It's been too long edition

It's been too long edition

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Fitness related self improvement edition as not to get removed r-right user?
fuck I hate jannies

Bumping this fucking fucker to the fucking Moon God I am pumped for this thread bros we gonna fucking make

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You'e got some good material in your mega OP, except for the incel/jew shit. Doesn't really fit in with the whole self improvement thing.

I think, therefore l coom
I need to fucking stop but l can't

Bro just think how great the release will be if you abstain for a week, or two, or six. By four you'll be so Chad you can just coom in a girl instead you disgusting freak

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>5-8 hours screentime a day
>drink no water
these are my only two vices. i lift everyday, i do adequate cardio, i eat mostly clean, i wakeup early most do i throw this addiction? its ruining my life

i can look at a screen for five hours and forget to drink water it's so bad man

>Don’t use YouTube for anything but music
>Develop crippling ADHD so you can’t commit to anything for over an hour or two without moving
>live with parents during quarantine who you’re convinced are crushingly disappointed with you so sub-textually show you’re actually doing homework/being productive.
>eliminate anything resembling a social life so social media is quite literally a non-factor
>break up with girlfriend who loved you/convince yourself she dumped you but still loves you
>whatever activities you do enjoy ruthlessly limit yourself to avoid looking like you enjoy them because you’re better than everyone else and thus can’t be seen playing video games for hours on end.
>you’re not actually better than anyone else and slowly realize this day by day
>Must get fit again.

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why do sigs get delted? literally the best thing about this chinese transgender ass washing fourm

Jannies hate improvement. But love to leave defeatist and race bait threads up for days

you also forgot cuck

I think they move them to /adv/ instead of deleting them.

At the end of NNN when that month long COOM finally came to me, it wasn't really that great. Infact it was more painful than anything. Kinda made my balls hurt.

Remember lads, you don't have to agree politically to agree with the sentiment.

(janny disclaimer)

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fuck the rest of this board


fuck the jannies

Schedule the hours of your day will help immensely

Part of the problem is not having any plans for those 5-8 hours, so you default to screen time
If you pencil in 3-4 hours (easier to start small), and then schedule time away from your computer and phone (actually shut down your computer), you'll have an easier time going about it.
The biggest thing is to make sure you have something to do/planned during the hours you are off the computer. Reading a book, drawing, writing/journaling, etc etc
Just gotta pick something to fill in the time

Keep a water bottle with you at all times. Get a nice one, I have a crazy-ass thermoflask one. Keep it filled, and keep it in sight, and make an actual, conscious effort to drink from it. It'll turn into a habit soon enough.

Godspeed user, get those hydration gains

>Having a decent productive life
>Friend of mine comes back from abroad
>Tells me how our third world country is shit conpared to Germany and East Europe
>Suddenly I lose all focus
>Suddenly realize I have worries those people don't have
>Suddenly realize I could have a more confortable life if I was born there
>Decending to doomer state of mind

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This, whenever I coom after a nofap streak my balls hurt so fucking bad that it actually is the main reason I don't do it any more. I think I just release so much coom that I drain my balls

Threadly reminder that jannies do it for free

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day 7 nofap
tommrow I will do something very productive but it's a secret.

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What kind of nightmare third world hellhole are you from where eastern Europe could possibly be an improvement for you

May we require a hint? An announcement maybe?

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can you keep a secret, my good chum?

Grass is always greener. Americunt here, I fucking hate my life. But maybe I'm just an entitled asshole. Learn to love the struggle.

>Suddenly realize I could have a more confortable life if I was born there
>Decending to doomer state of mind
Then you remember that being born wherever you want isn't something you can choose and you having more stuff to take care of than others shows how you are more capable than the average netflix and pizza guy

r u me?

Just drink a cup of water first in the morning and one before and after every meal. Then drink a cup of water every time you go take a piss.

Seriously, my nuts hurt all the time and even after I finally busted. Coom shouldn't be backed up for more than two weeks.

I’m really working on trying to find a hobby besides vidya, vidya isn’t that fun so I just end up spending a lot of time on YouTube. I need to find something I can do for hours and not lose interest

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Do you like animals? You could go herping. I like animals.

I wanted to thank you /sig/bois. These /sig/ threads have honestly changed my life. I was honestly afraid of myself for a long time. I hated my drive, because I unironically believed I was a monster, undeserving of living. This was because of some incidents that occurred when I was a small child. Seeing plethora of people die the same way I was supposed to led to this delusion. As I applied the advice here and started working on myself, the hardest part was being okay with unleashing my drive, so I started NoFap. It forced me to face myself, and I won. These days, I feel like I finally hit the starting line to better my life. Even still, I feel great. Sad times happen. Mad times happen. It all balances out, and I'm continuing to pursue things. Sorry for the wall of text. I just wanted to thank everyone who posted and did /sig/ shit. You guys gave me the ability to take back my life. Thanks for the push, you mad lads, and never forget.

>We're all gonna make it, brahs.

Holy trips confirm, we are all gonna make it. Thanks for sharing user, I hope life gets great for you.

/adv/ hasn't got the spirit that this place has though. /sig/ is definitely fit related.

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You like making things and decent with your hands? Start making stuff with wood or metal.

You like making things and not decent with your hands? Get a 3D printer and a CAD software.

Fuse those two things together for truly neat shit.

Or you can find a good past time in hiking. Lots of sights to see out in nature my man.

The month of may is generally regarded as planting season in most of the US. You can take up gardening to grow your own food and other stuff. It's easier than you think to get started.

There's plenty of lists out there for philosophical reading and stuff like that, if you're into reading.

You can also find old broken shit and give it new life and new uses.

These are a few things I do from time to time. Not as much as it would appear though. Above all else you should keep a journal(or a log) of stuff you did throughout the day, your current goals, etc. It makes it wicked easier to keep track of your shit.

Just know you only get one shot at life. Do you want to waste it playing the vidya or do you want to make the most of it and try the best you can to succeed?

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