He doesn't watch ASMR during quarantine

>he doesn't watch ASMR during quarantine
Why not?
It lowers stress and if you pick the right videos it's a free test boost too. Just make sure you hide it like a drug habit and stop once quarantine is over.


Attached: ASMR.jpg (1280x720, 119.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because is just soft porn, and porn is bad for you

>being a slave to the ear jew
user... i...

Watching this one now. Any other good recs?

Did you learn nothing from JOI in Bladerunner? Having a fake digital gf pretending she cares about you is NOT GOOD FOR YOU.

Holy shot look at all the lemming reddit comments

for me it's sleepycupcakeasmr

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Is coffee good for you?

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she did that for 10 minutes? now THAT'S autism

Listen to some while reading doujins


Or maybe you just have a dirty mind

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Yeah imagine scratching your pants for 10 minutes to earn 3.000.000views/1000*0.25-4 (let's take $1CPM)

So autistic. *cough*

i like how you're using dollar signs yet using periods instead of commas to denote 000s in your numbers. good example of american cultural imperialism :)

i need to know who this man is, so i can understand this meme

I used to fap to this shit all day

WAHH my hollywood media said its bad. Grow up and get a clue. Think for yourself.

Springbok pls come back

Whisper Crystal was the OG. AWOL for 5 years now.

I just hope she's safe, wherever she may be ;_;

I wonder if JOI was a pun on J.O.I porn genre

Imagine not watching ASMR for chads.
None of this "UwU look at my bewbies while I pretend to shave you and brush on the mic"

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this guy is an unstable retard though. I tried watching one of his videos once and out of nowhere he actually went on a 30 minute rant on why "no homo" is bullshit

I watch GF asmr because I have no GF and will never get a GF goodnight

but what if you yourself is a fake made up person pretending to want someone who cares about you because that's what real people do?

Too fat

Because I need the loneliness, anger, and stress to motivate me.

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He just tryna give your balls a goodnight tickle without saying no homo

Pelagea best girl


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it's a mild stimulant, a little is fine but you don't want to consume a stimulant every day because you shouldn't take a stimulant every day

it's from this cringe video posted about how we need to change our views on masculinity until we're a bunch of overweight pussies

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Amsr or whatever the fuck is for fucking losers who have given up it's pathetic NGMI seal of KYS. Do suicide hangs until failure or reconsider your life choices.

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It doesnt lower my stress, it just makes me extremely angry

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