Was he homo, Yas Forums?

was he homo, Yas Forums?

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like, so homo

No but you are

i'll say it every time i see this guy now.

such a fucking waste.


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context pls?

He got his legs and balls blown off by some derka derkas.

What's his name or nickname?


Joined the military, got fucked up by another military.

Justin Lascek. He was (still is really) a badass, was a green beret. Ran the fitness website 70's Big.

justin lascek, runs a website call 70s big.

Join the Green Berets, it'll be fun.

Attached: justin.jpg (750x750, 116.95K)

>Missing half his body
>Still exudes gigachad energy
What a testament to mankind

Fuck. I remember watching one of his videos years ago about OHP form and it was mad helpful. Fuck this gay earth.

He was on Joe Rogan's podcast youtube.com/watch?v=p2G7buZ2JSg

Attached: 4.jpg (640x640, 53.74K)

Found the video I was talking about:

I'll DL in his honour tomorrow.

A cuck for Israel got rekt but some sand niggers

A Chad who got his legs taken off by Isis. He can squat in his prosthetic legs

Hard to believe his legs went from that to this

Attached: 4.jpg (640x640, 74.66K)

shame he got his legs and balls blown off fighting for the juice.
his 70sbig stuff was pretty neat, the whole concept was awesome

Hahahahahahaha. Goodbye gains and pussy hahahahahaha.

>work years for aesthetic legs
>spend thousands of dollars on T
>countless hours lifting and eating right
>some sand nigger blows them off with a bomb he made in his shed while your getting paid $12 an hour


10th group master race

justin was so hot

Attached: up_here_anon.webm (640x360, 1.11M)

someone give me a tl;dr of his paleo for lifters book

fuck u queer justin hates fags

He's gonna get prosthetics and still be able to work upperbody and slay puss with his magic metal legs

His balls got blown off

Only one.

he can still get pegged and cum from prostate orgasm

>he thinks he needs balls to slam puss
kek at all of you who have your full body but stacy will still pass you up for him as you stay a 27 khv
>inb4 I dont even want a turbo slut, I just want teen love
bitch, that's all you fags on this site lust for: a stacy to wet your dick

amazing watching you try rationalize getting your ball(s) blown off is actually not that bad.
>b-b-but you don't need balls to slam puss!
smells like COPE to me

>newfag didn’t know the homobait kings


>someone in the military
>a badass

literally who also why we're acting like 165kg are impressive