I don't know why everyone's complaining about gyms not being open...

I don't know why everyone's complaining about gyms not being open. I've been doing bodyweight exercises and getting great results. Just thought I'd share.

Pic is me after a tough workout session.
Solid pump.

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Based DYEL bro.

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Bro should have used a better angle

H-how are your triceps so small?

Holy fuck. Do you train bis and tris at all?

where the absolute fuck are your traps, looks like the chicken dinner i had yesterday

your chest looks like hairy tits
stop flexing them like that

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This made me smile I’ll remember this thread anytime I feel bad about myself thanks

guys how do I delete my own thread?

Just having fun bro, who cares? You're stuck staring at yourself in the mirror everyday, only thing that changes how you really look is how you lift, eat and recover. Don't take photofrauding so seriously. It is okay to take unflattering pictures sometimes. Pretty much all I do lmao, everything else is false advertising.

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I've never taken a selfie in my life, because I'm not a retarded faggot. If I need a photo for an online profile I have it professionally done and retouched so I look amazing.

Get real, queers. Stop preening over yourself in the mirror like shitdicks and women.

Damn, this guy right here never fucks. Based.

Beat me to it.

What about this one

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is coffee good for you?

Why do the abs look photoshopped?

>All shoulders and spaghetti arms
Teach me ur ways

Do pushups and don't eat

what think of me arm? i dont work out but i doo doo PHYSICAL LABOR with me pops. im gonna start workout for reals this time though. no more quitting! >:(

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nice trips



Pretty bad bodies, u guys need to focus more on lats, delts and triceps.

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Bro why do your pecs look like a retarded hammerhead shark hahahaha

Better luck next time w/ the genes

You need to stop taking your shit so seriously.

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Based Skelly poster

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Dyel fuck, stop doing 30min bullshit and actually work your back for 2hours straight, lots of rows heavy and put volume. Many sets and gains will come

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And what is your fat back meant to demonstrate? What not to do? I have shits with more muscle tone than you.

Your backs have no character

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So when are you gains gonna show up?

I have an Ohio power bar but no weights, it's been only arms for me but I'm also a fatfuck so I have no definition

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You have an NPC back. But still better than

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Retarded European fuck

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Yeah, my arms are looking veiny as fuck and I think I’m getting leaner ever since I started just doing dumbbells and body weight exercises without a gym. I question whether barbell lifts were making me fat

Another white dyel, go blow your legs off for Israelis.

what the fuck lol

Kys weird bozo, you look like you wipe your ass with TP, disgusting fuck.

stop eating fatass

I've found a lot to do without weights. Stuffed my gym bag with guns, ammo, canned goods, and a bowling ball and use it as a dumb bell. Pick up a window AC unit repeatedly. Handstand push-ups against the wall. Pike push ups on the ac unit with feet on the futon. It's been kind of fun, I may cancel my gym membership.

Never said I was extreme lean you stupid son of a bitch. I'm gonna bulk to 185 then cut.

If you're bleaching your asshole that's probably the only part of your body you should post since you clearly aren't taking care of any of the rest of your shit.

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