For my anons

For my anons

It is time to show me who you are. We are all going to make it.

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if people were to see this they would probably be able to tell who i am edition

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Have a bump, because this might be interesting.
You're a liar if you don't have a least favorite lift.

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Too lazy to look up pictures

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Hey fellas. Sorry for quality I am in phone

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I never understood why any thinks foot wear is the most important or even in any way an important piece of clothing. No one but fags look at your shoes.
Might aswel ask me what my favorite t shirt is

Why would anyone decide to hunt down the guy on le hawaiian apothecary website who likes bench presses, listens to the Doom OST, etc. Relax and have another shake, Martin.

channel name pls


Phonepost/10, not enough filters

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7.5/10, that girl is ugly

>that klokov pic
Unequivocably based


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I see you're a CA man of inn n' out taste
I can't read that

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First time doing this, this was pretty fun

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Songs:Ohia let’s go

I noticed you didn't list this
but my favorite video game is monster hunter generation ultimate and skyrim

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cute dog
this is art

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-goal body, you can do better than that
Excellent taste all around
>academy of ideas
pseud detected
++pull ups
+based autism shoes
-hating best lift

>academy of ideas
>shows the book names
>allows you to get a taste and read the material for yourself
I don't really care if I'm a pseud for liking him, and the words of a fellow incel virgin retard loser on a Indonesian chronic bedwetters forum aren't really going to affect me.

Baki-pill for me

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based hippo

As for favorite video game, I guess it would be Oblivion considering how happy I was playing it more than decade ago. Man I wish that Skyblivion would be done soon.

how do I into fish?

start off with an easy beginner fish (betta, guppy) but do your research on the species.. a lot of people think that just having a fish bowl is enough for a fish but what they don't understand is that fish are delicate creatures. You need to cycle a tank which means letting it run without any fish so that beneficial bacteria build up and get rid of toxic ammonia that fish's shit produce. Even then you have to check water chemistry like ph levels, water hardness, etc. It's a lot of hard work, trial and error, and the maintenance isn't the cheapest but honestly me personally i think the pay off is worth it.. you have a whole exotic creature dependent on you and it's also relaxing to see them preform natural behavior. Plus if you're really good at fish keeping you can make a lot of money breeding more delicate species and selling their offspring. All in all I think it's a 10/10 fit hobby because of how much discipline there is involved with doing water changes, testing water chemistry, cleaning filters, etc.

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never mind that's too fucking autistic.
that's why I like tarantulas, most low maintenance animals I've ever kept and they are gorgeous.
post body

Ask me how I know you’re black

Fuck your tarantulas I'll feed one to my arowana



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tarantulas can swim, it would just swim out.
I mean fish are cool and all but that degree of maintenance is too much for me right now.
after I get my degree I'll probably try into it, I really like aesthetic aquariums.
school is such fucking bull shit, whatever though need money

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I'm in the same situation too bro fuck school but I also need money.. maybe after i get my degree I'll dive into the tarantula world but until then I'll just appreciate the scorpion one of my buddies has

tarantulas are fucking expensive and I'm too embarrassed to disclose how much I've spent on some species.