100 training weeks vs 1 meek

>you try to become best version of yourself
>hop through loops to impress her and seem funny and charming
>have to work on her for long ass time to date her because she doesnt want to sleep with you early, to not seem slutty cause you could be relationship material
>broke dude with tatts calls her a slut and she sucks his dick drunk during party
If this reality check doesn't make you understand that lifting is pointless and your self improvement efforts are less than meaningless, I think you are too stupid or too delusional to be allowed to live.

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I mogg him just because I'm white


great thread bro, really fitness related

shit you're right bro. I'm going to stop doing anything that will improve my life now.

>I've never done nor will ever do anything constructive or useful with my life
>I cope by training to explain away my failed existence with bullshit incel logic

i wrote this post

yes i am 27 kissless virgin
and this is my face

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Im so autistic I cuck other men by accident, and its all thanks to being Yas Forums.

you look like you molest kids

You could be the bull instead of the cuck if you didn't look like pic related op

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You're hot you should fuck

I knew you reminded me of someone

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around dozen of girls i asked out seems to disagree

There’s a conspiracy here I know it. This thread has been posted too much

op posted a post that i wrote like 2 days ago in one of threads with similar vibe

ye it is blackpilled incelposting that doesnt belong on fit

that nose, always the jews man

you look like julius caesar if he were a faggot.

Some guy with a mental illness thinks it's a good use of his time to start this thread over and over again.


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based meekspill

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is this supposed to be a good face? ahahhaha
Never change fit, never change

>he don't know about boomerchad
fucking newfag

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I don’t want every woman in the world to stop improving and give up on their sexuality because a model might randomly decide to fuck me at a party or something.
Sex isn’t everything, you incels need to understand that. Humble yourselves about your appearance but also find a girl that’s humbled about her appearance. Relationships are built on trust not raw meaningless fucking.
If you’re worried about a girl messing around because she goes to parties find a girl that doesn’t do that, or do and be prepared for the potential problems.

that doesn't matter nigga, people arent also deluded sex is only thing relationships are about

the issue is that when you find girl X and try to show yourself in good light (responsible, good mannered etc) she WILL act like shes purest, never seen dick , sort of deal. And trick you into thinking you struck gold.

Meanwhile more attractive dude than you has fucked her raw in toilet stall last week after knowing her for 30minutes, but you will never know about it

That’s also a thing, don’t worry about her previous partners. Actually get to know her and decide from there. I said you have to find someone that’s honest. If someone’s “raw dogged her in the toilet” maybe that’s not someone to pursue a serious relationship. y’all just don’t want to lower your standards or are too hung up and possessive.
Girls are people not your personal fuck slaves and it says a lot that you’re so hung up about the sex portion of the interaction with them.

once again
it doesnt matter what she du
id before because YOU WILL NEVER KNOW
If she wants she will manipulate you, and you will believe her.

Not every woman on earth is a lying manipulative sex addict user

just most of them

The way you find them out is you get their female friends drunk and they start talking stories from past

Sounds like you’re either a degenerate that hangs out with drug addicts or you’re a larper incel concocting fantasies

not drug addicts but not first class women either
so you are kinda right there

What do you incelfags get from spreading your bullshit? Is this some kinda fucked up fetish? Weirdoes.

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getting mogged by a man who is in the top 0.01% of human genetics is not something that should bother you. he mogs everyone
he literally went from a homeless felon to a BILLIONAIRE through nothing other than his looks. there is not a man on earth who has benefited from his physical appearance more than meeks

>don’t worry about her previous partners

I’m guessing you were raised by a single mother who had like 5-10 different boyfriends so you think that’s normal and okay

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