Reminder that we all lift for him
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Not sure about the religious idolization of him, if that serves any good purpose really
I think about uncle A every time I'm gassing out on a run or feeling weak on a lift. It helps me push through.
Yea I don't think we should idolize him either. He wasn't a god or anything just a really nice guy.
nothing in this picture is inaccurate. also, who wouldn't want to wear a knitted sweater and dance around in a field? sounds cash
Czeched. Is he with us??
no I don't lift for hitler, I'm sexually active
Blessed thread
I have sex frequently and still kind of like Hitler
ho-hoo, I wouldn't say that. Nice is definitely not the first word that comes to mind when describing the man. I actually think "god" is the more relevant description of the two, despite what I just said lol
I have had sex but didn't find it too interesting so I dont care for it anymore
I also lift for hitler
and am not white
>thinks he isn't r*ddit because he fell for the Yas Forumsmeme
chill out I only go on Yas Forums and /fa/ for /frag/
Why would any sane man go to /fa/ though?
/fa/ is like a delicacy man, you don't want too much of it
Hitler literally ruined any chance fascism had at appealing to normies
true that
wtf I love hitler now
for once OP was not a faggot
heil o/
He did the right thing at the time, at least for Germanics. He saw what would happen if they didn't fight for their lives
Makes sense. No one that’s actually white larps as nazis
you're thinking of jews
that's why you go the Italian or Romanian fascist direction. or Strasserist if you want to maintain the connection with German national socialism.
I’m reading Mein Kampf right now and Hitler actually had some pretty good ideas even if you were to cut out any mention of the Jews
oops forgot pic
I count my sets of burpees
and do sets of 14
on the last set I do 4 extra to build the 4th Reich and do 88 total
Most of his beef with jews was completely legit tho
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Lmao no. If Hitler hadn't been a complete retard Germany would still be fascist today. Literally no one cared about the holocaust, he just kept invading neighboring countries
I don't really care what the original Hitler actually did or what some of his other fans want
Hitler and Nazism are the last symbols for those of us who want society to stop being shit. It's the only symbol that can never be coopted from us, commercialized, declawed. it is a symbol for a better tommorrow.
Which part are you at? Still on Volume 1?
I know, I’m more saying that for normies who can’t get past his anti-Semitism and think that’s the only thing he had to say. He had some really intelligent criticisms of representative democracy, for example. He points out that a democracy like the US or UK or germany with a Congress/Parliament/Bundestag allow corruption and selfishness to go unchallenged because when a representative makes a decision that is corrupt of detrimental to the people, they can just blame it on “the system” and never be held accountable. It’s obvious when you think about it but I hadn’t ever thought about it that way
The Jews won. They rewrote the history books and the laws. They control all the money. They spread out and infiltrated every Western country, syphoning them for more money, not caring about the long term consequences of the nation because they have no connection to the land or the people and know they always have their ethnostate to go back to when shit hits the fan.
I'm not even a big Hitler guy, but literally fascism is the only economy that isn't Jewish controlled opposition and there is zero chance of fascism coming back to power this millennium because of all the money and power the Rothchilds and co wield.
It's literally over. You can't even mention the objective facts because you'll lose your job or go to jail for hate speech. All we can do while they are actively pushing for our extinction is surviving by having lots of kids and raising them with traditional European values in minecraft.
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Well he was the second coming of Jesus, soooo