What are some good high protein non-meat dishes?

What are some good high protein non-meat dishes?

I'm looking into a three bean salad, people are panic buying up meat rn.

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LOL. I knew you filthy meat eaters would transition to vegan plant base diets.

all of you are god damn hypocrites, bow down to the one and TRUE DIET. I LAUGH with all my hoard veggies and fruits, not to mention the garden ive been growing since the pandemic news issued.

god this is so fucking funny, plant based is the future, all you anons need to get your ego in check and stop eating meat.

losers checked and out

>beans full of carbs and some protein
Might as well eat bread with Whey sprinkled on top

You're gonna just wanna go all out on beans, peas, chick peas, mushrooms, tofu, and textured vegetable protein if you can get it.

My dietician said that eating things high in vitamin C (carrots, etc) with leafy greens can help your iron uptake to help make up the difference of what you're missing from the meat.

hater troll


Thanks for the good advice user.

>people are panic buying up meat rn.

i haven't had any problem finding a full selection of meat

find a butcher near you if you still want meat. The supply issue is mainly with industrially processed meat

Step 1. Go to local large animal livestock auction
Step 2. Wait and wait for the big animals to get sold to chinks and rags
Step 3. [Most important] at the very end of the auction they will trot out one day - one week old bull calves. They are from dairy farms that dont need bulls. Bid on a calf. Shouldnt cost more then a 5$ bill with (((tax)))
Step 4. Take lil baby home and whack him.
Step 5. Butcher him. Should be around 20ibs meat. Literal Veal for 5$

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Why do that when I can eat beans for more protein?

I quite like beans with some fried eggs on top. That bean salad looks fucking nasty imagine trying to convert people to this dipshit's cult with it.

"huevos rancheros" looks to be a version of what I eat that you'd actually feed other people without feeling a fucking autistic douchebag. Looks really good I should look into how the beaners use tortillas.

Eggs aren't meat don't even try telling me civilization can't afford to keep eggs of all things.

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Oh my god I just put like a pound of ham into eight eggs. That was way too much. I'm fucking dying

quinoa - lentils - beans


Another reason potatoes are the perfect food. Vitamin C and iron in one go. Oh and more potassium than bananas. And they're basically free. Fuck. I love potatoes.


I think it's been shown that Antioxidants are just marketing. Just saying. I'd still eat plants for health, financial, and taste reasons though. lol some faggots here claiming burritos give them diarrhea.

Woah dude.... What country? I'm an amerifat where can I get this dealio?!

Washington state. Theres 3 auctions on coast side alone.

Good bbq with friends. Out of frame is a cooler full of piss beer and a traeger.

Clean that fucking barn/ garage you’re in. It looks like you’re in Russia.

You're evil and kys

Its a friends on the rez. Worse then russia.

Kys vegan soiboy faggot. Humans are made to eat meat, Killing animals and eating them is what God willed.

yum what are those green ones and red ones?

pathetic human being

based false-flagger

It's a fucking animal raised for slaughter. Get the fuck out of here.

Eat seitan, easy to make at home and high protein. Just need wheat gluten nutritional yeast and water.

It sounds kinda gay, but honestly the beyond meat burgers are not fucking bad at all

bean 1 and bean 2, the othe bean is bean 3

100g of protein from meat/dairy is better than 200g of protein from beans and grains

you say that like it's a bad thing


Look into textured vegetable protein
100g serve = 355 cals with 50g protein.
You can flavour it any way you like and it's cheap