Would you be in favor of a board wide ban to anyone who has posted on Yas Forums or Yas Forums?
It can be avoided just as normal bans can, but the point is deterrence. People like this are actively making this board a worse place.
Would you be in favor of a board wide ban to anyone who has posted on Yas Forums or Yas Forums?
It can be avoided just as normal bans can, but the point is deterrence. People like this are actively making this board a worse place.
Add IDs to everyone
ask me how I know you are from reddit
What a shit thread. Kys nigger
I would be in favor of banning you instead. Faggot
what a nigger thing to say
guys I literally just farted.
i had a shitload of cabbage with dinner and it is making me piss out of my butthole.
Ban anyone who has visited any NSFW/porn board in the last week, excluding the shitposting boards like Yas Forums and Yas Forums, as well as anyone who makes coomer threads.
no coomer threads would be nice
Would you be in favor of a board wide ban to anyone who has posted on /Red/and /dit/?
It can be avoided just as normal bans can, but the point is deterrence. People like this are actively making this board a worse place.
>Yas Forums
Rent free my man
U mean including Yas Forums especially
if its making this place worse for faggots like you... GOOD
>I don't like other's opinions.
>Let's ban those people.
Fuck off, Cupcake.
>he thinks he won't end up on Yas Forums
Long road ahead, user
>not banning anyone that's visited Yas Forums or 4channel
literally begging for this place to be filled with trash.
You're a fucking DYEL loser if you need to make this your little safe space. During the course of conversation on any number of fitness topics, people may or may not bring irrelevant or anectodal points in. That's something that the jannies can handle to their discretion as it adheres to board rules. For you to feel it necessary to go beyond that, and cross-reference a posters board use as a determination of whether or not they can access a certain board is absolute idiocy and I hope someday you realize how much a blanket-sucking pussy you are for even thinking that. Get good dawg, grow some fucking spine.
Ban anyone who hasn't been on Yas Forums and Yas Forums.
I agree OP. We should also add an upvote and downvote system.
Wasted a thread to spread your shitty bigoted message... kys...
>waaaah bigots
>acts like a bigot
Like pottery.
Perma ban faggots like OP first then we'll decide who's next
Based and redpilled
Better ideas:
>ban anyone who has a tumblr
>ban anyone who visits reddit
>ban anyone who visits msnbc/huffpost
>ban anyone who has admitted to playing LoL and Undertale
>ban anyone with a Netflix subscription
>ban anyone who has admitted to enjoying any Marvel movie post-Mouse
>ban anyone with a Disney+ subscription
The list just goES ON
Ban anyone who dosent agree with opie in his thread.