I'm putting together a team.
Attached: 97502a11714f5552dbebbb86669ca685.png (1000x1236, 1.22M)
Let's do this
Attached: 1588274836896.jpg (1080x1328, 667.27K)
You may need soots for the coofs
Attached: 1588185933356.jpg (244x344, 21K)
You called?
Attached: crp.png (692x399, 208.19K)
Is this the team of people who look terrible?
I'll take care of you guys
Attached: Vladimir_Putin_12023.jpg (220x292, 12.23K)
Where to chief?
Attached: 1563448159236.jpg (600x778, 26.17K)
I’ll lay down suppressing fire
Pick me, goy.
Attached: shlomoshekelstein.jpg (640x480, 27.24K)
I assume you will need leadership?
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leave him alone. hes just livin life
Where should I put my shoes?
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I'm ready, coach.
Attached: 145dz4pgw8r41.jpg (747x1000, 97.29K)
I um, umm
I never pick
I always pick up a call.
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Holy shit.... he looks like Doctor Braniac
You have some balls in coming to ask for help after what you did to me...
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I've assembled my boys
Attached: bout your size.png (655x488, 470.28K)
I'll run decoy
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thats the type of woman you marry when you're secretly gay and just want the financial stability that comes with a spouse.
not even asian, but this shit stings.
Do women really think he's an alpha?
One look at his wife is enough to answer that.
god imagine how much she mustv'e resented her husband after this? not like outright but little by little,over time
recon here. found some whale lovers in the fph
Attached: bruh.jpg (640x893, 105.35K)
I promise you she is 100% used to it and expects it from him.