Routine thread

post your routine

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day one: upper body
day two: lower body

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do you do compounds for lower? if you do compounds are you working your erectors 2 days in a row?

does that hit your lats and upper back enough?

I mean rows twice a week I think is fine, plus isometric work in rdls and deadlifts

wake up
run then pick up shit from the store
eat breakfast,get ready for work then fuck around on my computer
go to work
>12:30-22:45 or 22:50
fuck around at work
get home
clean house and work clothes
go to sleep

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nmv im retarded i didnt see rows

At home:
Curl Ups x Failure
Pull Ups x Failure
Ab Wheel x 20
Hanging sit ups x 25
20lb Arnie Press x 30
20lb curls x Failure
10lb lat raises x Failure
Squat Jumps x 40


Old routine
>7:30 - Wake up
>8:30 Leave for class
>9:30 to 4:30 - Study at college with friends and 2 qt3.14s
>5:30 - Get home from class
>6:30 - Pump with highschool friends
>8:30 - Get home and relax (sometimes finish assignments from school)
>9:30 - play PS4 with same friends from the gym
>11:30 - Go to bed

New Routine
>11:30 - Wake up
>12:00 - Play vidya/guitar/scroll/youtube
>6:00 - Workout
>7:00 play vidya/guitar/scroll/youtube
>10:00 - Start Drinking while playing vidya/guitar/scroll/youtube
>2:00 am - try to sleep
>5:00 am - fall asleep

Miss the old ways bros

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I want to do a powerlifting routine and big up my big 4. I'm thinking each one once a week is good for my level. I'm gonna go with the juggernaut method if I don't hear about something I like better this weekend.
But what do I do about my back? Add some pull-ups? Rows? How much can I get away with before it's too much volume to do the program?

Gyms are closed, bought a kettlebell and some off-brand trx cables from walmart so I do:

AM: run 2.25 miles 5 days out of the week
PM: push, pull, legs, push, pull, legs, rest

Push workout:
push-ups: 5 x 30 reps, 1 - 2 min rest b/t sets
tricep dips (on counter): 5 x 30 reps, 1 min rest b/t sets
side raise & front raise w/ kettlebell: 3 sets of 8 on right arm, 8 on left arm, 10 w/ both arms in front. rest 30 sec after the front raise
wide grip push-ups: 5 x 20, superset w/ 1 min plank

Pull workout:
overhand TRX row: 3x20, 30 sec rest b/t sets
underhand TRX row: 3x20 superset w/ 20 upright rows w/ kettlebell
neutral gripTRX row: 3x20 superset w/ 20 upright rows w/ kettlebell
TRX bodyweight curl: 3x15, 30 sec rest b/t sets

bodyweight squats: 5x60, 2 min rest b/t sets
standing calf raises: 5x20, 30 sec rest b/t sets
rear-foot elevated single leg squats: 5x20 each leg, 1 min rest b/t sets

Hold on brother, this won't be forever and we will emerge mentally ripped from it.

Fine ill post it
>Noon - Wake up eat breakfast
>12:30 - Lift
>3:00 - eat lots of food
>3:30 - spend rest of day reading manga, drawing, watching anime/youtube, shitposting, talking with friends and playing vidya
>5:00 am - go to sleep
not underage, i squat in an abandoned mansion and just raid a farm nearby for food


I look upon my old ways with smile and gratitude. Things I've taken for granted fade away one coom at a time.

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>wake up at 7
>do WHATEVER IT TAKES for 16 hours str8
>go to bed
>repeat tomorrow

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> i squat in an abandoned mansion and just raid a farm nearby for food

Close Grip Bench 3x10
Chinups 3x10
Behind Neck Press 3x10
Leg Press 3x10
Leg Curl 3x10

core work on off days

Track your guitar the same way you do your workouts. Speedtraining a track, improv, scales, whatever. Add in some ear training. Learn another new skill on top of that, doesn't fucking matter what it is. There you go, back on track. If not having a schedule breaks you, make a fucking schedule.

The guitar definitely helps with boredom.
Wouldn't say im going crazy in quarantine either, im a pretty independent person

I'm fairly certain the Juggernaut method has some pull ups in there.

I was just gonna do pic related with the big 4. I didn't buy the book or anything.

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0900 - wake up
0901 to 1130 - coom
1130 to 1131 - take a zinc supplement and eat a bagel
1131 to 1800 - coom
1801 to 1802 - eat a banana
1802 to 0000 - coom
0001 to 0859 - wet dreams

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I dont miss the old world at all

New routine as of last week:
>wake up 5am/sunrise
>realize the love of my life just left me
>contemplate neckhangs x1
>chug 300mg caffeine drink by 630am
>get the shakes around 7
>forced to lift otherwise I'll get a horrible headache/bubbleguts
>20 rep pushups for 5 sets
>165lb OHP 10 reps for 3 sets
>110lb barbell curl 10 reps for 3 sets
>20 rep squats for 5 sets
>205lb calf raises 20 reps for 5 sets
>365lb Romanian diddlys 10 reps for 3 sets
>165lb horizontal bent-over rows 10 reps for 3 sets

Stretch later in the afternoon, spend maybe 1 to 2 days off during the week doing solely stretching or calisthenics to keep shit limber. Gonna kill myself one of these days let's GOOOOO

this guy's got bigbrain prostrats you wouldn't understand

If you kill yourself, you have to do one of the following:
1. dress up in a wetsuit with a snorkel & mask and flippers, put a solo cup full of water at the bottom of a tall building, and dive from the tall building into the cup.
2. Dress up as the burger king, go into a McDonalds, order a Big Mac, stand up on a table, cry, and then shoot yourself in the head.

4-5 days a week, split between "short" and "long" days

>Short day:
-60 punches for left and right arm while holding 2kg.
- 10 rounds of 3 minutes on reflex bag with 30 second breaks

>Long day
- 60 punches both left and right holding 2kg
- 30 minute run aiming for 5km
- 12 minute HIIT full body workout
- 11 minute shadow boxing

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