/10 femoid because. But a looksmatch LTR man will risk his life to defend a girl if she is loyal to him.

Also it means strong men like me who also train MMA will be far more desirable because we can protect better from rapists.

Think about it logically if rape was legal fathers would have to homeschool a daughter and keep her protected until she is old enough to be married off to a wealthy fit man like myself.

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You better not; you’d get raped so quick over and over you little twink

Why not just live in Africa since you're clearly a nigger.

Go see a shrink or at least go back to r9k whence u came

>incels try to rape women
>get killed in mass
incel problem solved, great idea OP

>papa government please make it okay for me to do bad things without risk
If you're not willing to tear down society you don't deserve your rape harem.

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The only benefit of this is that it would encourage families to set up their daughters with a decent guy. But that's what people used to do and they never had legal rape so why is this any better than just having arranged marriages?

>I'm scared of talking to women but I'm more scared of the police

No shit. Didn't read the rest.

>ou’d get raped so quick over and over you little twin
you ever stop to think about why a man might say what he says?
I bet OP was counting on that very fact.

And then girls will become majority gun owners, killing anyone that so much as crosses the street too close to them at night.

You should be banned, just like the boogie's posters.


>strong men like me who also train MMA

anyone in this thread could probably tank you in a single hit lmaoooo

Nigga just do whatever you want. 99%of the time girls are too traumatized or ashamed to come forward

Great fitness thread bro!

What the fuck board do you think this is faggot

Actually agree with this user. If you're not willing to take bold actions now, what makes you think things will change later?

why are so many incels on fit now?
I haven't posted or been in Yas Forums much, used to all the time 5-6 years ago and it's all full of incel shit, bbw fetish disguised at fph, politics, shitty tranny memes...
this is worthless

Maybe the janitor should start doing what he's being paid for and remove this shit thread


Thank you for this Fitness related thread op

Lmao you scared faggot?

Why would you lie about yourself on an anonymous imageboard


what? literally what the fuck are you trying to say?
You have eroded your brain from how much you seethe over seeing people in happy relationships you fucking subhuman retard. Go back to your r9k incel circlejerk, an endless loop of tfw no gf threads. You don't belong in any normal social circles, you don't even belong in this abnormal social circle. That's how fucking bad it's gotten. Imagine being hated by Yas Forums users. You probably couldn't even muster the strength to rape a girl in this idealistic society you have envisioned, and then you would come right back on Yas Forums and advocate for government mandated testosterone supplementation for males, only to have every person itt call you a faggot and say "JUST RAPE HER LMAO", before you soijakk seethe and stroke your average cock that only has about 2 usable inches of penile real-estate (due to your excessively high body fat) to Japanese cartoons again. You will always be bottom-of-the-barrel, no matter what happens to society, you won't move up.


It's a shit thread, granted. Is it the shittiest thread? Is it even the shittiest thread on the fp?
It very lightly brushes on the concept of being fit. Threads about nutrition are straight up off topic(they took off the "Health" remember?), most of them are not even informational. Threads about test are bait, tho most people don't seem to think so. Threads about "looking good", aesthetics, music, ylyl, what color weights do you like, etc. are all not fit related.
Why all the hate? Is it about the fag on the pic?

>it very lightly brushes on the concept of being fit

Look at yourself in the mirror naked and read this out loud, you are mentally ill

didnt you see the word MMA? saged

>mfw as a girl with her 1234 a strap on and vaseline

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>make rape legal
>first few days women are too scared to go outside
>gets to the point they have to
>everyone with a weak bf gets their ass beat and their girl gets raped ontop of their unconscious body
>starts getting to the point women start a herd mentality to protect themselves from everyone but the strongest craziest dude
>every guy and girl that's a lesbo starts training to get stronger to yank a girl down to rape

We'd turn into fucking animals.

Concept: Legalized rape.
Consecuences: Rape across the board, changes in training to prevent it.
OP is a fag and wants to pull guard on hard rapists.

How are these threads fit related?

Keep it up, King. We need more brave internet warriors willing & able to repel this incel menace.

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>what color weights do you like
Posting a thread with Eleiko plates and saying "I love red the best" is more fucking relevant to Yas Forums than an r/incel-tier thread about "lol rape good, make it legal". Even the most Evola-worshiping reactionary conservative, who legitimately thinks that right of military conquests would trump right to consent and spews their half-cocked iron-piller opinions on the wall wherever they go, would find the concept of legalizing rape in civil society the utter peak of degeneracy.

I'd tell OP to neck himself if the complete innanity and stupidity of this topic didn't make it abundantly obvious that he's gasping for (you)s.

lmao incels couldn't even approach a woman much less rape one
>h-hello mis- I mean whore, I w-will rape y-you now
>t-take off your clothes

also, if anything, women would become even pickier about things like height and fitness, leading to more incels

zoomer related

OP is a tremendous fag, he might be gasping for (you)s.
Talking about how to defend from imaginary rape, how to wrestle people to rape them, how to run away from rape is fit related. OP being a fag decided to give it the sociological twist. You did too btw.
Talking about plates is talking about a product, that's an add. Are you being serious? Can't you see it?

>get killed in mass

Jokes on you, I dont go to church